Undernews: July 1, 2013
Undernews: July 1, 2013
Since 1964, the news while there's still time to do something about it
How the Supreme Court restricted your constitutional rights this session
Obama promises billions to improve Africa's electricty, but not America's
How to handle urinary complications of a filibuster
Journalism: What good old days?
Word: An Australian investigative reporter on Assange
Kindergarten before and after Common Core
Sorry, but psychopaths are running the
Ex-Stasi boss says NSA's spying efforts 'a dream come true"
Private investigator working for Michael Jackson also worked for Hillary Clinton
Public university privatizes its scientific research
Uh oh, Iran's new president isn't quite behaving the way the American elite want
Der Spiegel: NSA tapped EU offices
How a TV news story is put together
Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone - "Objectivity" is a fairy tale invented purely for the consumption of the credulous public, sort of like the Santa Claus myth. Obviously, journalists can strive to be balanced and objective, but that's all it is, striving.
Heat wave numbers
America's hospitals are the most expensive
part of the world’s most expensive medical system.
Health care consumes nearly a fifth of economic output; 31%
of that goes towards hospital care alone, some $850 billion
in 2011. Considered on a cost per patient per day basis,
Americans spend more than four times as much on hospital
care as many other countries. Yet the costs are highly
variable: 10% of hospital patients paid more than $12,000 a
day while 25% pay less than $2,000.
Idea mill
Why we should talk more about
Protests mounting at state capitals
the other hand...
Immigration laws find a worthy
29 NFL players arrested since Super Bowl
Some books are to be tasted, others
to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed & digested. -
Francis Bacon
Pocket paradigm
Clinton's change on DOMA is another example of why people
like Clinton and Obama aren't leaders but merely the
establiishment's guards at the gate deciding when new ideas
can enter - Sam Smith
Every immigrant is another saga of cultural insurrection, a tribute to the enduring human capacity for individual choice. - Sam Smith
Ecuador scraps trade deal over threats from U.S.
Ways to suppress the vote now that the Supreme Court says it's okay
Gitmo's torture chambers
Before a dinner of pizza and fried chicken late Sunday in Hong Kong, Edward J. Snowden insisted that a group of lawyers advising him in the Chinese territory "hide their cellphones in the refrigerator of the home where he was staying, to block any eavesdropping," as my colleague Keith Bradsher reported. Why a refrigerator? It is the materials that make up refrigerator walls that could potentially turn them into anti-eavesdropping devices. "What you want to do is block the radio signals which could be used to transmit voice data, and block the audio altogether," Adam Harvey, a designer specializing in countersurveillance products explained.
Infrequently asked questions
On the night
of the shooting, George Zimmerman weighed 42 pounds more
than the autopsied weight of Trayvon Martin. He also was
trained in mixed martial arts. If Zimmerman's claims are
correct why was he such a lousy fighter that he had to use a
Homes in walkable locations sell for
18% more than houses in car-dependant areas
50% support federal funding of
Deeply versed in books and
shallow in himself - John Milton
The more high placed is someone to whom one
introduces a new idea, the more likely this individual is to
be uncomfortable, dismissive, or suddenly in need of another
drink. Unchallenged myopia is one of the most cherished
privileges of power. - Sam Smith
Spy gate
How a 30-year-old lawyer exposed NSA mass
surveillance of Americans in
London orchestra pays musicians less than cleaners
San Francisco transit workers strike
Vermont decriminalizes marijuana
Gay Pennsylvania state legislator barred
from speaking on floor about DOMA
ACLU finds police violation of 1st Amendment in 33 states
On the other hand
Teen Mom’ Farrah Abraham Enters Rehab For
Alcohol Abuse
Mariah Carey Caught Lip Synching During BET Awards
Twin Sister of Head Of Scientology Busted On Drug Charges
When you come before us
and tell us that we are about to disturb your business, we
say to you that you have made the definition of a
businessman too limited in its application. The man who is
employed for wages is as much a businessman as his employer;
the attorney in a country town is as much a businessman as
the corporation counsel in a great metropolis; the merchant
at the crossroads store is as much a businessman as the
merchant of New York; the farmer who goes forth in the
morning and toils all day ... is as much a businessman as
the man who goes upon the board of trade and bets upon the
price of grain ... We come to speak for this broader class
of businessmen. We do not come as aggressors. Our war is not
a war of conquest; we are fighting in the defense of our
homes, our families, and posterity. We have petitioned, and
our petitions have been scorned; we have entreated, and our
entreaties have been disregarded; we have begged, and they
have mocked when our calamity came. We beg no longer; we
entreat no more; we petition no more. We defy them.-
William Jennings Bryan
Why do so many of the people who talk about
"intellectual property" seem not all that bright? On
precisely what date and under what circumstances did an
advertising jingle for a new type of tampon become
intellectual property? When I was writing one of my books, I
had to write for permissions. When I asked for permission to
quote Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land," the
venerable Ludlow Music Co. took care of the matter in a page
and a half. When I wanted to quote from a book, the
venerable University of Chicago Press worked its way through
the problem in one long page. When I wanted to quote eight
words from a Mac Davis song, however, I got a letter from
some big LA law firm wanting a synopsis of the book, a copy
of the chapter of the book in which it would be quoted, as
well as all future earnings of my first-bom son. I decided
to write my own intellectual property. - Sam