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Christchurch 1996 Quake Doco - why buildings collapseVia YouTube - Longbayman's Channel
An edited version of the 1996 documentary "Earthquake!" which emphasised Christchurch's vulnerability to liquefaction.
Documentary director Grant Dixon has said he decided to upload this version to draw attention to the issue of soil resonance.
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There is an inverse relationship between the upward spiral of science and technology and the downward spiral of human civilisation and consciousness. Is history just a quickening repetition on the same themes of human ignorance?
The debate about privatising state assets has reared its head again, with calls by the ACT leader for the government to sell off more assets to help balance its books and the Prime Minister’s now typical vaguely ambiguous, non-committal response.
This particular gem of a library is a citadel of comfort for the reader and researcher, now sadly soiled by the devastatingly effective efforts of a group named after a centipede. The knowledge, however, is still there, made even more tantalising by difficulties in accessing it. It’s up to the custodians of the Library to ensure that access is made as easily as possible, whatever the headaches.
This unity does not rely on talking heads on Arabic satellite channels or secret meetings in expensive hotels. It needs no diplomatic talks. Years of endless discussions, "unity documents," and fiery speeches only led to disappointment. The true unity has already been achieved, felt in the voices of ordinary Gazans who no longer identify as members of factions. They are Gazzawiyya.
Ian Powell discusses the sacking of Shane Reti as health minister and the appointment of Simeon Brown as his replacement.
Ian Powell discusses the sudden decision to remove the evidence based equitable age for Maori and Pacific eligibility for the national bowel screening programme.