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Today's Scoops
The New Media Revolution
- There is a new media revolution under way. You may not notice it if you are still getting the bulk of your information from Richard or Judy or Carol and John - or even the daily newspapers. John Howard reports. See... The New Media Revolution [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Violence Threatens Timor Stability
- The consistent failure of the Indonesian authorities to guarantee the safety and security for all East Timorese in the run up to the ballot on 30 August poses a dangerous precedent for the future of the troubled territory, Amnesty International said today. See... Failure To Curb Violence Threatens Timor Stability [1] in the General wire.
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Students Not Enthused By A Brighter Future
- Student
groups across the country have been almost unanimous in
their rejection of the government's 5 Steps announcement.
Here is a sample: The New Zealand University Students
Association has led the charge saying the privatisation of
education continues and that the announcement will be bad
for women. See… Privatisation of Tertiary Education
Continues [1] and Bleakly Sexist Future for Tertiary
Women [2] . However the Young Nationals have slammed the
NZUSA critique, saying "Who The Hell Is NZUSA?" [3] . Auckland
University Students' Association say their students are
angry at the announcement. See… Auckland Students Angered At 5 Steps [4]
. The Aotearoa Polytechnic Student Uni
on says the
announcement is inconsistent with previous announcements.
See… Mixed Messages From Government [5] and
To Those Who Have It Shall Be Given [6]
. All in the Politics wire. In the Education wire
the Massey University Students' Association say 'Five Steps Ahead' Still Leaves Students
Behind [7] and the Otago Association says the National Government Abandons Education
[8] .
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Nats On Offensive Over Timberlands - Labour Bite Back
- The National Party continue to go on the front foot over allegations in the new book Secrets and Lies. Today SOE Minister Tony Ryall says Nicky Hager colluded with Labour over the book. See... Labour and Hager Conspired Against Coasters [1] in the Parliament wire. Meanwhile Labour Leader Helen Clark said today that the Prime Minister's constantly shifting stance on her involvement, and the involvement of her staff, with Timberlands and its public relations company comes as no surprise. See... What's today's version, Prime Minister? [2] in the Parliament wire. Today Native Forest Action challenged critics to Read 'Secrets And Lies' Before Talking About it [3] , in the Politics wire.
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More WINZ Waste?
- Green MP Rod Donald today revealed that WINZ has paid nearly quarter of a million dollars in rent for vacant offices. See... WINZ Pays $240,000 For Empty Offices [1] in the Parliament wire. Donald also says that in the week that Christine Rankin was being reprimanded, 300 WINZ staff were attending a three day conference in a Wellington hotel. See... WINZ Conferences Continue [2] in the Parliament wire. While we are on WINZ, Victoria University students are not impressed with a new bungle this week. See... WINZ passes the buck to students? [3] in the Education wire.
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Winz And New Media Top Scoops Today
- Scoop's top 20 rating stories as of 2.50pm were a mixed bunch. See…Scoop Ratings - New Media And Winz Top List [1] in the News Monitor wire.
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Cable Car Not For Sale
- The Wellington City Council has decided not to pursue the proposed sale of the Wellington Cable Car but want the well-loved Wellington icon's operators to think outside the square. See... Cable Car will not be sold [1] in the Business wire.
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Stoneleigh Vineyards Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc Honoured In
Europe Again
- A Marlborough sauvignon blanc has won a gold medal in a competition held in association with one of Europe's top wine fairs. Stoneleigh Vineyards Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 1998 scored 18.5 points out of a possible 20. See... Stoneleigh's Marl. Sav Blanc Honoured In Europe [1] in the Business wire.
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Cannabis Party A Sideshow?
- The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party respond to comments in Jonathan Hill's column yesterday that the ALCP have little credibility and are a political sideshow. Here Adrian Picot documents some policies. See... ALCP A Political Sideshow? [1] in the Headlines wire. See yesterday's column... Cannabis Out Of Closet, But Don't Hold Your Breath [2] , also in the Headlines wire.While comment from the mainstream political parties is predictably thin, the Libertarianz have a clear position. See... Nanny's Cannabis Spat [3] in the Politics wire.
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New National Library Info System Launched Today
- Education Minister Nick Smith today launched Te Puna, the National Library's new on-line information access system and announced that he had approved the National Library's restructuring plan. See... Te Puna Launches New Era For National Library [1] in the Parliament wire. Also in the Parliament wire, read Dr Smith's speech to open Te Puna. See... Official Launch Of Te Puna [2] .
