PM's Press Conference 24/01/17: TPP, Trade and Minimum Wage
PM's Press Conference 24/01/17:
TPP, Trade
and Minimum Wage
Prime Minister Bill English’s first official press conference of the year began with a warm welcome back from holidays. In relation to President Trump’s withdrawal from the TPP he expressed disappointment but hopes to negotiate a bilateral agreement with the US in the future. He also expressed the importance of building and strengthening the economy and referred to today’s announcement that the national minimum wage will increase to $15.75/h on 1 April 2017. Mr English mentioned his plans for Waitangi Day, and said that he will announce the election date "soon".
Questions about the TPP and trade dominated; the PM was asked about TPP reconstruction, a potential bilateral agreement with the US, and trade with China. In relation to the minimum wage increase, Mr English reiterated the government’s confidence in finding a balance. He assured that the election date is not yet finalised and will be announced within the next few weeks.
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