The ongoing coverage will be organised and updated progressively. Please reload to see latest version.
Official Helpline: 0800
Red Cross Person Enquiry Line: 0800 733 276 (+64 7 850 2199 Outside NZ)
Free Non-Emergency Enquiry Line: 0800 96 0133
TXT-to-donate: Telecom - Vodafone
Official info:
Christchurch recovery map - Info/service map: [by CrisisCampNZ]
Art, antiques or other cultural valuables at risk -
Scanning twitter: Christchurch Needs
Public Address:
Links To Public Services And
Accommodation serach and offers
Nationwide Call For People To Wear Red & Black Friday March 4
Tuesday 12.51pm: NZ Asked To Observe Silence For Canterbury [Parliament vigil]
Quake Technical info: GNS: 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Part of Aftershock Sequence - Magnitude 6.3 earthquake rocks Christchurch | Highly Allochthonous - Christchurch Quake Map - Earthquakes in the past 7 days
Update: Scoop Audio: Science On Canterbury Quakes - Royal Society paper - PM's Science Advisor
Most recent on Scoop: Scoop
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Earlier: Scoop updates: Christchurch Earthquake, February 2011
Saturday 18/4: Christchurch Rocked By Another Strong Quake
Another earthquake has hit Christchurch with reports that power has been lost to parts of the area and of rock slides in the Sumner area. People are reporting through social media of televisions and other household good being knocked over. It is reported that power is out to around 20,000 homes, though network company Orion is hoping that this is mainly due to equipment shutting down automatically and will be quickly restarted. More>>
- Image Out-Link - GeoNet – Aftershock forecast map
Legislation: Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Bill Passes
On Thursday afternoon The House passed the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Bill, which repeals the Canterbury Earthquake Response and Recovery Act 2010. The Bill sets out appropriate measures to enable the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery and/or the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) to facilitate and direct greater Christchurch and its communities to respond to, and recover from, the impacts of the Canterbury earthquakes. More>>
- Parliament Today - Earthquake Recovery Bill Passed Into Law
- Parliament Today - CERA Select Committee Hearing April 13
- Labour - Labour supports quake legislation but has grave reservations
- Maori Party - Rahui Katene - Earthquake Recovery Bill Third Reading
- Out-Link - Andrew Geddis: Someone give that man a latte | Pundit
- On the 2010 act Lyndon Hood - Scoop Satire: The Christchurch Dialogues
- TV3 Video - CERA laws passed with near-unanimous support - Building a better Christchurch
- Scoop Audio - 95bFM: Selwyn Manning & Kat - Why All This Urgency Then...
- Scoop Full Coverage - Christchurch Earthquake 22/2/11
From the bill: "The Bill sets out appropriate measures to enable the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery and/or the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) to facilitate and direct, if necessary, greater Christchurch and its communities to respond to, and recover from, the impacts of the Canterbury earthquakes." More>>
- Parliament Today - House Under Urgency - Earthquake Legislation Passes First Reading
- NZ Govt - Govt gets on with rebuilding Christchurch
- Labour - Christchurch Earthquake bulletin edition 25
- Progressive Coalition Party - Leadership Matters More Than Structure in Chch Rebuild
- Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu - CERA Legislation
- LAWS 179 Out-Link - CERA Mark II: My Submission
- Out-Link - No Right Turn: The Canterbury Enabling Act 2.0
- Image: Earlier Gordon Campbell - Gordon Campbell on the new rules for Christchurch’s Earthquake Recovery
- Scoop Full Coverage - Christchurch Earthquake 22/2/11
12/4/11: Quake-Revealed Time Capsules Opened
The two sealed time capsules have been opened by Mayor Bob Parker at the Canterbury Museum and the contents of both were revealed. More>>
- - Police Seek Owners for Final Few Vehicles
- SciBlogs Out-Link - Time Capsules and the ‘Wow’ Factor
- More images Out-Link - Twitpic / the4avenues
Price Tag: Govt To Spend $8.5b On Rebuilding Christchurch
The Government will spend about $8.5 billion over the next few years to help the rebuilding of Christchurch, Finance Minister Bill English said today. More>>
- NZ Govt - State of national emergency extended further - English: Wellington Employers’ Chamber of Commerce - Dunne: further Christchurch tax relief on depreciation
- Greens - Greens support power for Christchurch not Brownlee
- Future Canterbury Network - FCN welcomes Government commitment
- TV3 Video - Cathedral Square time capsules to be opened today - ChCh marae becomes courthouse
Underground: Gravity Survey Included In Christchurch Subsurface Study
GNS Science will spend the next two weeks undertaking a gravity survey of Christchurch and the Canterbury Plains to get a clearer picture of the subsurface structure of the region. More>>
8/4/11: Boil Water Notice Lifted Across Christchurch
In the weeks following the 22 February earthquake the discovery of two time capsules beneath the Godley Statue in Cathedral Square was a welcome spot of good news. In recent weeks a third time capsule has been unearthed in the old Civic Building on Manchester Street. More>>
Funny-Name Projects: Vibrant Retail Area Up And Running In CBD From Show Week
The Central City Property Owners and Business Group, Civil Defence and the Christchurch City Council today announced Re:Start 29.10.11 – a project that aims to have existing retail and hospitality buildings, combined with quality relocatable expo structures, open for business from October 29, 2011 ... More>>
- NZ Govt - Christchurch Pacific People Hard-hit but Resilient
- Labour - Christchurch Earthquake bulletin edition 22
- Department Of Internal Affairs - Government using Twitter to communicate after the Chch Quake
- The Main Report Group - Economic Debate Christchurch Earthquake Funding Dilemma
- DB Breweries - DB & Christchurch Bars Enjoy Increased Sales
- Vbase - >Vbase Client and Media Statement - 8 April 2011
- NZ Police - Name released following Christchurch earthquake 7/4/11
- Bruce Middleton - Former Vietnam students give to Christchurch quake relief
- TV3 Video - Christchurch CBD set for October reopening
- Out-Link - Brownlee promises inflatable, plastic Christchurch « The Standard
6/4/11: "Back Up Financial Support" For AMI Policyholders
The Government has announced it will provide a back up financial support package for AMI Insurance to give policyholders certainty and to ensure an orderly rebuild of Christchurch in the aftermath of the two earthquakes. More>>
- Scoop Audio - Bill English On Government Backing For AMI
- Scoop Business - AMI issues $500M of unpaid preference shares to government - UPDATED: English says claims costs could reach $1 bln - NZ government agrees to $500M bail-out package for AMI - Bill English Calls Conference Over AMI Speculation
- Labour - Labour backs need for AMI support package
- Greens - AMI shock further evidence of need for a levy
- Progressive Party - AMI: Govt should get into profitable businesses too
- AMI Insurance - AMI Secures Capital Support - Questions & Answers - AMI Secures Capital Support
- Finsec - Union welcomes Government announcement of AMI support
- ACC Futures Coalition - AMI troubles show folly of ACC privatisation
- TV3 Video - AMI could need $1B financial package
26 March to 6 April:
- NZ Police - Additional name released following Christchurch earthquake - Additional name released following Christchurch earthquake - Five further names released following Christchurch quake - Three more names released following Christchurch earthquake
HD Video Link: Christchurch Earthquake 2011 - Central City Footage
Police have today [23/3/11] confirmed the identities of a further seven people who died in the Christchurch earthquake. More>>
- 24/3 NZ Police - Four More Names Released Following Christchurch Earthquake
- NZ Govt - McCully Meets Rudd In Christchurch
- Statistics NZ - Update: re-enrolment of Christchurch school students 23/3/11
- Jetstar - Jetstar Offers Respite to NZ Emergency Workers
- EPMU - EPMU welcomes General Cable decision to defer redundancies
One Month On: Christchurch – The Only Place With A Cordoned Off Inner City
Kip Brook: One month on since the fatal February 22 earthquake, the most English of New Zealand cities is a city no more. The inner central area is still cordoned off to the public. More>>
Werewolf Monthly Magazine: Left Coasting - On Edge
Rosalea Barker on quake, at home and abroad We’re kind of a bit on edge here in California. On March 11, having been horrified by the TV news images of what had happened in northeastern Japan overnight, I was seeing way too many “soft first story” buildings on my way to work. More>>
Public Address Link: Everything Has Changed (Until 2014)
Keith Ng on austerity In its first update since the Christchurch earthquake, Treasury lowered their GDP forecast by $15b. The Government has ran with this and are preparing us for a massive cut in this Budget, saying that “everything changed” since the earthquake. That’s not quite true. More>>
- Scoop Business - NZ current account beats forecasts, foreign liabilities fall - NZ workers more upbeat in March quarter, shrug off quake
Christchurch: Trans Tasman Names New Earthquake Recovery Authority Boss
NZ's premier political newsweekly, Trans Tasman can reveal NZ’s senior defence attaché in Europe, Brigadier Phil Gibbons, has been whisked out of London to become Chief of Staff to the new Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority ... More>>
- NZCID - Government entity for Chch needs strong collaboration
- Labour - Christchurch Earthquake bulletin edition ten
- TV3 Video - Aussie police to be thanked for their quake efforts - Tough times for tourism industry - Chch CBD business owners look toward access - Civil Defence meeting defuses protest tension
Scoop Business: Quake-Hit Businesses Target Of $6.85m Fund
Quake-hit Christchurch businesses will be eligible for government funding to help either rebuild or close their businesses, and to take international trips to visit export customers. More>>
- NZ Govt - Govt commits to helping Canterbury businesses
- TV3 Video - Govt announces $6.5M Chch recovery package
- Business NZ - Private sector supports rebirth of strong Canterbury
- NZ Law Society - Canterbury Business Recovery Trust Fund welcomed
- NZ Wood - International pointers for rebuilding Christchurch
- Plumbers Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board - Cantabrians Urged to Use Licensed Tradesmen for Home Repairs
Scoop Audio: PM's Presser - Budgetquake
Today's post-cabinet press conference concentrated on the Government's proposal to pay for the costs of the Christchurch earthquake and rebuilding through spending cuts on other areas (excluding education and health). More>>
- Scoop Audio - Phil Goff 21/3/11: The Alleged Bare Cupboard
- NZ Govt - Christchurch cordon to save lives
- TV3 Video - PSA: Govt 'looking for any excuse' to cut public services
- NZ Govt - USAR team welcomed home from Japan - Rational science crucial to earthquake response - Essential justice services stabilised in Christchurch
- Heather Roy's Diary - Ridding Christchurch of Red Tape
- Science Media Centre - #EQNZ: "The very best of human spirit"
Cordon Bleh: Business Owners Raid Red Zone
The central Christchurch cordon put in place after the devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake on 22 February is there to save lives, Civil Defence Minister John Carter said today. More>>
- Image TV3 Video - Angry Chch business owners storm red zone cordon
- NZ Police - Police Warning About Deliberate Christchurch Cordon Breaches - Recovery of vehicles from CBD
- Libertarianz Party - Government Vandalises Christchurch Businesses
- NZ Govt - State of national emergency extended further
Search And Rescue: USAR Team Welcomed Home From Japan
Hon Nathan Guy Minister of Internal Affairs 20 March 2011 Media Statement USAR team welcomed home from Japan The New Zealand USAR team have been welcomed home from Japan by Internal Affairs Minister Nathan Guy today, after their first ever overseas deployment ... More>>
Victims And Families Remembered At Memorial
Friday 18 March 2011: At Midday today a memorial service will be held at Christchurch's Hagley Park to remember all the victims and those who have suffered as a result of the earthquake. Police state that 182 people died in the quake that struck at 12:51pm on February 22.
