Scoop Images & Audio: Labour Launches Savings Policy

Published: Thu 27 Oct 2011 04:54 PM
Scoop Images & Audio: Labour Launches Savings Policy

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Labour launched its savings policy – and its election campaign – at Parliament today.
Labour leader Phil Goff, finance spokesperson David Cunliffe and economic development spokesperson David Parker officially announced the plan, which includes changes to Kiwisaver (including making the savings scheme compulsory), resuming Government contributions to the NZ Superannuation fund, and a slow raising of the retirement age to 47.
Speech by Phil Goff (introduced by deputy leader Annette King) [Prepared notes]:
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Speech by David Cunliffe [prepared notes]:
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MP3 format or in OGG format.
Speech by David Parker [prepared notes]:
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MP3 format or in OGG format.
Questions from the media:
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