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This Nationalistic Race to the Bottom Is Compelling a Global Summit.
While many, including some sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, openly challenged the Gazans' view of their perceived 'victory,' they failed to appreciate the history of Palestine—indeed, the history of all colonized people who wrested their freedom from the claws of foreign, brutal enemies.
Ian Powell discusses The Lessons Of A Recent Dramatic UK Political Poll For The Labour Party In New Zealand.
With the triumph of the Ryanair model, ruthlessly emulated by belt tightening carriers who seem to treat their passengers as mere units of income, taking the plane in Europe is no longer an interesting, let alone palatable prospect.
Only two business tax reductions in the last 36 years & the last one nearly 14 years ago, at a time of considerable change & turmoil not only shows how badly NZ has lagged other countries, especially at a time when the international movement of capital and technology has never been more rapid.
Trump being Trump, it won’t come as a shock to find that he regards a strong USD as a sign of America’s virility, and ability to kick sand in the face of the world.