HRH Prince William, Prime Minister John Key, the Governor-General Sir Anand Satyanand, the Mayor of Christchurch Bob Parker and other dignitaries will also be at the service to pay special tribute to the people of Christchurch and all families who have lost loved ones. More>>
- NZ Govt - John Key's Speech to National Earthquake Memorial Service
- Labour - Goff - Christchurch earthquake memorial speech
- NZ Govt - Visit by EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht - Top-level Australian presence at Memorial Service - National Memorial Service planned for Christchurch
- Culture & Heritage - Flags At Half Mast Friday
- Department Of Internal Affairs - Christchurch Earthquake Appeal reaches $17 million
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Recalling Experiences of the Christchurch Earthquake
- EU - EU High Level Presence At National Memorial Service
- Auckland Council - Christchurch Earthquake - Auckland Memorial Service
- Hamilton City Council - Service in Garden Place for National Day of Mourning
- Hastings District Council - Libraries to show earthquake commemoration service
- Christchurch DHB - Earthquake Update 28 – Canterbury District Health Board
- Christchurch Earthquake Appeal - Royal couple show support for the ChCh Earthquake Appeal
- BNZ - Christchurch Earthquake BNZ store update
- BANDS 4 HOPE - Prince William shows his support for Christchurch
- NZCID - In memory of colleagues lost
- TV3 Video - Uplifting video montage ends memorial service - National anthem perfomed at memorial service - VIDEO: Prince William speaks at Chch memorial - Christchurch must 'find inspiration to go forward' - Reverend Peter Beck praises the 'Canterbury spirit' - Anglican Bishop, head of Salvation Army address Chch memorial - Hayley Westenra performs Amazing Grace - Key to Chch: 'Your experience haunts us' - Dave Dobbyn performs an emotional 'Loyal' at Memorial - VIDEO: Christchurch memorial a 2 min silence - VIDEO: Devastation from the Christchurch quake - Christchurch quake memorial - updates - Families of quake victims arrive for service - Prince William's Sumner visit well-received - Hayley Westenra to sing at quake memorial - Brownlee talks about the quake memorial - Bob Parker: Quake destruction haunts me every day - Police to focus on returning Christchurch life to normal - Farmy Army gets together one last time - Infamous Peters sign sells for Christchurch - Final preparations underway for Christchurch memorial - Key, Goff say AB's should wear 'Red Fern' - Princely visit with an added gift to Christchurch
Jolly Good Show: PM Thanks Prince For Support
Prime Minister John Key today thanked Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton for their generous support for Christchurch and the West Coast following the tragic events in those areas.
"Prince William's visit to New Zealand to meet with the families of those lost in November's Pike River Mine tragedy, and to attend the Christchurch Earthquake Memorial Service, is hugely appreciated by New Zealanders. More>>
- NZ Govt - Last international USAR team leaves Christchurch
- Christchurch Earthquake Appeal - Royal couple show support for the ChCh Earthquake Appeal
- NZ Police - 11 names released following Christchurch earthquake - CBD streets almost clear of abandoned vehicles - Recovery of vehicles from Rydges car park this evening
- Labour - Christchurch Earthquake bulletin edition six
- Federated Farmers - Farmy Army seeks jobs and volunteers
- BANDS 4 HOPE - Prince William shows his support for Christchurch
- 2010 image - PHOTOS: Prince William opens the new Supreme Court building
- CPIT - CPIT programmes up and running
- NZ Plunket Society - Plunket: Fundraiser for Christchurch Kids
- TV3 Video - Princely visit with an added gift to Christchurch
RWC: Christchurch Loses Games - Quarter Finals For Eden Park
Rugby World Cup 2011 (RWC 2011) Tournament partners have today reluctantly decided that Christchurch will be unable to host the seven matches scheduled to be played at Stadium Christchurch and these will be rescheduled to be played at other venues in New Zealand.
The decision was unanimously supported by Tournament owners the International Rugby Board, the New Zealand Government, the New Zealand Rugby Union (NZRU) and Tournament organiser Rugby New Zealand 2011 (RNZ 2011). More>>
- Scoop Business - No Rugby World Cup games for Christchurch
- NZ Govt - Rugby World Cup matches moved - Rugby World Cup package for Christchurch
- Labour - Loss of Rugby World Cup games blow to Christchurch
- TV3 Video - Christchurch: Mixed reaction to RWC announcement - 'Logistical nightmare' now for Auckland in RWC - Chch lose RWC amidst stadium, accommodation concerns - Chch to get boost from extra ABs game - No Rugby World Cup in Christchurch - McCully's full statement - Goff: Govt sending mixed messages on RWC - Double blow for Christchurch - Should Christchurch give up on the Rugby World Cup? - RWC: Auckland to step in as Christchurch hopes dashed - All Blacks to play an extra game for Christchurch
Scoop Audio: Science On Canterbury Quakes
Today the Royal Society, assisted by the PM’s Science Advisory Committee, gathered a group of scientists from GNS Science’s National Hazards Research Platform to discuss recent earthquakes and aftershocks in the Canterbury region. More>>
- The Royal Society of NZ - The Canterbury Earthquakes: Scientific Answers
- Prime Ministers Science Advisor - Earthquake information paper looks at earthquake prediction
Charity Gigs: Star-Studded Cast To Perform 'Bare' For Christchurch
Sam Neill, Rhys Darby, Keisha Castle-Hughes and Lucy Lawless are among the star-studded cast of New Zealand actors performing Toa Fraser’s iconic play Bare to raise funds for the Red Cross 2011 Earthquake Appeal. More>>
- TV3 Video - Bare: Star-studded cast to perform for Christchurch
- Mushroom Group - Foo Fighters in Brisbane & Auckland for flood and earthquake
- TV3 Video - All Blacks to play an extra game for Christchurch - Chch to get boost from extra ABs game
- NZ Govt - Dunne: Govt considers Christchurch quake tax issues
- Labour - Concerns mounting over insurance companies in South - Christchurch Earthquake bulletin edition five
- MAF - Trim Latte With Boiled Water, Thanks
- University of Canterbury - New Community Engagement course in wake of earthquake
- Wellington City Council - Memorial service for Christchurch to screen in Wellington
- SPCA - SPCA Hails Its Christchurch Heroes
- Scoop Full Coverage - Christchurch Earthquake 22/2/11
- TV3 Video - All Blacks to play an extra game for Christchurch - Wood's Mill torn down 'too soon' for some - Christchurch rushes to prevent post-quake flooding - Business leaders look to restore confidence in ChCh economy - Counting the cost of the ChCh, Japan quakes - VIDEO: Time lapse of Christchurch landmark demolition - Winston Peters' infamous 'no' sign auctioned for quake - 220 jobs go at Christchurch carpet maker
PM's Presser: Earthquake Inquiry
Scoop Audio: At his post-cabinet press conference, PM John Key announced a royal commission of inquiry into building collapses in the Canterbury earthquake.
