Undernews: September 5, 2013
Undernews: September 5, 2013
Since 1964, the news while there's still time to do something about it
Calls to Congress massively against attack on Syria
America's roads and bridges are falling apart
Bill De Blasio revives econonmic liberalism
Chicago high school requires clear backpacks
Pentagon warned Obama in 2012 that eliminating Syria's chemicals would take 75,000 ground troops
U.N.'s Ban casts doubt on legality of U.S. plans to attack Syria
Update on the last country we said we saved
About John Kerry's pals, the moderate Syrian rebels
Places we've bombed over the past sixty years
The real goal in Syria: More conflict
Teachers in England to stage one day strikes
TSA is willing to sell some of your constitutional rights back to you
Australia has a Stable Population Party
Where did reading and writing go?
U.S. used white phosphorus in Iraq
Obama tells Republicans he has bigger plans in Syria
Navy deploys five warships towards Syria
NY TImes kills paragraphs revealing AIPAC's role in Syria affair
Feds have been illegally spying on phone calls since 1987
Building little republics in a collapsing empire
More Walmart protests on Thursday
New federal rules endanger small farmers
How the young are changing the voting booth
Meanwhile. . .
Dan Froomkin - How does it feel to be a Nobel Peace Prize winner trying to take a nation to war?
Glenn Greenwald - The convention on chemical weapons says you take violators to the ICC at the Hague -- not bomb them.
Harper's Magazine - Portion of U.S. public-school students who are Latino: 1/4 ... Portion of US children’s books published annually that are by or about Latinos: 1/50
Tim Shorrock -“We have no indication whatsoever of a withdrawal completely from Afghanistan" - Lt. Gen Mark Milley No. 2 commander US & coalition forces.
A few reasons Obama shouldn't even ignore Larry Summers
Stimulus seen as a victim of Summers' appointment


Where federal housing dollars go
Medieval peasants got more vacation time than you do
AFL-CIO joins fight against TPP agreement
Obedient media: Politico, Ny Times, and CNN all call Obama a "reluctant warrior"
Obama spending $9 million in TV ads to promote health care plan
Sheldon Adelson & Barack Obama find something in common: bombing people they don't like
Military comander wants us to stay in Afghanistan; Obama still checking for red line
Some ways colleges rip off their students
Republicans want to starve ten times as many as have died in Syrian conflict
Tom Tomorrow - Nothing says 'We Care' like a Tomahawk missile strike.
62% - including 41% of evangelicals -
agree that religiously affiliated groups receiving
government funds can be required to provide health benefits
to same-sex couples,
The real difficulty
is with the vast wealth and power in the hands of the few
and the unscrupulous who represent or control capital.
Hundreds of laws of Congress and the state legislatures are
in the interest of these men and against the interests of
workingmen. These need to be exposed and repealed. All laws
on corporations, on taxation, on trusts, wills, descent, and
the like, need examination and extensive change. This is a
government of the people, by the people, and for the people
no longer. It is a government of corporations, by
corporations, and for corporations. - How is this? -
Diary of Rutherford B Hayes, 1893
I believe journalists may safely
interrogate, investigate, predicate, cogitate, debate,
relate and even advocate, but they speculate, anticipate or
prognosticate knowing that the best prediction to come of
such behavior is that they may end up looking foolish. I
know. I try it from time to time and it doesn't work.-Sam