Undernews: February 12, 2014
Undernews: February 12, 2014
Since 1964, the news while there's still time to do something about it
Moral March protest catches hold big time in North Carolina
Prescription opiods killng five times as many as heroin
Pakistan seeks lower population growth
Why politics doesn’t matter much anymore
Poll finds globally divided Catholic church
How computers contributed to the decline of the middle class
Great moments with the 1%
Justice Department to give married gay
couples equal protection
Charter schools use con to improve their scores
Court ruling says even improperly classified secrets can't be released withou...
Find out where people are going (and coming from) in your county
Another greedster defends himself
A cheap way to deal with radiation
Portland OR teachers authorize Feb 20
Heroin and cocaine addicts in Spain have
a fatality rate that is 14.3 times higher than for the
general population, and that is among people seeking
treatment. For those who never seek treatment, it is
probably far worse. Even users of cocaine alone have a 5.1
times higher fatality rate.
CIA gets back at
One Marilyn Monroe pix you probably haven't seen
Obama seen as drag on 2014 campaigns
Mormon church in England sued for fraud
@Max_Fisher Tom Friedman has never quoted a taxi driver in a column. Closest was 2008 column about cabbie not talking.
Look at our
Lord's disciples. One denied Him; one doubted Him; one
betrayed Him. If our Lord couldn't have perfection, how are
you going to have it in city government? - Chicago Mayor
Richard Daley
Pocket paradigms
Facebook is the
anti-Internet. It is a gated community designed to protect
its residents from the incredible variety of the real
Internet. Its guard house is there not to block undesired
people, but unwanted information. In the early days, people
had to use corporate sites such as AOL to tap into the
Internet. Of course, these sites controlled what you could
see or visit. Then came the free and open web and a huge
increase in the information available to the average viewer.
Facebook is an attempt to revive corporate control of the
Internet by fooling people into thinking they can get all
they want from its links. Of course, one of the prices you
pay for this is that a guy named Zuckenberg gets to decide
what you see..- Sam Smith
Jazz break