This is in addition to investigations being undertaken by the Department of Building and Housing into the Canterbury Television, PGC, Forsyth Barr and Hotel Grand Chancellor building collapses. More>>
- Scoop Business - NZ’s disaster insurance ‘less than a billion’: Key - Godfrey Hirst shuts Bromley plant after quake, cut 220 jobs - NZ dollar holds below 74 cents as investors weigh Japan risk - Reinsurers face US$775M hit from trans-Tasman disasters
- Connie Lawn - Christchurch Not Forgotten in America
- Binoy Kampmark - The Pornographic Aftershock: Earthquake in Japan
- NZ Govt - PM announces Royal Commission on earthquake - Department investigation into key buildings - Top-level Australian presence at Memorial Service - State of national emergency extended further - Vast majority of Christchurch schools open this week
- National - Video: John Key - Behind the scenes at The Basin
- Labour - International Expertise Valuable Asset for Chch Heritage - Christchurch Earthquake bulletin edition four - Bromley Hit Hard With News of Factory Closure - Christchurch Earthquake bulletin 3
- ACT - Boscawen - After The Earthquake – A Vision For New Zealand
- Greens - Green Party MP sets up mobile office in Christchurch
- NZ Police - Further Names Released in Christchurch Earthquake - Ceremonial Blessing of Sites a Time for Grief and Healing - Recovery of vehicles from 101 Victoria Square car park
- NZ Police Out-Link - Christchurch cordon car finder application
- TVNZ: Breakfast transcripts - John Key - Phil Goff
- NZ Defence Force - Singapore Armed Forces Assistance Appreciated
- Trauma Recovery Team NZ - Leading edge treatment for quake stress/trauma available
- TV3 Video - Over 1,000 business owners want back in CBD - Inquiry launched into collapse of CTV, PG buildings - VIDEO: PM John Key talks about Chistchurch losing Rugby Word Cup matches - Chch couple face Japan devastation - Cricket: Quake charity match raises over $500k - Business owners allowed into Red Zone - Inquiry to seek answers over loss of life - Royal inquiry established into quake - Traffic for schools, tents for Uni in Christchurch - Business owners get access to CBD - Japan, Chch earthquakes - related? - Building demolition 'has to be done' - mayor - Identifying bodies a complex process - dentist
Huge Quake & Devestating Tsunami: Motion Without Notice On Japan
PM John Key I move that this House express its condolences to the people of Japan for the losses they have suffered as a result of the recent earthquake and tsunami. More>>
- SciBlogs Out-Link - Tsunami forecast animation & warning systems | Code for Life
- NZ Govt - Motion Without Notice on Japan - New Zealand mourns Japan’s tragedy - New Zealand expresses deep concern about major earthquake - NZ to send urban SAR team to Japan Link: Just Like The Pictures, The Quake Debate Goes On
Tim Watkin: The debate that barrister and journalist Steven Price and I began here on Pundit last week got an airing on TVNZ7's Court Report. You can watch last night's episode here. I'd like to hear your thoughts. More>>
Rebuild: EQC Rolling Out Rapid Assessments In Christchurch
The Earthquake Commission is rolling out a new assessment approach to give people with houses damaged by the 22 February earthquake in Christchurch more certainty faster, Chief Executive Ian Simpson said today. More>>
- Gordon Campbell - On shifting RWC games
- Scoop Audio - Australia5AA: Manning & Godfrey ChCh's Rugby World Cup Hopes
- NZ Police - Police confirm latest 12 names of deceased
- NZ Govt - New EQC assessment process for quake-damaged homes - Christchurch tertiary institutions reopening progressively - Key Notes: Rebuilding Christchurch
- Labour - Christchurch Earthquake bulletin edition two 11/3/11
- Canterbury DHB - Earthquake Update 24 - Canterbury District Health Board
- - Metro Services recommencing on Friday 11 March
- Property Investors Federation - No evidence of 150% rental price increases in Christchurch
- NZ Business Roundtable - Public Policy Implications Of The Christchurch Quake
- NZ Shipping Federation - Coastal Shipping Plays Key Role in Earthquake Relief
- Sarah Ann Walker - Christchurch Earthquake Aid Opera Concert - Sydney
- TV3 Video - EQC to visit every quake-affected house
- Scoop Video - Christchurch 1996 Quake Doco video - why buildings collapse
- Parliament Today - Parliament Rises After Passing Quake Law
- Image Phil Goff - Photos from Christchurch
- TV3 Video - Christchurch contractor drills 66,000 volt cable, lucky to be alive - Police to roll out vehicle recovery plan in Chch CBD - Quake brings real-life tears to Shakespeare's Hamlet - Cricketers and Hobbits helping Christchurch - League legends look to lift Christchurch - Christchurch refugees continue their exodus - 1996 doco warned of ChCh quake threat - Charity counselling service in high demand in Christchurch - A view to die for, but it's just not safe
- TV3 Video - Christchurch's 'green zone' open after quake - Chch Hospital updates safety systems following quake - Give us a chance with the RWC - Parker - Some Chch schools reopen; some teachers fragile - Insurance companies left in a spin by quake - Christchurch quake: Tourism at risk - ChCh residents take 'holiday' from the quake in Leigh - Schools, businesses reopening - Can Christchurch cope with a World Cup? - $100k for ChCh if Key hits Warne for a boundary - Prince William coming to New Zealand - ChCh quake: Brownlee dishes out more reality - Earthquake holiday angers employers
Royalty: PM Welcomes Prince William’s Visit To Chch And Greymouth
Prime Minister John Key is welcoming the news that Prince William is taking time to visit the people of Christchurch as they cope with the tragic aftermath of the February 22 earthquake. More>>
- TV3 Video - Prince William coming to New Zealand
- 2010 image - PHOTOS: Prince William opens the new Supreme Court building
Work Stimulus: Goff Calls For Immediate Trades Training To Assist ChCh Rebuild
Labour Leader Phil Goff is calling on the Government to take immediate action to get people into training for trades like building, plumbing, plastering and drain-laying so we have the skilled workforce needed to rebuild Canterbury. More>>
- NZ Police - Police release eight more names of deceased
- NZ Govt - Mark Weldon to lead Government Earthquake Appeal
- Scoop Business - NZX’s Weldon to take 4-6 weeks leave to head quake appeal
- NZ Govt - Minister commends Police quake response
- NZ Police - More Names Of Earthquake Victims Released
- - Public Information Update
- NZEI - Additional education funding will give much needed certainty
- Scoop Business - A ray of amber light for Christchurch
- Wellington.Scoop - PM to face Shane Warne at Basin Reserve fund-raiser on Sunday
- TV3 Video - Post-quake trauma a major health concern
Beer Glass Half Full: A Ray Of Amber Light For Christchurch
Its iconic buildings may be in ruins, its central business district shut for the foreseeable future, and its residents still in shock, but there is one small ray of amber light for Christchurch: its craft breweries are largely intact. More>>
- - Public Information Update: 7:30pm 8/3/11
- Canterbury DHB - EARTHQUAKE UPDATE 22 – CANTERBURY DISTRICT HEALTH BOARD - Canterbury DHB Asks for Help from Christchurch Residents
- NZ Govt - Around 10,000 Houses Will Need to Be Rebuilt
- Auckland Civil Defence - Update on Aucklanders in Christchurch
- New World - New World South City Opens
- Classic Rugby for Christchurch - NZ Rugby Legends Support Christchurch
- Cricket Wellington - Prime Minister to take part in Fill the Basin
- Israeli Embassy - DVI team saluted by Israeli ambassador
- TV3 Video - 'Farmy Army' mucking in for Christchurch - Some soldiers 'shocked' at being deployed in Chch - Red Cross receives more than $19M from Kiwis - Pragmatic mood pervading the city - Bob Parker - Heritage process needed to avoid 'bulldozer mentality' - Hopes to 'nibble away' at red zone cordon - RWC fate in Christchurch could be decided by end of March - Christchurch quake: 57 names released - Christchurch man looks to lock in on looters - Christchurch sad to see trees felled - Bob's famous parka - Eastern residents want consultation on damaged houses - Final bus tour of CBD surveys CTV site - The smelliest job in Christchurch - Residents in Avonside, Dallington may never return home - Verdict on quake-hit AMI Stadium due soon - Govt prefers quick relocation over rebuilding - Where has all Huntsbury's water gone?
Police Release More Names Of Deceased Tuesday 8th March Police are able to release the names of a further 13 people who died in the earthquake. More>>
Quake: Urgent Support Plea For People With Mental Illness
Urgent support needs to go out to Christchurch people with a mental health illness in the wake of last month's devastating earthquake, Supporting Families in Mental Illness New Zealand (SFNZ) spokesman Jim Crowe said today. More>>
- Public Address Out-Link - Hard News: About Arie
- Autism NZ - “Face of Looting” actually a face of system failure - Are we back in the 18th Century, Ministers?
- Mental Health Commission - Like Minds, Like Mine
- Scoop Full Coverage - Christchurch Earthquake 22/2/11
Culture: The Arts Rally For Christchurch
Nationally funded arts organisations are mobilising to raise money for and to support the people of Christchurch. Free and fundraising events for the people of Christchurch are being organised by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, the Royal New Zealand Ballet and Te Matatini. More>>
- Image - Scoop Review: Tutus on Tour
Scoop News: Brownlee Emotive Over Demolition Comments - Goff
Labour leader Phil Goff said Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee's comments on demolishing buildings were emotive and ill-advised and said he was sure Brownlee was reconsidering his postion on Christchurch's heritage buildings.
Brownlee had earlier said all but a handful of heritage buildings will be demolished. More>>
- Television NZ - Transcript: Phil Goff interviewed by Corin Dann 8/3/11
National Memorial Service Planned For Christchurch
Prime Minister John Key has announced that a National Memorial Service for the victims of the February 22 earthquake will be held in Christchurch on Friday March 18. More>>
- Scoop Audio - PM's Presser 8/2/11: Memorial & Demolition
- NZ Govt - Video: PM's Post-Cabinet Press Conference 7/3/11
- Scoop Business - Government mulls buying land for housing in Christchurch
- NZ Govt - State of national emergency extended
- NZ Police - Police release three more names
- Scoop Audio - Selwyn Manning & Catherine Zengerer – Quake Update (Monday)
- Scoop Business - NZ Treasury costs quakes at $15-to-$20 billion dollars - RBNZ may cut OCR to 2.5% as quake dents GDP, 2012 rebound
- Wellington.Scoop - Don’t delay the Transmission Gully motorway, says the mayor of Porirua
- BNZ - Confidence Falls to Two Year Low
- NZ Govt - Video: Finance Minister Bill English on earthquake costs
- Marsh - Passing Of Melanie Brown Following Earthquake
- TV3 Video - State of emergency to be extended - First Chch school reopens after quake - Train services between Chch and Greymouth resume
Budget: Govt Considers 'Balanced' Quake Policy Response
The Treasury’s preliminary assessment of the Christchurch earthquake’s economic impact confirms the need for the Government to carefully consider its priorities, Finance Minister Bill English says.
