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By Adrian Maidment
© Scoop Media
Scoop Contributor
Adrian Maidment is a cartoonist based in Tauranga, New Zealand. He has been drawing cartoons for a number of years. Adrian is also an educator and content creator. He runs a podcast and YouTube channel reviewing electric vehicles.
The Munich narrative is central to the 'Good War' morality trope, through which democracies (especially the United States) justified wars of aggression; what used to be called 'gunboat-diplomacy' in the British days of empire.
The school lunches debacle is a classic example of what happens when social policy projects lose sight of their original objectives. The seeds of the current crisis were sown when the objectives of the original scheme were broadened in 2019 to include all children in qualifying schools. That inevitably meant that it was likely to become financially unsustainable in the longer term.
The coalition government is trying to attract foreign investment to generate economic growth, while cutting back drastically on its own investment in our economy.
The MAGA philosophy has its dangers and problems, but the mental illness of its chief proponent is not one of them. Trump is most certainly a disturbed human being, infantilised, insecure, and prone to hazes of narcissism, but he can hardly be dismissed as a person without certain cerebral functions.
The Russia-Ukraine War is a mucky border conflict between two countries with a long & intertwined shared history, & with more than enough 'stirring of the pot' from outside to convert a regional security dispute into an existential global security threat. It can be settled with a deal that reflects the military situation, rather than by democratically compromised sabre-rattling from Western Europe
The rising cost of going to the doctor means that many of those “Kiwis” cannot afford to get timely care.
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