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The year 1989 signifies not just the end of the Cold War, but the opportunity for humankind to move in a new direction. That window of opportunity only lasted a few months, before the hellish days in Russia and the halcyon days in America ushered in Putin and 9.11, with all that followed.
None of us should feel we have to make the kind of sacrifice that Aaron Bushnell made but all of us need to do that little bit more - if nothing else, than to save our own humanity from vanishing into the sea of indifference that Western culture ...
The dropping by Creative Australia of Lebanese-born artist Khaled Sabsabi as Australia’s representative for the 2026 Venice Biennale, along with the curator of the pavilion’s artistic team, Michael Dagostino, shows that true artistic subversion is not the game, and uncontroversial subservience the form.
Fremantle’s hunt for the cash for continued production will have to start in earnest, but short of returning to a British backer, the prospects look decidedly final for a show that has lasted well beyond its time.
The demise of political debate as it used to be, in favour of the fervent, dogmatic statement of party opinion as incontrovertible fact as we have now, has dramatically changed the nature of political discourse around the world.
If the Gaza war has taught us anything, it is that Gaza and the Palestinian people have proven to be the most central players in this ongoing tragedy. It is they, their resistance, and their political discourse that will eventually defeat the Israeli occupation and bring peace and justice back to Palestine.