It also points out that economic growth was slower than forecast previously, even before the latest earthquake. This reflects soft domestic demand – as New Zealanders save more - despite exporters benefiting from higher commodity prices. More>>
State Of Emergency To Be Extended The National State of Emergency will be extended today and is expected to remain in place for some time yet. More>>
- Connie Lawn audio report - US House of Representatives Resolution On Christchurch Quake
- NZ Police - Police release names of 15 earthquake victims - Police release more earthquake victim names - Disaster Victim Identification teams in for the long haul - Family liaison officers motivated to get job done accurately
- NZ Fire Service - Fire/USAR media update - Monday 7 March 2011 - Search and Rescue update 7 pm Sunday
- - Increased odour potential from Wastewater Plant - Change of venue – Lyttelton Community Meeting Monday 7 March - Residents Asked to Dispose of Bricks and Rubble - Christchurch residents urged to help minimise disease risk - Avoca Valley Homes Evacuated – Risk of Rockfall - Public information update Sunday 6 March 2011 2.30pm - Canterbury Earthquake Response, 0400 6/3/11
- Canterbury DHB - Earthquake Update 20 – Canterbury District Health Board - Earthquake Update 19 – Canterbury District Health Board
- NZ Govt - Christchurch schools begin re-opening - High profile Cantabs rally for the community - Getting Christchurch students back to school - Parata acknowledges energy companies support in Christchurch - Dunne unveils new way to give to quake appeal
- TVNZ - TRANSCRIPT: PM John Key interviewed on Breakfast
- ACT - Hide - Vaulting Matilda March 4 - Roy: Looking to the Future in Christchurch
- British High Commission - Statement of the Tobin family
- Auckland Civil Defence - Aucklanders least prepared for disaster - Registering with Red Cross essential
- KiwiRail - KiwiRail resumes TranzAlpine train
- Federated Farmers - Canterbury earthquake Saturday update: Farmy Army
- Student Volunteer Army - Student Volunteer Army Day 11 - Southern Students Lend Christchurch A Hand
- Department of Conservation - ‘Lollipop man’ keeping Hagley Park helicopter traffic safe
- Southern Cross Healthcare - Southern Cross Hospital Back Up And Running
- AA Insurance - AA Insurance mobile centres operating in Christchurch
- Ben Schrader - Heritage matters too
- Historic Places Trust - Historic Timeball Station to be dismantled
- Rotary Club - Canterbury earthquake rekindles community spirit and drives
- Girl Guiding - Guide biscuit sales important to recovery
- KiwiBiker - Christchurch Quake Appeal Ride (Auck) (Sat 19 March)
- NZ Rugby League - Final Line-Ups Confirmed For Legends Of League Charity Match - NZRL Confirms Christchurch Test To Be Moved
- Chris Hight - Quake drives more people to seek help online
- Allison Alsop - Praise for Doctors, Pharmacies and Govt Co-ordination
- TV3 Video - Christchurch quake news conference - Toilet training with Bob Parker
- TV3 Video - Likely cost of Christchurch quake revealed - Community meetings for residents start today - Monday traffic; police urge patience on Chch roads - Cathedral news brief relief for Cantabrians - Cathedral clearance news helps Dean - Historic buildings may be torn down - TranzAlpine services to resume today - Business owner says office was 'a shambles' - Christchurch will find a 'new normal' - Dep Mayor - Still shaking two weeks on - Frustrations grow over quake bureaucracy - Quake displaced return to the locals - AA Insurance aims to educate Cantabrians - Akaroa benefits from quake-displaced tourists - When the cold seems safer than being home - Living room boulder causes problems in Horotane Valley - Schools start to re-open - Cordon relaxation helps residents - Residents flock back to their houses
- Video - Video: Key, English on Christchurch Quake Support
- Image Phil Goff - Photos from Christchurch
- Wellington.Scoop - Ian McKellen and Russell Crowe at cricket fund-raiser for Christchurch on Sunday
- Public Address Out-Link - Open for Creative Business
Kip Brook: Christchurch Reels But Begins To Regroup
Christchurch was known as the most English of New Zealand cities. It was the Garden city and one of the most liveable and safest places in the world. None of that applies any more. It’s etched in the unnerving faces of people who still remain; those that believe in fight; not flight.
It will be become known as of now as the city that suffered two the worst earthquakes on record in New Zealand. More>>
Christchurch: Change From Rescue To Recovery Operation
Statement From The Governor-General It is with great sadness, but with full understanding, that my wife Susan and I have received advice of the change in focus of the response to the Christchurch earthquake, from rescue to recovery.
The authorities in Christchurch, drawing on expert advice both in New Zealand and from further afield, have made this difficult decision. For more than a week, we have joined with the families and friends of those missing in hoping for a miracle, that people would be pulled from the rubble alive. We must now confront the bitter reality that the possibility that further survivors might be rescued is now very small indeed. More>>
- 2/3/11 Image NZ Defence Force - Photos of NZ Defence Force in Christchurch
- Scoop Updates - CBD operation move from rescue to body recovery.
- - Public Information Update, 11 pm 3/3/11 - 3/3: Biggest day for crews clearing silt from city streets - Owners Advised to Consider Options Before Demolition
- Ministry of Civil Defence - Christchurch self-evacuees asked to register with Red Cross
- NZ Police - Police release more names of people confirmed dead - Another shift in Quake stricken Christchurch - Drivers flouting the law in Christchurch
- NZ Defence Force - Earthquake - NZ Defence Force - Update 14
- Scoop Business - PM's press conference report - Kiwi dollar falls to 19-year low against Aussie - IMF mission to assess New Zealand economy - QV reports on Chch generated by JV with cultural comms group
- Scoop Audio - PM's Presser 03/03/11: Rescue to Recovery
- Governor General - Statement from the Governor-General Regarding Earthquake - Image: Gov General And Staff Don Red & Black
- NZ Govt - Temporary accommodation to meet need - NZDF at its best in supporting Christchurch - Christchurch Tertiary Institutions Plan for Restart
- Greens - Thanks Student Volunteer Army
- Student Volunteer Army - Victory is in sight for the Volunteer Student Army
- Canterbury DHB - Earthquake Update Eighteen
- Meridian Energy - Meridian freezes Christchurch power prices for another six months
- Massey University - Massey offers options to quake-affected students
- OPSHOP - OPSHOP donate all sales of new single “Love Will Alway Win"
- MGMT - MGMT Auckland Venue Change, Merch proceeds for Chch
- Auckland Festival - Festival Ihimaera Concert To Be Fundraiser For Christchurch
- Rangiora Earthquake Express - Earthquake Express NOT behind new portable toilets
- The Main Report Group - Main Report Group Battles Through Earthquake Chaos
- TV3 Video - Friday morning full quake press conference video - VIDEO: Foo Fighters' Grohl sends message to Chch - Operation Suburb visiting hardest-hit homes - Govt should borrow more for quake bill - economists - Homeless cops return to work in Christchurch - Christchurch quake: Death toll 163 - Christchurch now a recovery operation - Christchurch's focus switches to recovery - Student volunteers 'first class citizens', says organiser - Christchurch is open for business - Business NZ - Quake road bill won't cause 'dramatic issues' - Joyce - Finding no new survivors personally frustrating - CD controller - High death toll 'reality of massive quake' - Parker - Christchurch begins slow march back to normality - Frustration mounts over identification delays - Kiwis gather at Westminster Cathedral in London - Quake fundraisers vital for 'small stuff' - Brownlee
More video - late Thurday to early Friday
- TV3 Video - 'Horrendous' stories in the eastern suburbs - Green MP - Police messages seem to be getting through - Supt Gibson - Hoops for Christchurch raises $29,000 - British artist donates work to quake appeal - Cathedral's services move to Fendalton school - Answering questions about the Christchurch quake - Eastern Christchurch still without water and power - CBD cordon frustrates businesses - Crusaders look for morale-boost against Waratahs - New loos just the answer for ChCh - Doubts QE2 will be ready for RWC
New Zealanders are being urged to wear red and black on Friday March 4 to honour those who were killed in, or affected by, the Christchurch earthquake. Those wearing the colours are asked to make a gold coin donation to the Red Cross at More>>
- - Public Information Update 8:00pm, Wednesday 2 March 2011 - Chlorination FAQ - Warning on bogus EQC assessors - Demolition only where public safety at risk - CBD Cordon Remains Closed - Pledge website available - Temporary restricted airspace
- Fire Service - Urban Search and Rescue Media update 1.00 pm - New Zealand Fire Service and USAR - Update March 2nd 5.30pm
- NZ Police - OFFICIAL DEATH TOLL NOW 161 Police confirm death of two from Israel - 2/3/11 - 18:13: Rescue operation disrupted by high winds - Three more names released - confirmed death toll 159 - Karakia helps workers with emotional toll
- NZ Police - Australian Police blown away by Kiwi's 'volunteeriness' - Emotional family visit to CBD
- Auckland Council - Significant support for Cantabs in Auckland
- Canterbury DHB - Earthquake Update Seventeen – Canterbury DHB 2 March - Laboratories in Canterbury Overview
- NZ Govt - Disabled people can access earthquake assistance
- Labour - Suspend state house sales so quake victims can be housed
- Greens - Earthquake levy fair; WFF cuts perverse
- Maori Party - Rahui Katene: Mauri Tū Mauri Ora ki ā tātou katoa
- NZ Plunket Society - Plunket services in Christchurch
- Early Childhood Council - Government should not use quake to reduce ECE
- Greater Wellington Regional Council - Drop, cover, hold still the best advice
- NZ Red Cross - Red Cross Commission Announces Emergency Grant
- UNESCO - UNESCO ready to assist in Christchurch
- Lyttelton Port of Christchurch - Lyttelton Port of Christchurch - Week 2 Remaning Strong
- KiwiRail - Rail Freight Services Resume to Lyttelton Port
- Christchurch International Airport - New strategy to ensure tourists still come to Christchurch
- University of Canterbury - UC Scientists take part in Family Fun Days - University of Canterbury Brings in Hi-Tech Buildings
- NZUSA - Urgent action needed for Canterbury students
- Abel Publishing - Christchurch Being Rebuilt on Old Books
- NZ Farmers Market - “Pop Up” Farmers Market in Christchurch this Saturday
- TV3 Video - Trauma specialists provide stress relief in Christchurch - Anger at heritage church's non-consentual demolistion - Return of bus services welcomed in Christchurch - Cantabrians reminded to boil, bleach water - Special Christchurch vigil at Westminster Cathedral - Grieving process just 'the way it is' - Gerry Brownlee - Jim Anderton on Christchurch quake - full interview - Parker urges neighbours to look after one another - Sanitation, mental health major issues in Christchurch - Ryall
