Through till the end of the observance of Lent 2017 Scoop will be publishing a serialisation of Katya Rivas’s “The Passion”. Readers can sign up to receive the serial by email at: To order a video about Katya’s work see…

The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Passion
Reflections that Jesus makes on the mystery of His suffering and the value it has on the Redemption.
Cochabamba — Bolivia
Spanish Editions: 1996 and 1998
English 1st Edition - November 1999
Rivas' Passion : Jesus Is Sentenced to Death
At dawn Caiaphas ordered them to take Me to Pilate so that he might pronounce the sentence of death. Pilate questioned Me, hoping to find a reason to condemn Me, but at the same time his conscience tormented him and he felt great fear at the injustice that he was going to commit. Finally he found a way to ignore Me and had Me taken to Herod.
In Pilate are faithfully represented the souls who feel the movement of grace and at the same time their own passion, who are dominated by human respect and blinded by self love, and who allow the grace to pass for fear of being mocked.
I did not answer any of Pilate’s questions. But when he asked: “Are You the King of the Jews?”, then with seriousness and integrity, I answered: “You have said so, I am the King, but My kingdom is not of this world…” With these words I wanted to teach many souls how, when they are presented with the opportunity to endure suffering or a humiliation that could easily be avoided, they should answer with generosity: “My kingdom is not of this world…”. That is, I am not searching to be praised by men. My Home is not this one, yet I will rest where it really is. Now, be encouraged to fulfill My duty without taking into account the opinion of the world. What matters is not their esteem but to follow the voice of grace that drowns the lures of nature. If I am not able to conquer alone, I will ask for strength and counsel since, on many occasions, passions and excessive pride blind the soul and impel it to act wrongly.
The executioners who destroy My Body are not ten nor twenty. There are many hands that hurt My Body; receiving Communion in the hands - the sacrilegious work of Satan!
How can they contemplate Me in this sea of pain and bitterness without their hearts being moved with compassion? But it is not the executioners who have to console but you, chosen souls, so that My pain may be alleviated. Contemplate My wounds and see if there is anyone who has suffered as much as I, to show you their love.
EDITOR’S NOTES: Through till the end of the observance of Lent 2017 Scoop, will be publishing a series of daily reflections on the Passion from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books.. Readers can sign up to receive daily extracts from Katya Rivas’s writings by email at:
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