Colonel Tevita Mara has had no contact with Police re: Torture
By Alastair Thompson
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Exiled Fijian Chief Lieutenant
Colonel Tevita Mara arrives at MFAT's HQ In Wellington this
Exiled Chief Lieutenant Colonel
Tevita Mara arriving this morning at the MFAT headquarters
in Wellington where he was scheduled to meet the head of the
Pacific Division for a briefing.
On his way into the building Scoop asked Mr Mara if he had had any contact with the police in relation to the complaint made against him for torture conducted under his command at the Queen Elizabeth Barracks in Suva.
Lieutenant Colonel Mara said he was aware that torture had been carried out there - but he had not been present and had not condoned it.
He did not expect to hear from the New Zealand police in relation to the matter during his brief visit to New Zealand.
See also: Former Fiji Army Colonel Denies He Is Guilty Of Torture - RNZI/Pacific Media Watch
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