TV3 Video – late Wednesday and early Thursday
- TV3 Video - Quake health messages boring, but listen anyway - Refugees, migrants leaving Christchurch in fear - Another arrest for looting in Christchurch overnight - How liquefaction happens - Christchurch quake: Search continues - Cathedral artist alive and well - Docs and nurses tell their quake stories - The day the earth shook: Quitting Christchurch - Quake hero nicknamed 'IncrediBro' talks about harrowing ordeal - The day the earth shook: One woman's story - The day the earth shook: The rescuers - Bear Grylls - why Christchurch will survive - Sports psychologist helps Crusaders deal with quake - Key rules out interest on student loans - Quake a wake up call for Wellington - Lack of portaloos sees illness rise in eastern suburbs - Water still a concern for parts of Christchurch - Nelson schools welcome displaced Christchurch kids - Mayor drops in on parents - Key wants World Cup to go ahead in Christchurch - Millions of dust masks rushed to Christchurch - Helmet cam takes first look inside Grand Chancellor - Looters fail to heed police warnings - Firefighter tells of CTV rescue - full interview - Hundreds of Chch students moved to Australia

Gordon Campbell: English’s Attempt To Politicize The Quake Response (Plus The Rugby)
Much of the inspirational rhetoric surrounding the Christchurch earthquake has had a genuine “We’re all in this together” quality. Certainly, most of the political benefits the quake has delivered to the government have sprung from that same unity of purpose, and shared sense of suffering. Yesterday, Finance Minister Bill English put all that at risk by flagging that all government spending is now on the table for re-consideration – including, for instance, shrinking the eligibility for Working for Families and interest free student loans. More>>ALSO:
- Scoop Business - Spending cuts key to paying for earthquake, English says - WEEKLY SPORTS DIGEST: Christchurch weighs damage - Christchurch quake trips up $184M nationwide hotel buy-up - Lyttelton Port takes $22.6M hit on Sept quake, posts loss
- Labour - Slash and burn not the solution to economic recovery
- Greens - Raising earthquake revenue must be on Key’s agenda
- Maori Party - Time for those who ‘have’ to help those who ‘have not’ - Katene urges whanau to start planning
- Child Poverty Action Group - Don’t create more social costs by reducing WFF
- No Right Turn Out-Link - Key commits to WFF cuts
- Scoop Audio - Selwyn Manning & Catherine Zengerer – Quake Update (Wed)
- NZ Defence Force - Photos of NZ Defence Force in Christchurch
- NZ Govt - Support package provides much needed assistance - Christchurch Tertiary Institutions Plan For Restart - ACC support for Chch earthquake victims - Cantabrians Take Up Government Support Package - Govt Quake Appeal Donations Can Get Tax Benefits - Essential Justice services maintained in Christchurch - Support for ethnic communities in Christchurch - Schools keen to re-open
- Labour - MP Welcomes Opening of ‘Christchurch Embassy’ in Dunedin
- ACT - After The Earthquake - A Vision For New Zealand
- United Future - Dunne Calls for List of Capital's Quake-Prone Buildings
- Maori Party - Katene urges whanau to start planning
- Wellington City Council - Wellington Mayor: the Game Has Changed
- Business NZ - NZ economy buoyed by commodity exports, dented by earthquake
- NZ Council for Infrastructure Development - New ways to fund infrastructure investment required
- - Cordon management and access, 2 March 2011 - Public Information Update - Limited bus services are due to resume - Christchurch cancellations and closures - Where to volunteer for earthquake response
- Ministry of Justice - Christchurch earthquake – update 5
- Ministry of Education - Update for Parents from the Ministry of Education
- TV3 Video - Bob Parker calls sign language interpreter 'hot Jeremy' - Quake will test govt finances, growth - English - Signing at conferences welcomed by the Deaf - Money flowing in for Chch, how it's spent not decided - Talk of 'moving' Christchurch CBD - More arrests overnight, infrastructure slowly returning - Jeremy 'the sign language guy': Information in first language vital - Rescue workers face 'enormous' task - Brownlee
- TradeMe Out-Link - Landscape Rocks for Sale in ChCh for sale
- Wellington.Scoop - The earthquake, and the new reality
- Scoop - Earthquake: Confirmed Dead Now Number 159
Arie Smith, the 25 year old young man with Asperger’s Syndrome who has been charged with looting after the Christchurch Earthquake, is not the face of looting. He represents a lack of awareness of autism and the failure of society to accommodate a diverse range of needs. More>>
- TV3 Video - Dried liquefaction a dusty problem in Chch - More bodies recovered in Christchurch overnight - The Wizard returns to Christchurch - Temporary CBD would be 'difficult, dangerous' - Christchurch Mayor: Nobody has been forgotten - Christchurch quake: Searches continue - Legends of League match for Chch quake appeal - Rescuers forge on despite trying conditions - What would happen if a major quake hit Wellington? - Reporter Jendy Harper tells her quake story - Natasha Utting's quake experience - Survivors recall moment PGC building collapsed - Kiwi athletes rally behind quake cause - Chch tourism industry facing uncertain future - Nelsen finds silver lining in red card - Wife of Haiti quake victim reaches out to Christchurch - Ryan Nelsen - extended interview - Work mates remember quake victim Matti McEachen - Couple flee the quake in crushed Lexus - Quake will test govt finances, growth - English - CTV survivors gather to pay respects - Funeral held for Chch man who died protecting sister - Businesses vacate quake-hit CBD - Some people still waiting for help to arrive - Aranui residents angry at slow quake response - Questions surround CTV, Pyne Gould collapses - Time capsules in Cathedral Square 'symbols of hope'

Nation In Silence: New Zealanders Observed Two Minutes Of Silence At 12:51pm
People throughout New Zealand observed two minutes silence in honour of those who have perished or have been affected by the Christchurch earthquake. In memory of those lost, up to 2000 people gathered in Wellington's Civic Square, and others gathered at Parliament. Scoop reporter Anna Purcell wrote: "Many people in Wellington attended the service at Parliament early this afternoon, as Governor- General Sir Anand Satyanand, and Lady Satyanand, Deputy Prime Minister Bill English, religious representatives, and many others, offered prayers and sympathies before observing the two minutes of silence with all attendees." More>>
- Scoop Images - People Gather at Parliament for Moment of Silence
- TV3 Video - Nation goes silent to remember quake victims - Poignant moments of silence despite media clatter - NZ marks silence for quake victims - Wellington marks 2 mins silence
- Scoop News - Earthquake news updates
- NZ Govt - State of National Emergency Extended - Media update: International assistance received
- Scoop Business - Spending cuts key to paying for earthquake, English says - Christchurch retailers slowly recover: Paymark
- Labour - Slash and burn not the solution to economic recovery
- Police - Controlled felling of PGC building
- Christchurch City Council - Work starts on Hotel Grand Chancellor - Road Closures – Updated 9:00am, Tuesday 1/3/2011
- Auckland DHB - Update on Regional Emergency Response
- British High Commission - Additional UK Experts Arrive in NZ
- Radio Heritage Foundation - Christchurch Radio Services Status Number 2
- Wayne Mapp - Humanity Greater Than Any Act of Nature
- Manning Family - Media Release - from family of Donna Manning (CTV)
- Scoop Business - Earthquake flattens already weak economic outlook: NZIER - Govt pledges initial $120 million to save Christchurch jobs - NZ Dollar Outlook: Kiwi may fall as quake costs become known
- TV3 Video - Water supply chlorinated; Grand Chancellor stabilised - Press staff show 'tremendous courage' in Quake aftermath - New Brighton residents await official quake help - Interview with Japanese journalist in Christchurch - Messages of support from Auckland to Christchurch - Christchurch quake puts Wellingtonians on edge
- National Library Papers Past Out-Link - 18 March 1918 — Bottle Placed Under Godley Statue (found after Feb 2011 Quake)
- National Library Photo Out-Link - Christ Church Cathedral, Christchurch, with spire being rebuilt, [ca 1890]
Christchurch: 'I Predicted The Earthquake' – Scientists Respond
"No one has predicted the recent earthquakes in Canterbury. Vague quotes about dates of 'increased' activity plus or minus several days, without magnitudes, locations, and exact times do not constitute prediction." More>>
- YouTube Out-Link - Russell Brown: RingGate - The Ken Ring Saga 2-3-11 Radio Wammo Show
- TV3 Video - Ken Ring: 'I predicted the Christchurch quake' - John Campbell to Ken Ring: I am sincerely sorry
- SciBlogs Out-Link - Ken Ring can’t predict earthquakes either - Ken Ring can’t predict the weather
- EPISTO! Out-Link - A Guide to Giving Airtime to Cranks – part 1 of many
- Tumblr Out-Link - Other Things Ken Ring Can't Predict
- Out-Link -
The death toll in the Christchurch earthquake has now risen to 154 (0634hrs, 1 March) and is expected to increase further. More>>
- 2 Minutes Silence 12:51 1/3 - Parliament - Canterbury DHB - Civic Square, Wellington - Auckland - Rotorua - Nelson - Queenstown - Anglican Church - Holy Trinity Cathedral - TVNZ
- TV3 Video - Christchurch quake: Silence for the lost - Chch businesses move out of central city - Youngest quake victim farewelled in Christchurch - Education Minister visits quake-affected schools - Jacki Weaver pays tribute to ChCh on Oscar red carpet - Pita Sharples tours hardest hit Christchurch suburbs - Clifton Hill residents evacuated - South Island schools take in Christchurch students - Farmers lend a hand in Christchurch clean-up - Richie McCaw on the Christchurch earthquake - Richmond residents at wit's end - 70pct of homes destroyed, but everyone's alive - Thousands flee Christchurch after quake - Eastern Christchurch suburbs low on supplies - Quake victims seek education outside Christchurch - Touring the quake-ravaged city that was once home - Christchurch family shelter take in wendy house - Kia Kaha, from New York to Christchurch - Amazing Race's Phil Keoghan on Chch quake - Engineers continue to assess, volunteers continue clean - Inside Christchurch Cathedral - Thousands flee Christchurch - Exploring the damage in Christchurch CBD
Wage & Job Loss Support: PM Releases Initial Earthquake Assistance Package
Prime Minister John Key today announced an initial support package for Christchurch businesses and workers affected by last week’s major earthquake.
