Through till the end of the observance of Lent 2013 Scoop will be publishing a serialisation of Katya Rivas’s “The Passion”. Readers can sign up to receive the serial by email at: To order a video about Katya’s work see…

The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Passion
Reflections that Jesus makes on the mystery of His suffering and the value it has on the Redemption.
Cochabamba — Bolivia
Spanish Editions: 1996 and 1998
English 1st Edition - November 1999
Rivas: The Passion
Extract 17
Pilate was looking for ways to free Me. He was worried because of his wife’s warning and confused between the guilt of his conscience and the fear that the people would initiate a riot against him. In the pitiable state in which I found Myself, he exposed Me to the sight of the mob proposing that he give Me liberty and condemn Barabbas, a famous thief and murderer, in My place. The people answered in one voice: “Let him die and have Barabbas set free!”
Souls who love Me, see how they have compared Me to a criminal, how they have lowered Me more than the most perverse of men. Listen to the furious shouts projected against Me. See with what fury they ask for My death. Did I refuse to go through such shameful confrontation? No, on the contrary, I embraced it for My Love of souls and to show them that this Love did not only take Me to death, but to the most ignominious death…
However, do not believe that My human nature did not feel revulsion nor pain. On the contrary, I wanted to feel all its revulsion, and be subject to its same condition, giving you an example that will give you strength in every circumstance in life and teach you to conquer the revulsion to what you are offered when it is a question of fulfilling the Divine Will.
I return to the souls I was talking about yesterday… those souls called to the state of perfection, who discuss with grace and retreat when faced with the humility of the path that I show them, fearing how they will be judged by the world or as they assess their capabilities, convince themselves that they will be more useful somewhere else to My service and for My Glory.
I will respond to those souls: Tell Me, did I refuse or even hesitate when I saw Myself being born at night to poor and humble parents in a stable, far from My Home and Country in the harshest season of the year?
Afterwards I lived thirty years fulfilling the hidden and gloomy occupation in the workshop: I went through humiliations and scorns from the people who requested work done by Joseph, My father. I did not detest helping My Mother in the most menial of tasks in the house. Nonetheless, did I not have more talent than that required for the rough work of a carpenter? I, who at the age of twelve, taught Doctors in the Temple… But it was the Will of My Celestial Father and, thus, I glorified Him. When I left Nazareth and started My public life, I could have had Myself known as the Messiah and Son of God, so that men would listen to My teachings with veneration, but I did not do it because My only wish was to do My Father’s Will…
And when the time of My Passion came, through the cruelty of some and the insults of others, the abandonment of My own and the ingratitude of the mob, through the unspeakable martyrdom of My Body and the revulsion of My soul, see how with greater love, I was still revealing and embracing the Will of My Celestial Father.
Thus when overcoming difficulties and revulsion, the soul generously submits itself to the Will of God. There comes a moment in which, intimately united to Him, the soul enjoys the most indescribable sweetness.
What I have said to the souls who loathe the humble and hidden life, I repeat to those who are called to a constant contact with the world when, on the contrary, their preference would be toward complete solitude and humble and hidden work.
Chosen souls, your happiness and perfection does not consist in following the taste of your preference and inclinations of nature, in being known or unknown by creatures, in using or hiding the talent you have, but rather in uniting and conforming yourselves through love and with total submission to God’s Will, to that which is asked of you for His Glory and your own sanctification.
Enough for today, My little daughter, love and embrace My Will joyfully; you know that it is always done for love.
Meditate for a moment upon the unspeakable martyrdom of My Heart, upon seeing it put behind Barabbas. How I remembered then My Mother’s tenderness when she embraced Me against her Heart! And how vivid were the anxieties and fatigue that My adoptive father suffered to show Me his love. How I remembered the benefits I so freely poured over thankless people: giving sight to the blind, giving the sick their health, the use of their limbs to those who had lost them, feeding the crowds, and resurrecting the dead. Now to see Myself reduced to the most despicable state! I am the most hated of men, and I am being condemned to death like an infamous thief.
EDITOR’S NOTES: Through till the end of the observance of Lent 2013 Scoop, will be publishing a series of daily reflections on the Passion from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books.. Readers can sign up to recieve daily extracts from Katya Rivas’s writings by email at:
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