Undernews: April 3, 2013
Undernews: April 3, 2013
Since 1964, the news while there's still time to do something about it
Things about the Catholic church we hadn't started worrying about yetObama has secret, unconstitutional international agreement on fast track
Obamacare already giving in to health insurers
"Evolving" - Another political con the media has bought into
U.S, poverty reaches 1960s level
Local heroes: A police sergeant who stops suicides
Why are Labradors underdogs at dog shows?
An atheist church sprouts in England
Increased thyroid problems for west coast children following Fukushima
One in four Americans suspect Obama is the Anti-Christ
The American workers: productivity without pay
Defining anti-authoritarianism as mental illness
One in five boys said to have ADHD
College majors with the highest unemployment
Testimony: NY Police Commissioner wanted to scare young blacks and latinos
Now, does anybody want to investigate DC's school testing?
Judge questions Citigroup settlement
Video of inmate being tortured by Maine prison guards
A new Marist poll asked Americans if President Obama and Congress should prioritize creating jobs over reducing the federal deficit. It found that 64 percent believe job creation should be the top priority for our elected officials. By comparison only 33 percent said deficit reduction should be the top focus of Washington.
Two thirds support Keystone pipeline
The Hotel del Salto was opened in 1924 near Tequendama Falls, Bogotá River, Colombia and closed down in the 1990’s. It's abandoned now.
Character is that which can do without success - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Pocket paradigm
If you violated the
conformity of the ancient church you might have found
yourself branded a heretic or an apostate. Today, if you
violate the rules of the secular culture you may find
yourself branded a neurotic or dysfunctional. Not all
churches are run by people in robes.- Sam