The six week package is made up of two parts:
• An Earthquake Support Subsidy to help employers keep paying wages
• Earthquake Job Loss Cover to support employees whose employer believes their business is no longer viable. More>>
- Scoop Audio - PM's Presser 28/2/11: Earthquake Assistance Package
- NZ Govt - Financial commitment to rebuild Canterbury - Earthquake support package available immediately
- Labour - Comprehensive Recovery Package Needed for Canterbury
- Scoop Business - Earthquake flattens already weak economic outlook: NZIER - Govt pledges initial $120 million to save Christchurch jobs - NZ Dollar Outlook: Kiwi may fall as quake costs become known
- TV3 Video - ChCh quake: 6-week package (full press conference) - Support package announced for quake hit workers, businesses - Quake assistance could be extended - PM - John Campbell speaks to Key about government subsidy
- Out-Link - Reluctant Keynesians shaken into spending - again
Google Earth: Images From Christchurch, Before & After
New satellite imagery available from our partners at GeoEye. Imagery of Christchurch was taken on Thursday, February 24th from the GeoEye-1 satellite.
Some parts are covered in clouds but substantial portions of the central business district are clearly visible. More>>
Brave Account: Brian Coker Speaks Of His Rescue Ordeal
27 February, 2011 8.15pm - "I didn’t know they were going to amputate my legs but I should have known. They cut my trousers and they did that while I was still conscious. They had no choice. I don’t remember anything of the procedure. When the rescuers came at about 7pm they said they would get me out. They’d been in once before and given me some morphine.
"I don’t remember the amputation because I was anaesthetised. I was properly and professionally anaesthetised. I owe my life to Helen for contacting the emergency services and my brother Malcolm who is a paramedic," Brian Coker More>>
Weekend & Friday:
- Scoop News - Earthquake news updates
- - Public information update: Gale wind warning - Main road in to Sumner from Cave Tce to Nayland St closed
- Fire Service - Media update 28/2/11 8am
- ANZ Bank - Fraudsters posing as quake appeal collectors
- Scoop Audio - Selwyn Manning & Catherine Zengerer's Quake Update (Monday)
- Google - Google and GeoEye: Images from Christchurch
- NZ Defence Force - Images: NZ Defence Force in Christchurch
- NZ Defence Force - Earthquake – NZ Defence Force – Update 10 - Territorial Force Swaps Trenching Tools For Shovels - Christchurch Earthquake – NZ Defence Force – Update 9
- NZ Police - Evacuation in the Redcliffs: Community meeting - The earthquake - and the role of Police - More names released - Evacuation due to concerns about cliff face - Christchurch earthquake - Reminder of cordon access - Community rallies around in police officer's street - Suburban patrollers there to help - Christchurch central city is no place for rubber-necking - Normal policing continues In Christchurch - Police Working With Victim's Families
- NZ Transport Agency - Lyttelton Tunnel to open for use by local residents
- Chief Coroner - Christchurch earthquake – update 4
- NZ Govt - Minister praises Canterbury schools - Work and Income mobilises in Christchurch - Te Puni Kokiri supporting Ngai Tahu response - HMNZS Canterbury has full load for voyage - PM launches Christchurch Earthquake Appeal - Rent suspended for HNZC tenants affected by earthquake - Support for Canterbury schools and students - Government approves special Christchurch Lotto draw - Support continues for all Cantabrians
- Department Of Internal Affairs - Christchurch Earthquake Vigil at Parliament 1 March
- Governor General - Christchurch Earthquake - Governor-General visits Christchurch
- Maori Party - Time for those who ‘have’ to help those who ‘have not’ - Katene urges whanau to start planning
- Labour - Arrangements for school funding need to be addressed
- NZ College Of Midwives - Canterbury Has Enough Midwives
- Relationship Services - Earthquake impacts on all New Zealanders
- Statistics NZ - Census update – collector pay
- Ministry of Education - Clarification of opening status of schools and ECE services
- University of Canterbury - University of Canterbury Quake Update
- BP NZ - BP confirms fuel supplies back on track in Canterbury
- NZ Post - New Zealand Post Services in the quake-affected area
- Telecom NZ - Telecom Canterbury earthquake - update 12.00 noon, Sunday 27
- Federated Farmers - ‘Farmy Army’ removes 1,000 tonnes of earthquake debris - 200,000 litres of water carried daily into Christchurch - Canterbury earthquake Federated Farmers Sunday update - Christchurch clean up on Sunday
- Volunteer Student Army - Ten fold increase in demand on Student Volunteer Army - Information Activists Needed [Volunteer Student Army]
- Hindu Council of NZ - Hindu community joins relief efforts
- AA Insurance - Claims volumes still low
- Word of Mouth Media - Earthquake Vigil Service at Westminster Cathedral
- British High Commission - UK provides further assistance to NZ quake recovery
- European Union - Earthquake aftermath: the European Commission
- Compass - Free Public Enquiry Service for Christchurch Quake Victims
- Liz Gordon - Paula Bennett must take responsibility
- TV3 Video - VIDEO: Christchurch quake press conference Monday morning - Christchurch quake: Two more named - Threat of winds stirring up dust in Christchurch - Civil Defence bunker the calm amid the chaos - Quake double amputee speaks about ordeal - Up to 15,000 student affected by quake-damaged schools
- Kip Brook - On the ground Quake account – No.2
- Public Address Out-Link - Hard News: The First Draft - Hard News: What Now? - OnPoint: On Price Gouging
Weekend video:
Police Meet With Families As Death Toll Hits 145
Police today held two meetings with families of victims believed to have died in the Christchurch earthquake.
One meeting was held for overseas families, the other for local families.
At the meetings, each family was connected with a Police family liaison officer, who will provide a consistent point of contact and update families as the identification process continues. More>>

Police Report: Christchurch Earthquake - Death Toll Passes 100
25 February, 2011 - 03:10 The death toll from the Christchurch Earthquake is now 102 and this figure is still expected to rise.
The list of people who are unaccounted for, and where there is significant concern that they are in the CBD, remains around 200. It is likely that a large number of those who have died will be on that list but that cross-matching can only be carried out once there have been formal identifications. More>>
Statistics: Decision On 2011 Census - Statistics Minister Maurice Williamson and Government Statistician Geoff Bascand today announced the 8 March 2011 Census will not be held. More>> [Also: Labour supports 2011 Census decision]
- Image GNS Science - GNS: 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Part of Aftershock Sequence
- NZ Defence Force - Images: NZDF Uses Desalination Units - Images: NZ Defence Force Update 2
- Scoop Audio - Selwyn Manning & Jessie Wingard - Quake Update (Friday) - Selwyn Manning & Catherine Zengerer - Thursday Quake Update
- Scoop News - Day four updates
- Christchurch City Council - Christchurch Public Information Update, 12:00pm 25/2/11 - Update ChristChurch Cathedral 12:05pm, 25/2/11
- Auckland Council - Enough Auckland beds for now thanks!
