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The iconic Norwegian emergency medicine doctor, Mads Gilbert, is fighting to decolonize the concept of solidarity in medicine—and, by extension, western solidarity as a whole. Since the start of the war, he has remained one of the most tireless voices in exposing the Israeli genocide in the Strip.
Allegedly, the defence environment has changed, and New Zealand thus needs to spend significantly more on Defence.
The Thiel case is a salutary reminder that citizenship can never be allowed to become just one more commodity to be casually traded as part of a putative investment deal.
China's artificial intelligence app DeepSeek is breaking bad, and subversively published forbidden information about Beijing's repression, lies, surveillance and censorship that the ruling Communist Party does not want anyone to know.
A meditation on a beautiful, sunny afternoon is salubrious, but a meditation amidst the elemental forces of nature is shattering. Everything you know or think you know, everything you’ve experienced and carefully built up, is stripped away. You can either surrender to the storm, or go back inside.
The Australian public, it would seem, is not playing along with the authorities. How dare they question and debate the norms they have been told are so sacred to servile stability? “Social cohesion” – a vacuous term – is apparently eroding.
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