Through till the end of the observance of Lent 2013 Scoop will be publishing a serialisation of Katya Rivas’s “The Passion”. Readers can sign up to receive the serial by email at: To order a video about Katya’s work see…

The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Passion
Reflections that Jesus makes on the mystery of His suffering and the value it has on the Redemption.
Cochabamba — Bolivia
Spanish Editions: 1996 and 1998
English 1st Edition - November 1999
Rivas: The Passion
Extract 9
I was taken before Caiaphas, where I was received with jeers and insults. One of his soldiers struck My cheek. It was the first blow I received and in it I saw the first mortal sin of many souls who, after having lived in grace, committed that first sin… So many other sins followed that first sin, serving as an example so that other souls would also commit them.
My Apostles abandoned Me and Peter remained hidden behind a fence, amongst the servants, spying, moved by curiosity.
With Me were men only trying to accumulate crimes against Me, accusations that could further incite the anger of such wicked judges. There I saw the faces of all the demons, of all the bad angels. They accused Me of disturbing the order, of being an instigator and a false prophet, of being blasphemous, and profaning the Sabbath. And the soldiers, overexcited by the slanders, shouted and threatened Me.
Then My silence cried out, shaking My whole Body. Where are you, Apostles and disciples who have been witnesses of My Life, of My teachings and of My miracles? Of all those from whom I was expecting some proof of love, there is no one left to defend Me. I am alone and surrounded by soldiers who want to devour Me like wolves.
Contemplate how they mistreated Me: one deals Me a blow against the face, another thrusts his dirty saliva at Me, another twists My face to make fun of Me; another pulls My beard; another wrings My arms between his fingers; another hits My genitals with his knee, and when I fall, two of them pull Me up by the hair.
EDITOR’S NOTES: Through till the end of the observance of Lent 2013 Scoop, will be publishing a series of daily reflections on the Passion from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books.. Readers can sign up to recieve daily extracts from Katya Rivas’s writings by email at:
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