Audio: PM's Post-Cab Presser Monday, 10 October 2011

Published: Mon 10 Oct 2011 05:15 PM
PM's Post-Cabinet Press Conference Monday, 10 October 2011
Scoop Video + Audio + Photos: Press conference held after today's cabinet meeting - Monday, 10 October 2011
By Alastair Thompson

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Transport Minister Steven Joyce and Prime Minister John Key face the cameras See more images below
Scoop Audio (44 Minutes): Prime Minster John Key's Post Cabinet Press Conference
Click a link to play audio (or right-click to download) in either
MP3 format or in OGG format.
- The PM was joined in today's press conference by Transport Minister Steven Joyce.
- The conference begins with an introduction from the Prime Minister to Transport Minister Steven Joyce who then responds to an extensive Q (the first 23 minutes of the audio) concerning the stranding of the M.V. Rena on a reef in the Bay of Plenty and the risks of an environmental catastrophe.
- The situation is extremely complex and extremely concerning in relation to the risk of an environmental catastrophe, he said. Steven Joyce said he did not know what it would cost but said that the PM had given him an undertaking that whatever was needed to be spent on preventing a catastrophe would be. He did not know what level of coverage the insurers for the stranded boat had.
- Steven Joyce then left the podium.
- The PM read a statement concerning a report about the inquiry into the Christchurch earthquake.

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- The PM followed this with an explanation for the presence of the Australian Flag on the podium behind him. It was there because of a bet with Australia PM Julia Gillard concerning the Warriors and the NRL grand-final which they, and he, lost. Apparently if the All Blacks win the World Cup then Julia Gillard will have to eat an NZ apple.
- The PM then faced a barrage of questions concerning his remarks in Parliament that Standard & Poor's view was that there would be more likely to be a downgrade NZ sovereign debt if Labour was the Government. He read in full an email from a contact (who he would not name) who said he was at a meeting where Standard & Poors said that there was a 2/3rds chance of downgrading NZ under a Labour Government and a 1/3rd chance under a National Government. Since the reported remarks Standard & Poors have downgraded us. And since John Key's remarks last week Standard and Poors have said that they would not have said that they were more likely to downgrade NZ if it was led by a Labour Government. In the meantime the PM is sticking to his position.
- This was followed by a lengthy set of questions on the issue of whether Epsom Voters ought to vote tactically (for John Banks) to support ACT to get into Parliament at the next election. The PM said he was campaigning for the party vote nationwide and that Epsom Voters should do what they thought best with their Electorate votes. As should voters in Peter Dunne's Ohariu.
- The Prime Minister then briefly answered a question posed by Scoop concerning Bomber Bradbury's banning from the Jim Mora panel. He said it was a matter for Radio New Zealand and that he had no opinion on the appropriateness of the outspoken broadcaster being dropped for being overly critical of the Prime Minister. He also said he was not aware of what Bomber had said and "didn't know the man", and referred a question on whether his office had contacted RNZ over the broadcast to RNZ.
Scoop Video (20 Minutes): Youtube Video on demand of Prime Minister John Key and Transport Minister Steven Joyce's press conference today.
10 Oct. Steven Joyce - M.V. Rena The Salvage Operation (Part 1)
Prime Minister's Press Conference of 10 October 2011 (Part 1). Conference begins with an introduction from the Prime Minister to Transport Minister Steven Joyce who then responds to an extensive Q concerning the stranding of the M.V. Rena on a reef in the Bay of Plenty and the risks of an environmental catastrophe.
10 Oct. John Key - S Comment Explanation And Epsom (Part 2)
Prime Minister's Press Conference of 10 October 2011 (Part 2). Conference begins with a statement concerning a report about the Christchurch Earthquake followed by an extensive Q about remarks made by the Prime Minister in the house last week concerning Standard & Poors views on whether they would be more likely to downgrade NZ Sovereign Debt if Labour was the Government. Standard & Poors have since a) downgraded us and b) said they would not have said that they were more likely to downgrade NZ if it was led by a Labour Government.
The Prime Minister then answered a lengthy set of questions on the issue of whether Epsom Voters ought to vote tactically (for John Banks) to support ACT to get into Parliament at the next election.
The Prime Minister briefly answered a question concerning Bomber Bradbury saying that he had no opinion on the appropriateness of the outspoken broadcaster being dropped by Radio New Zealand for being overly critical of the Prime Minister. He said he was not aware of what Bomber had said and "didn't know the man".
Scoop Image:More images from today's PM's press conference.

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Alastair Thompson
Scoop Publisher
Alastair Thompson is the co-founder of Scoop. He is of Scottish and Irish extraction and from Wellington, New Zealand. Alastair has 24 years experience in the media, at the Dominion, National Business Review, North & South magazine, Straight Furrow newspaper and online since 1997. He is the winner of several journalism awards for business and investigative work.
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