Outright Nuclear Fascism in Ohio….Be Very Afraid

Published: Fri 18 Oct 2019 09:48 AM
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – Outright Nuclear Fascism in Ohio….Be Very Afraid
A violent, overtly fascist putsch against an anti-nuclear referendum in Ohio has taken the corporate assault on American democracy to a terrifying new level.
We talk with Attorney ROBERT FITRAKIS, Green activist JOE DEMARE and Beyond Nuclear’s KEVIN KAMPS about the brutal attacks being waged against signature gatherers for an anti-nuclear referendum.
In July the gerrymandered Ohio legislature passed AB6, a massive bailout for failing nuke and coal burners. Pro-safety forces immediately filed to put on the ballot a referendum overturning the bailout.
Polls show Ohioans—including much of the conservative media—deeply opposed to the bailout, and supportive of the referendum.
But the nuclear industry is now using hired thugs to physically intimidate signature gatherers, putting in question whether the referendum will get on the ballot at all.
It’s a deep assault on democracy itself.

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