Cyclone season highlights Pacific's disaster-prone world ran

Published: Thu 28 Feb 2019 04:24 PM
Unicef says the current cyclone season drives home the latest data showing the Pacific is the most disaster-prone region in the world.
Photo: Fijimetservice
The World Risk Index for 2018 has ranked seven Pacific Island countries in the top 15 nations facing the highest disaster risks.
Unicef's Representative to the Pacific said as natural emergencies become more frequent and intense with future climate change, more funding, planning and education will be needed.
The German index report identifies Vanuatu, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea in the top five disaster prone countries.
Unicef's Sheldon Yett said the results are no surprise to those living in the region.
"I don't think we need to be reminded of that right now, particularly during cyclone season. Right now there's a watch of a cyclone snake between Tonga and Fiji. It's important to remind ourselves just how vulnerable these countries are," said Sheldon Yett.
"The exact order changes study by study but the consistency is the same. Pacific Island countries are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters. There's no doubt about it."
Both Unicef and the World Risk Index report said children are particularly at risk during natural disasters and focus on their protection, health and education is vital.
Vanuatu was ranked the country with the highest risk of disaster in the world.
Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller
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