A year ago I posted When
should we rip out the copper network? It's too early to
name a date today, but following
this discussion on Linkedin, I
As the law stands today, a street has copper even if only one house uses it. The price is regulated by the Commerce Commission and I guess it will rise steadily as the cost is covered by fewer and fewer subscribers. I don't think we'll hit that point.My prediction is a cut off point will be announced before the end of this Parliament.
Why do I say that? Because setting a cut-off date, even if it is many years away, will give telecommunications investors some certainty. And there may be a political need to do that before the end of this Parliament.
Also, Labour's Claire Curran has said her party is interested in setting a date. The current government might want to get there first.
This post first appeared at billbennett.co.nz as Closing the copper network