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Katya Rivas' Passion: The Last Supper to Gethsemane

Over the final 9 days of Lent and Easter 2022 Scoop will be publishing a serialisation of Katya Rivas’s “The Passion”. To order a video about Katya’s work visit “A plea to humanity”

The Passion

Reflections that Jesus makes on the mystery of His suffering and the value it has on the Redemption.

Cochabamba — Bolivia Spanish Editions: 1996 and 1998 - English 1st Edition - November 1999

Katya Rivas' Passion : The Last Supper
Extract 2

Now let us go to the story of My Passion… The story that shall give glory to the Father and holiness to other chosen souls…

The night before I was betrayed was a night full of joy because of the Paschal Supper, the inauguration of the Eternal Banquet at which human beings must sit to feed themselves of Me.

If I were to ask Christians, “What do you think of this Supper,” surely many would say that it is the place of their delight but few would say that it is My delight… There are souls who take Communion, not for the joy that they experience but for the joy that I feel; they are few because the rest only come to Me to ask for gifts and favors.

I embrace all the souls that come to Me because I came to Earth to expand the Love in which I embrace them. And since love does not grow without sorrows; little by little I take away the sweetness, to leave the souls in dryness. Thus, they fast from their own joy to make them understand that their focus should be on another desire: Mine.

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Why do you talk about dryness as if it were a sign of a diminishing of My Love? Have you forgotten that if I do not give happiness, you must taste your dryness and other sorrows?

Come to Me, souls, but know that it is only I who wills everything and who incites you to look for Me. If you only knew how much I appreciate unselfish love and how it will be acknowledged in Heaven! O, how the soul who possesses it shall rejoice!

Learn from Me, dear souls, to love only to please the One who loves you… You shall have sweetness, and much more than what you leave; you shall enjoy so much of whatever I have made you capable. It is I who prepared the Banquet. I am the nourishment! How then, can I let you sit at My table and let you fast? I promised you that whoever feeds on Me shall not go hungry again… I serve Myself as these things to reveal My Love to you. Listen to what My priests say, for they use this Paschal feast to lead you to Me, but do not stop at that which is human, otherwise, you shall nullify the other purpose of this feast.

Nobody can say that My Supper has become their nourishment when they only experience sweetness… For Me, love grows in as much as they deny themselves.

Many priests are so because I wanted to make them My ministers, not because they truly follow Me… Pray for them! They should offer My Father the sorrow that I felt when in the Temple I knocked down the benches of the merchants and I reproached the ministers of that time for having turned the house of God into an assembly of moneymakers.

When they asked Me under what authority had I done that, I felt an even greater sorrow in proving that the worst denial of My Mission came precisely from My ministers.

For that reason, pray for the priests that treat My Body with a sense of habit and, therefore, with very little love.

You will soon know that I had to tell you this because I love you and because I promise the remission of all temporal punishment owed those who pray for My priests. There shall be no Purgatory for those who grieve for the lukewarm priests, but rather they will go to Paradise immediately after their last breath.

And now, let Me embrace you again in order for you to receive the life that I, with infinite joy, made you part of.

That night with infinite Love, I washed the feet of My Apostles because it was the culminating moment in which to present My Church to the world.

I wanted My souls to know that even when they may be weighted down with the greatest sins, they are not excluded from graces. They are with My most faithful souls; they are in My Heart receiving the graces that they need.

I felt such sorrow at that moment knowing that, represented in Judas, My Apostle, there were so many souls gathered at My feet and cleansed so many times with My Blood, yet they were to be lost! At that moment, I wanted to teach sinners that just because they have sinned, they should not distance themselves from Me thinking that there is no recourse and that they will never be loved as much as before they sinned. Poor souls! These are not the feelings of a God who has poured out all His Blood for you. Come to Me all of you and do not be afraid, because I love you. I shall cleanse you with My Blood and you shall be as white as snow. I shall drown your sins in the water of My Mercy and nothing will be able to snatch from My Heart the Love that I have for you.

My beloved, I have not chosen you in vain, respond to My election with generosity. Be faithful and firm in the faith. Be meek and humble so that others may know the greatness of My humility.

Jesus Prepares Himself
Extract 3

There are souls who consider My Passion, but very few who think about My preparation for My public life: My loneliness!

The forty days which I spent by the side of the hill were the most distressing hours of My life because I spent them completely alone, preparing My Spirit for that which would come. I suffered hunger, thirst, discouragement, and bitterness. I knew that for those people My sacrifice would be useless, for they would deny Me. In that solitude I understood that neither My new doctrine nor My sacrifices and miracles could save the Jewish people who would become God-slayers.

Nevertheless, I had to do My duty, the Divine Mission. I had to first leave My seed and die later. How sad this is, looking at it from the human point of view!

I was also a man and felt sadness and anguish. I found Myself very alone! I mortified My Body by fasting and My Spirit by prayer. I prayed for all humanity that would deny Me, that would sacrifice Me so many times…

I was tempted as any other mortal, and Satan was never more curious to know who the man was that remained in such loneliness and abandonment.

Think about everything that I had to go through to save man, to be able to reign in his heart, to make possible his entrance into My Father’s Kingdom.

Jesus Prays in the Garden
Extract 4

Nobody really believes that I perspired blood that night at Gethsemane, and few believe that I suffered much more in those hours than in the Crucifixion. It was more painful because it was clearly revealed to Me that the sins of everyone were made Mine and that I should answer for each one.

Thus I, being innocent and pure, answered to the Father as if I were really guilty of dishonesty and of all the impurities committed by you, My brothers. You dishonor God who created you to be instruments of the greatness of Creation and not to stray from the nature given you with the purpose of gradually taking that nature to lead you to behold the pure vision of Me, your Creator.

Therefore, I was made thief, murderer, adulterer, liar, a sacrilegious person, blasphemer, slanderer, and rebel to the Father whom I have always loved.

It was precisely this contrast between My Love for the Father and His Will that caused My perspiration of blood. But I obeyed until the end and for Love of everyone, I covered Myself with the guilt so that I could do My Father’s Will and save you from eternal damnation.

Consider how many more than human agonies I had that night and, believe Me, nobody could alleviate such anguish because, on the contrary, I was seeing how each one of you devoted yourself to making my death cruel at every moment that was given to Me because of the offenses whose penalty I have paid in full. I want it to be known once again how I loved all men at that hour of abandonment and sadness without name….


EDITOR’S NOTES: In Lent 2022 Scoop is publishing - , for the 23rd time - a series of daily reflections on the Passion from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books.. To order a video about Katya’s work visit…

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: “Copyright© 2000-2022 by All rights reserved. This book is published in coordination with The Apostolate of the New Evangelization. Permission is granted to reproduce this book as a whole in its entirety with no changes or additions and as long as the reproduction and distribution is done solely on a non-profit basis.

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