OneRing.Net: That Photo a FAKE?!
OneRing.Net: That Photo a FAKE?!
From: Xoanon
Subject: That Photo a FAKE?! News Story:
See earlier story... Scoop Images: Mirror Snaps Bilbo’s House.

ID4 has sent me some startling news! This may not be accurate, but ID4 does have some expierence in the field of CGI art, he first sent me this:
I am a CG animator. And the supposed shot of Bag End is not a photo but a CG frame...First off, look at the shadows on the chimney and around the gate, this is always a sign of animation. If not done correctly you have shadows where shadows should not be. Also. Look at the Bree photos and compare to the photo of Bag End. Does Bag End look strained in color and not clear. This also is a sign of animation. What I want to know is why there is a person in the garden. I don’t think someone would be tending a garden in a spy shot! Any more questions let me know.
I did want to know more! So I asked him for some proof, and he sent me along some! Check out the Spy Reports for his theory! WARNING SPOILER INFO THERE!
Could The Mirror have faked it? Why not? There was that flop with Prince Williams face, on the wedding shot. If anyone has any more proof or they're CGI experts, drop me a line!
See Also:
and... Scoop Images: Bree Is Spooky At Night.
Scoop thanks its content partner for assistance in bringing you this item.