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The Positive Side To Piracy
- Microsoft New Zealand has settled five legal actions and announced a positive side to software piracy moves. See... Microsoft Steps Up Software Piracy Enforcement [1] in the Business wire.
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Bill Birch On INCIS
- In answer to questions received yesterday afternoon from the Dominion, Finance Minister Sir William Birch replied saying... See...Bill Birch Answers Dominion INCIS Questions [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Slow Down Wyatt Says Jim
- Health Minister Wyatt Creech should leave the appointment of the next Health & Disability Commissioner to the new government, says Alliance Leader Jim Anderton. See... Leave Health Commissioner Appointment to new Govt [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Alliance Unhappy With Dr Don
- Alliance leader Jim Anderton says the Governor of the Reserve Bank is becoming so politically partisan, his position at the head of the bank is becoming untenable. See... Brash's position becoming untenable [1] in the Parliament wire.
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User Pays Water Boss Resigns
- David Howell, who was the driving force behind the establishment of user pays water provider Metrowater two year's ago, has resigned. Mr Howell will leave at the end of this month. See... Metrowater's User Pays Stalwart Resigns [1] in the Auckland wire.
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Abortion/Breast Cancer Link Disputed
- Women's Health Action executive director, Sandra Coney, today disputed the claim of a visiting doctor, Dr Joel Brind, that abortion increased the risk of breast cancer. See... Abortion/Breast Cancer Link Disputed [1] in the General wire.
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Christian Heritage Support Feminist Lobby
- The Christian Heritage Party says they support efforts by feminist lobby groups to have the Rock FM billboards removed, claiming "they are offensive to both men and women". See... Christian Heritage Support Feminist Lobby [1] in the Politics wire.
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New Cardphones Installed Today
- The first of Telecom's 6,500 new Payphones are being installed today. See... Telecom Launches New Payphone Network [1] in the Business wire.
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A Brighter Future - Five Steps Ahead
- The Bright Future programme is one of the ways the Government will contribute to building a stronger, more diversified economy in the future says Treasurer Bill English. See... Speech to Bright Future Launch, Avalon, 18 August [1] in the Parliament wire.
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- Labour Leader Helen Clark says the policy is a joke and little more than an exercise in hand-wringing at a time when the New Zealand economy needs leadership and action from government - A pitiful Nats hand-wringing exercise - Clark [1] . - Michael Cullen says the launch is out to lunch [2] . - The Alliance's Liz Gordon says the best investment in the knowledge economy is education [3] - Richard Prebble says the scheme is three steps forward, two steps back and will eventually suck $100 million out of rural economies. See... $100 Million Grab From Agriculture - Prebble [4] . However John Luxton denies this, saying Agriculture is a part of the knowledge economy. See... Luxton - Agriculture Is Part Of Knowledge Economy [5] . - The Green Party say todays science announcements push New Zealand down the path of genetic engineering. See... Govt. Pushes NZ Along Genetic Engineering Path [6] .
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- The APSU Student Union observes- To Those Who Have It Shall Be Given [1] - and Libertarianz says it's a Brain Drain Briber [2] . - The New Zealand Intellectual Capital Foundation is delighted with yesterday's announcement. See... Government Gets It Right Says Hi-Tech Leaders [3] . - The Employers Federation says the announcement is a step in the right direction. See... Bright Future Step In Right Direction [4] . - The New Zealand University Students' Association say the Privatisation of Tertiary Education Continues [5] .
[1] -
- Jenny Shipley - Bright Future Package A Challenge For All
NZers [1] - Max Bradford - Preparing Tertiary Education For The
Future [2] - Nick Smith - Students And Teachers Primed For Knowledge
Economy [3] - Max Bradford - Building New Zealand's Knowledge Base
[4] . - Max Bradford - Cutting Red Tape - Removing Regulatory
Roadblocks [5] . - Max Bradford - Growing Good Ideas And Making Them Work
[6] - Bill English - Backyard Brilliance Into Jobs And
Incomes [7]
- Max Bradford - . Tax Compliance Costs Reduced [8] - Max
Bradford - Building A Bright Future [9]
- It appears Scoop readers are reading the Brighter Future avidly - Scoop is headed for a second consecutive daily record - keep it up and tell your friends :) - the Scoop team. Brighter Future Ratings [1] in the News Monitor Wire.
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