The situation in Dili is tense on day four of "operation stabilise" after the militias - or perhaps the rogue TNI units - claimed their first victim yesterday - a journalist.
Images Of New Zealand Forces In "Operation Stabilise"
- Scoop Images: Seasprite Takes To The Air - Warning (320k) [1] - Scoop Images: Te Kaha In Darwin [2] - Scoop Images: Kiwi Gun Ship [3] - Scoop Images: Loading Hercules At Ohakea [4] - Scoop Images: Helicopter Overhead [5] all in the Headlineswire.
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Warning To Western Media Found In Dili St
- The body of a Dutch reporter for London’s Financial Times Newspaper has been found in a Dili suburb. Yesterday he set out on the back of a motorbike. The driver of the motorcycle returned without the journalist, saying they had been ambushed. Today he was found with his ear cut off holding his notebook and lying in a pool of blood. In another incident two journalists were rescued in a operation involving the peacekeeping forces in the early hours of the morning. See... Be Afraid - Media Welcomed To Dili By Death [1] and the News Monitor wire for more details as news comes to hand.
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Scoop Exclusive – The Situation In Kupang
- As hostilities against western journalists and aid workers intensify in East and West Timor tonight, Scoop speaks to World Vision worker and journalist, James Addis. He has been camped up in Kupang, West Timor since Saturday night [NZ Time] and describes ... for more see... Militia Control Camps - Hostilities Intensif [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Australia’s New Role In Asia
- Post-Timor, Australia will upgrade its defence forces and embrace a new role as the United States' peacekeeping "deputy" in Asia. John Howard reports. See... Australia To Become America's Peacekeeping Deputy [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Troops In Timor Underpaid
- The government is under fire for underpaying our defence forces after revelations that our Australian counterparts are paid significantly more. Australian peacekeepers receive an allowance of $147 a day, untaxed. Kiwi peacekeepers get a taxable allowance of $22 a day plus a non-taxable allowance of $19.60 a day. An Australian corporal earns $37,500 whereas a Kiwi corporal earns $31,000.
An Evolving Japan Takes On
Security Mantle
- Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi has said that discussions are underway to modify the laws governing the country’s Self Defense Forces in order to allow active participation in the U.N. mission in East Timor. See... East Timor Crisis Accelerates Japan’s Evolution [1] in the Headlines wire.
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In A Significant Post APEC Development...
- The World Bank reversed its opposition to short-term capital controls and announced that Malaysia's experiment with capital controls was, in effect, a success. See... World Bank Reverses Position on Financial Controls [1] in the Headlines wire. Meanwhile US farmers are calling for more tariffs saying they merely help pay for American infrastructure which supports importers while in a related story, Britain has approved an emergency aid package, converted to NZ dollars, of $ 450 million to help farmers. See... US Farmers Call For More Tariffs [2] also in the Headlines wire.
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The Nation Writer Freed And Deported
- The following is a selection of news items, and internet based media advisories on the status of American Jounalist Allan Nairn who has now been freed by Indonesian authorities and deported to Singapore. See... Journalist Allan Nairn Freed - Now In Singapore [1] in the Headlines wire.
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No Trouble In Dili - Provinces Another Story
- The peacekeeping in Dili is still running smoothly as troops from the multinational force continue to pour into the area. Some militia have been arrested and their weapons confiscated but no shots have been fired. However the Timorese refugees in the hills around Dili are still being terrorised by the pro-Jakarta militia and thousands of refugees have been forced into West Timor against their will.
Greens Say Stop Kiwi Firm Fixing Indonesian
War Planes
- We should not stand by while a Kiwi firm helps refit two Indonesian Air Force Skyhawks, say the Greens. See… NZ Should Stop Indonesian Skyhawk Repairs [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Vote For Independence - Habibe
- Indonesian President BJ Habibe has told the Indonesian parliament to let the province of East Timor go and to honour the overwhelming vote for independence. In the same address he also lashed out at Australia for overstepping the line in terms of intefering in other nations affairs.