- NZ Govt - Help available to ethnic communities in Christchurch - Health volunteers database set up for Canterbury - Dunne: IRD will take flexible approach to quake victims - Paula Bennett - More help available in Christchurch - McCully - Update on International Quake Assistance Received - Dunne reminds Kiwis of tax credits for quake donations
- Maori Party - An update from Rahui Katene, MP for Te Tai Tonga
- NZ Police - First Christchurch Earthquake victims identified - Corrected Spelling of Christchurch Earthquake Victim's Name - Christchurch Earthquake - Bogus officials in Christchurch
- NZ Contractors Federation - Quake-fix website - 1-stop shop for emergency work
- Scoop Business - S&P maintains EQC's rating; says govt help will be needed - S&P says quake will hit insurers' earnings, ratings stable - NZ bond yields fall as post-quake rate cut calls grow - NZ dollar near 6-month TWI low on quake and Libya
- Business NZ - Emergency meeting of CEOs & Govt on earthquake response
- Greens - Paying to rebuild CHCH: A small temporary earthquake levy
- Labour - Goff and Cosgrove pay tribute to the people of Christchurch
- ACT - Heather Roy's Diary - No Week for Politics
- Ministry of Justice - Statement on behalf of Chief Coroner Judge Neil MacLean
- NZ Transport Authority - Lyttelton Tunnel to re-open on Saturday
- Christchurch International Airport - Update from Christchurch Airport for 25 February
- Lyttelton Port Company - Lyttleton Port Of Christchurch Customer Notice
- Greater Wellington Regional Council - Financial support for Christchurch better than goods
- Reserve Bank - Maps: ATMS and Banks currently available in Christchurch, NZ
- Telecom NZ - Canterbury Earthquake - Telecom Update 11am, Fri 25 February
- 2degrees Mobile - 2degrees Christchurch network - if it's important, call
- Silver Fern Farms - More Fresh Water Stores Available for Christchurch
- Pacifica Shipping - Two coastal cargo ships on their way to Canterbury
- Auckland DHB - Update on Regional Emergency Response to Christchurch Quake
- ANZ NZ - Quake Appeal - total for ANZ NZ now more than $1m - Quake Appeal - total for ANZ NZ now more than $700,000
- Historic Places Trust - Full heritage assessment some time off
- Federated Farmers - Farmers bringing in equipment to help clear Christchurch - Petrol stations re-opening, refuelling - Earthquake Update
- Rural Women NZ - Accommodation for people & animals on offer from Rural Women
- NZUSA - Students nationwide responding to CHCH earthquake appeals
- NZ Psychological Society - NZ Psychological Society Update on Christchurch earthquake
- Relationship Services - Relationship Services Offering Quake Crisis Support
- Dalai Lama - Dalai Lama Expresses Sadness Over Recent NZ Earthquake
- Habitat for Humanity - Habitat launches Shelter site for quake-ravaged Cantabrians
- Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori - Updated list of priority needs
- LOOPNews - Earthquake Appeal Concert this Sunday in Auckland
- Big Communications - Dress in Red & Black on Fri 4th March For Canterbury
- Science Media Centre - National-scale project may be needed to rebuild economy
- Save The Children - Save the Children assessing how best to help CHCH children
- TV3 Video - Earthquake may have destroyed 100,000 homes - Redcliffs residents evacuated as community crumbles - Basic utilities a priority for Christchurch - International rescue teams flood in - Earthquake survivor Ann Voss talks of ordeal
- John Minto - Humanity Trumps Selfishness In Earthquake Devastation
- Out-Link - Marae prepares for ChCh tourists
John Minto: Humanity Trumps Selfishness In Earthquake Devastation
The devastation of Christchurch is a national tragedy unsurpassed as a natural disaster since the 1931 Napier earthquake. Having watched similar tragedies regularly played out on TV screens we’re used to seeing third-world countries gripped by death and destruction on a massive scale. Now our small country is in the centre of the frame. More>>
TV3 video Thursday evening to Friday morning:
- TV3 Video - Christchurch missing likely 'caught up in tragedy' - Key - WINZ contacts 6000 people who need help - Dean Beck: Quake 'not an act of God' - VIDEO: Black Caps' Dan Vettori on Canterbury quake impact pre Australia - Afghanistan troops send support to Christchurch - Brownlee: Christchurch will be rebuilt - Still no new survivors found - Bob Parker: Everyone's stressed and scared, so be nice - Christchurch quake - toll passes 100 - Streets evacuated in Redcliffs - VIDEO: Christchurch quake - day one - Cricket legends do their bit for Christchurch - CTV chairman vows to continue broadcasting - Want to help those in Christchurch? Here's how to donate - Japanese students, tutor still missing under CTV rubble - Christchurch quake - 98 dead, 4 named - A requiem for the architecture of Christchurch - Quake-ravaged Christchurch in doubt for RWC - CTVsurvivor - Press building survivor tells her story - Hundreds of elderly residents left vulnerable by quake - Pyne Gould building recovery a desperate affair - ChCh quake decimates businesses - John Campbell interviews Jim Stuart-Black - Who are the missing Japanese students? - Christchurch quake - mystery of the missing baker - Rescue crews face immense difficulties in Christchurch - Rescue efforts continue but city lies in ruins - Exhaustion takes its toll on emergency workers - VIDEO: Christchurch quake dead named - Organ movers caught in quake's fury - Demolished CTV still rescuers' focus - Fresh water as good as gold in Christchurch - Cost to taxpayer bigger than last quake - Key - Christchurch quake - John Key interview - Photos show true story of ChCh quake - Help Christchurch - donate your telephone - Christchurch quake - Roger Sutton interview - Quake aid - more than 1000 apply - Christchurch quake an international tragedy - Latest helicopter video from Christchurch quake zone

Food, Fuel Supplies Reaching Christchurch
Canterbury’s Civil Defence Group Controller, Ken Taylor, is reassuring Christchurch residents that sufficient supplies of food and fuel are reaching the city following the earthquake.
Mr Taylor said that fuel is being transported to Christchurch through the port at Timaru, and despite damage to roads and infrastructure in Christchurch, State Highway One is open for supplies to reach the city. More>>
- Scoop News - Day 3 Reports
- NZ Police - Release of Lists of Dead and Injured Delayed
- Govt House - Messages from World Leaders re Christchurch earthquake
- NZ Govt - Government discusses business quake support - McCully: Not just a New Zealand tragedy - Housing NZ to provide temporary accommodation service - Govt expresses grave concern for Kings Education missing - Students step up and Government backs them - Paula Bennett - Assistance for earthquake affected Cantabrians - Some rest home residents moving out of Christchurch - McCully - media update on offers of international assistance - Paula Bennett - Calls to elderly people essential - PM reallocates portfolios to put focus on quake
- The White House - Readout of Obama's call to PM Key Reagarding CHCH Earthquake
- NZ Govt - YouTube Video: PM & Ministers On Christchurch Earthquake
- NZ Defence Force - Imagery 7 Video Footage - Defence Force Assistance in ChCh
- Scoop Audio - PM's Presser 24/2/11: Cabinet Reshuffle, Dead to be Named
- Phil Goff - Photos from Christchurch
- NZ Defence Force - Earthquake Relief: Photos - Photos 2
- BP New Zealand - BP Lyttelton terminal re-opens
- NZ Fire Service - No signs of life in buildings searched this morning in ChCh
- Refugee Services - An Update on Refugee Services in Christchurch
- Horizons Regional Council - Reports of missing persons still coming
- King's Education - Status of personnel at Kings Education after Earthquake
- Canterbury DHB - Earthquake Update Seven – Canterbury District Health Board
- Auckland DHB - DHB Update on Emergency Support to Christchurch Earthquake
- St John - St John latest earthquake update
- NZ Defence Force - Christchurch Earthquake - NZ Defence Force – Update 4
- Ministry of Justice - Ministry of Justice Quake Update Three – 4.00pm Thursday - Ministry of Justice Chch Earthquake – Update 2, Feb 24th
- Christchurch International Airport - Update from Christchurch Airport - 11am Thurs 24
- 0133 - Free Public Enquiry Service for CHCH Quake Victims Created
- Telecom NZ - Telecom Advisory: Canterbury earthquake - update 11.30am - Telecom supply official txt-to-donate service for Red Cross
- 2degrees and Vodafone - Dual SIM card phones to aid Christchurch recovery efforts
- Vodafone - Vodafone Red Alert TXT Donate
- NZ Law Society - NZ Law Society sets up earthquake assistance website
- Lions Clubs Of NZ - Quake Victims Get Fresh Water and $50,000 for Food
- LOOP Recordings Aotearoa - Kotahitangata (One People) Concert For Earthquake Appeal
- Nelson Media Agency - Free Opera in the Park tickets for Christchurch visitors
- Pipitea Marae - Update on Activities at Pipitea Marae Assiting Chch Evacuees
- Embassy of Mexico - Message from the Mexican Government regarding Chch Quake
- TV3 Video - VIDEO: Christchurch quake moments after - VIDEO: Disorientated on the streets of Christchurch - VIDEO: Christchurch quake on YouTube - No Chapel survivors despite active rescue - Names of dead to be released soon a Key - Map shows 19 aftershocks in Christchurch over 24 hrs - PM: 'We can't give up hope, but need to be realistic' - Bob Parker: 'Look after your fellow Cantab' - Rescuing quake survivors better than winning lotto - Bexley - a communtiy reeling from the quake - Lyttelton: The epicentre of the Christchurch quake - Sumner - a suburb hit hard by the quake - VIDEO: Tour of of 'lock down' area in Chch CBD - Christchurch quake - a geologist's view
- Scoop Business - S&P says quake will hit insurers’ earnings, ratings stable - Quake will impact Budget, direction won’t change: Key - Lyttelton Port says most operations to be back in 10 days - MARKET CLOSE: NZ stocks bounce back after quake; Tower gains
- Out-Link - Tim Watkin: How a new news was born of tragedy - Andrew Geddis: Sometimes an emergency really is just an emergency
- Scoop Coverage - Christchurch Earthquake 22/2/11

Yesterday’s Christchurch earthquake triggered a spectacular glacier calving at Tasman Glacier Terminal Lake that is believed to be the largest freshwater Basal calving in the world to be caught on camera. More>>
- TV3 Video Wednesday evening to Thursday Morning - Signs of life from amongst earthquake rubble - Fire Service focus on CTV, PGC, Grand Chancellor - Map shows 19 aftershocks in Christchurch over 24 hrs - PM: 'We can't give up hope, but need to be realistic' - Bob Parker: 'Look after your fellow Cantab' - Search and rescue a 'slow, meticulous' process - Christchurch quake: Rescues continue overnight - International USAR teams give rescuers wider scope - Christchurch suburbs feeling ignored - Rescuing quake survivors better than winning lotto - Hospitals stretched, power slowly returning - Christchurch quake: 60 Minutes special - One of the saddest scenes - Canterbury TV - Bexley - a communtiy reeling from the quake - Christchurch quake - Bob Parker interview - Air Force working round the clock in Christchurch - John Campbell speaks to Pyne Gould's chairman - Christchurch quake - a geologist's view - Pyschology in the aftermath of a quake - Lyttelton: The epicentre of the Christchurch quake - Finding family a first priority - Carl Stockton - a volunteer rescuer - John Campbell talks to John Key - Search and Rescue on a mission in Christchurch - Christchurch quake - talkback radio phones on fire - 300 missing after Christchurch earthquake - Chch quake: Black Caps grieve from a world away - Crusaders undecided about match after board member's death - Sumner - a suburb hit hard by the quake - Lyttelton devastated by earthquake - Over 130 still trapped inside Pyne Gould building - Heartbreak as CTV search is called off - VIDEO: Hotel Grand Chancellor may collapse - World leaders offer condolences, support to Christchurch - Christchurch exodus gathers pace - Christchurch residents queue for fresh water - Quake bill could cost $16B - Key - Threat of water-borne diseases as hospitals stretched - Tourists caught up in quake; some lose everything - VIDEO: Tour of of 'lock down' area in Chch CBD - VIDEO: Christchurch quake, view from above
Scoop Business: Disruptions To Trigger Solid Energy Force Majeure Notices
State-owned coal miner Solid Energy Ltd. expects to issue force majeure notices to customers whose coal shipments are delayed as a result of the Christchurch earthquake. More>>
- Scoop Business - UPDATED: Listed coys report minor Christchurch damage
- Solid Energy NZ - Solid Energy mining operations as normal following Quake
- Solid Energy NZ - [Pike river tribute] Solid Energy suspends underground operations
Arts Being Useful: Wellington Fringe Rallies For Canterbury
The Wellington Fringe Festival is traditionally a low budget affair, both for audiences and for performers, but yesterday’s disaster has led Wellington Fringe participants to rally together with fundraising efforts from donating profits from existing shows to setting up specific special events... More>>
- The Fringe Bar - El Jaguar and friends Earthquake Relief Extravaganza
- MG Promotions - Queens Of The Stone Age Christchurch Concert Cancelled
- Out-Link - Fringe Friends of Canterbury
EQNZ: Help Available To Christchurch People
“The situation is changing, but currently there are two welfare centres which are operating, at Hagley Park and at Burnside High School,” says Ms Bennett...
