The Pakistani military commander General Parvaiz Musharraf has just addressed the Pakistani people via a live television and radio address explaining the circumstances behind this mornings coup. The address was carried live on International television.
General Musharraf said the Pakistan military was committed to maintaining order in Pakistan and criticised the displaced Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for creating dissension and undermining Pakistan’s institutions and economy.
He said the PM had been motivated in his actions by self-serving motives.
The General said his had was forced when the PM turned on the army and attempted to destabilise it.
He appeared to be particularly upset that he had been sacked from his job as chief of the military while in Sri Lanka and said that when he tried to return his plane was turned away from Karachi airport endangering the lives of the plane’s passengers.
He said the Pakistan Military had moved
swiftly to prevent the PM from succeeding in his actions and
warned outside nations not to take advantage of the