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Settler colonialism can never be resolved through creative solutions. A settler colonial state ceases to exist, and a settler colonial society ceases to function if territorial expansion is not a permanent state of affairs.
The real and present danger of AI is that it will destroy the brain’s potential for insight if we continue to give primacy to the intellect and knowledge, much less merge with these thought machines we’ve created in our own image.
Ian Powell discusses how New Zealand’s health system got into its current mess and how to get out of it.
The urge to throw more money at defence budgets across a number of countries has become infectious. Spend, spend, spend is the theme, and the UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has shown himself willing to join this wasteful indulgence.
The trouble with deterrence chatter is that it remains hostage to delusion. Strategists talk in extravagant terms about the genuine prospect that nuclear weapons can make any one state safer, leading to some calculus of tolerable use. The French offer of replacing the US nuclear umbrella in Europe perpetrates similar deadly sins about deterrence.
The action of spontaneous, undirected attention quiets and cleanses the brain of its useless, accumulated content, allowing the mind to fall silent and participate in the consciousness of the cosmos.
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