Join The Scoop Supporter Crew : Operation Chrysalis

Published: Mon 12 Jan 2015 09:48 AM

Join The Scoop Supporter Crew : Operation Chrysalis
After fifteen and a half years in the news Scoop has determined its future needs to be much more connected with the community it serves, the process of change to achieve this has been called 'Scoop Operation Chrysalis' (you can find out more here).
Step one in the process of engaging with our reads and supporters is to get to know you better and find out how you would like to support Scoop.
If you are keen to assist Scoop please fill out the joining form below for the Scoop Support Crew (Note: if you have received this via email you will need to click here to fill in the form.) Once we have your details we will be in touch with more info.
As well as keeping in touch with you via email Scoop will be using the world leading Loomio collaborative decision-making platform invented here in Wellington to coordinate the group.
After you have joined the group we would love to hear your responses to the reader survey which you will find HERE.
Alternatively if you have found yourself on this page but are not a fan/supporter of Scoop but nevertheless interested in Scoop's future please fill out the reader survey here to help us make Scoop better for you.
- Alastair Thompson (Scoop Editor & Publisher)
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