“The advice is to stay at home if people can and to check on their neighbours and if they need any help or advice, call the Government helpline,” says Ms Bennett.
The 0800 779997 helpline will operate 24 hours, providing information, advice and transferring calls through to other appropriate agencies. More>>.
- NZ Govt - Update on Hagley Park welfare centre - closing - More welfare centres open in Christchurch - Generous offers flood in for the people of Christchurch
- Image NZ Defence Force - Images: NZ Defence Force in Christchurch - Images 2 - Images 3 - Aerial Photographs -Defence Force Assistance In Christchurch - Aerial Photos 2 - Aerial Photos 3
- NZ Defence Force - Christchurch Earthquake - NZ Defence Force – Update 3 - Christchurch Earthquake - NZ Defence Force - Update 2
- Wellington City Council - Pipitea Marae & Te Raukura open doors to quake travellers
Police: Christchurch Earthquake Death Toll Reaches 75
Canterbury District Commander Superintendent Dave Cliff says the bodies of 55 people have been identified, and another 20 are awaiting identification.
Superintendent Cliff says 300 people are reported missing. Some of these people could be trapped in buildings but others may just have difficulty contacting family. More>>
- NZ Transport Agency - Lyttelton Tunnel canopy to be demolished
- Scoop Audio - Audio: PM Press Conf. On Quake Response 23 Feb 2011
- Scoop Audio - National Civil Defence Briefing, 1:30 23/2/11
- Scoop News - Day 2 Updates and live chat
- Scoop Audio - Selwyn & Kat: The PM Declaring A National State Of Emergency - Radio Adelaide: Quake Update With Selwyn Manning - 5AA Radio: Selwyn Manning & Peter Godfrey - Quake Update
- Out-Link - Day 2 rolling coverage: Hundreds missing as Chch faces carnage
- Scoop Business - Christchurch quake to cost $6-8 bln, Key says
- Parliament Today - Parliament Adjourns Until March Due To Earthquake
- NZ Govt - New Zealand thanks nations for offers of assistance - PM’s speech notes on Canterbury earthquake - New Zealand Flag at half-mast until further notice
- Maori Party - Chch Quake Ministerial Statements - Hon Dr Pita Sharples
- Wellington City Council - Emergency billets – 'hotline' to close down at 5pm
- Lion Foundation - $5 Million Lion Foundation Emergency Relief
- NZ Blood Service - Update 2: NZ Blood Service Stocks Sufficient
- Canterbury Civil Defence - Earthquake Civil Defence Update – Feb 23 2011 – 6.10 am
- Canterbury DHB - Earthquake Media Update 5 – Canterbury District Health Board - Earthquake Media Update 4 – Canterbury District Health Board - Earthquake Media Update Three - Canterbury DHB
- Christchurch International Airport - Christchurch Airport update Wed 4.30pm: open for Domestic and International flights - Chch Airport open for International Flights from Midday
- Telecom NZ - Telecom Media advisory: Canterbury earthquake - update 11.45
- 2degrees Mobile - 2degrees Christchurch network update
- Science Media Centre - Timing of quake, weakened buildings: resulted in more deaths
- GNS Science - Christchurch badly damaged by magnitude 6.3 earthquake
- Kip Brook - Christchurch Earthquake – Scene Setter
- Center for Strategic and International Studies - A Tragedy that Forges Brotherhood: Christchurch 22-2-11
- Commonwealth Secretariat - Statement by Commonwealth Secretary-General on the Quake
- Connie Lawn Audio - Obama Statement on Christchurch Quake
- The White House - Statement by the President on the Earthquake in New Zealand
- US State Department - Hillary Clinton: Earthquake in Christchurch
- Out-Link - YouTube - Beached Whale - Donate To Christchurch
- TV3 Video - Prime Minister's message to Christchurch: 'You will overcome' - Prime Minister John Key's full speech - Evacuees give firsthand accounts of quake horror - Today's focus solely on saving lives - Mayor - Goff tells of earthquake experience - Christchurch quake: 39 dead - Police: people lost limbs in order to be rescued - Christchurch Quake - what should GPs do
- Via Flickr - Images: Christchurch Earthquake
Police Statement: Major Earthquake,
Reported Fatalities In Christchurch
A major
earthquake in Christchurch at 12.51pm has caused widespread
damage and injury... Multiple fatalities have been reported
at several locations in the central city... [Image via - Twitpic] More>>
More Earthquake Response:
- Breaking News - News-Flash: 65 Confirmed Dead In Christchurch Quake
- NZ Police - Police: Number of fatalities rise from Christchurch quake
- Civil Defence Emergency Management - Chch Civil Defence Update 6.10pm
- Canterbury Civil Defence - Canterbury Civil Defence Management Group Update - 5.15pm
- Civil Defence Emergency Management - Civil Defence: Earthquake Update – February 22 2011 – 7.40pm
- Selwyn District Council - Selwyn Earthquake 5pm Update
- Civil Defence - Christchurch Earthquake Latest at 3.30pm
- NZ Fire Service - Fire Service response to Christchurch Earthquake
- NZ Police - Christchurch Earthquake 4pm Police Update
- NZ Red Cross - Red Cross Responds To Canterbury Earthquake
Triage centres have been established for the injured at Latimer Square in the central city, Spotlight Mall in Sydenham and Sanitarium in Papanui.
People in the affected area
• Expect aftershocks. Each time one is felt,
drop, cover, and hold on.
• Check yourself first for
injuries and get first aid if necessary before helping
injured or trapped persons.
• Assess your home or
workplace for damage. If the building appears unsafe get
everyone out. Use the stairs, not an elevator and when
outside, watch out for fallen power lines or broken gas
lines. Stay out of damaged areas.
• Look for and
extinguish small fires if it is safe to do so. Fire is a
significant hazard following earthquakes.
• Listen to
the radio for updated emergency information and
• Do not overload phone lines with
non-emergency calls.
• Help people who require special
assistance - infants, elderly people, those without
transportation, families who may need additional help,
people with disabilities, and the people who care for them.
Government: Help Available To Christchurch People
Assistance for Cantabrians is available now and all possible help will be offered to those in need says Social Development Minister.
“The situation is changing, but currently there are two welfare centres which are operating, at Hagley Park and at Burnside High School,” says Ms Bennett.
“More welfare centres will open as soon as buildings are declared safe to use,” says Ms Bennett.
“The advice is to stay at home if people can and to check on their neighbours and if they need any help or advice, call the Government helpline,” says Ms Bennett.
The 0800 779997 helpline will operate 24 hours, providing information, advice and transferring calls through to other appropriate agencies. More>>
More Information For Assistance:
- NZ Blood Service - CHCH Earthquake – No Additional Donors Needed
- Environment Canterbury - CDEM Earthquake Media Release - Feb 22 2011
- Contact Energy - Contact Energy advice to customers in the Christchurch area
- Meridian Energy - Meridian works to restore essential customer services
- NZ Plunket Society - Plunket advice: reassuring kids following latest earthquake
- Massey University - Coping with psychosocial aftermath of another quake
- Out-Link - Google Person Finder: Christchurch Earthquake - EqnzContact - Wiki for sought contacts
Please restrict phone use to emergency calls THROUGHOUT NZ.
Scoop reports, multimedia and web coverage links:
- The Scoop Team - Serious Earthquake Hits Christchurch
- The Scoop Team - Personal Account of Feb 22 Christchurch Earthquake
- Out-Link - Rolling coverage of Christchurch quake
- 5AA Radio Australia - Selwyn Manning & Peter Godfrey - Quake Update
- 95bFM Audio - Selwyn Manning & Kat - Quake Update, PM Declares National State of Emergency
- Radio Adelaide - Selwyn Manning - Quake Update
- Alastair Thompson - Post Emergency Cabinet Presser - Christchurch Earthquake
- Parliament Today - Parliament Adjourns
- Scoop Audio - Audio: John Key Statement on Christchurch Earthquake
- Parliament Today - The Day In Parliament Feb 22
- Scoop Business - Moody’s sees ‘anaemic’ NZ growth after Christchurch quake - NZ Govt opens chequebook for earthquake relief - Tower says Christchurch quake claims likely to top $5 mln - Rating agency expects quake will hit NZ govt finances - Nightmare looms for under-insured Cantabrians - Quake causing nationwide EFTPOS delays - Quake’s economic impact depends most on govt response
- Christchurch Earthquake Photos 1 - 2 - 3 - Photos and Video 4
- Youtube Out-Link - YouTube - Live earthquake in Christchurch
- TV3 Video - Dozens feared dead inside CTV building - Christchurch quake - Bob Parker interview - Army talk about morning's rescue efforts - Doctors conference turns into quake support group - Hagley Park's Flower Show venue becomes a vital shelter - Civil Defence confirm reduced death toll of 32 - Airports in chaos following quake - Hospitals across NZ prepare for quake victims - Govt promises to stop at nothing to save lives in ChCh - Aerial shots show quake damage - Donation lines set up for quake victims - Red Cross overwhelmed by quake victims - Christchurch suburbs hit hard a second time - Quake rumbles 30 million tonnes of ice off glacier - Social media steps in as phone lines go down - Fifty trapped at collapsed CTV building - VIDEO: Helicopter footage from Lyttleton post-quake - Christchurch quake traps workers - GNS scientist John Rista - full interview - ChCh survivour trapped under desk - Cathedral takes massive hit in ChCh quake - ChCh Hospital struggles with load from quake - Mobile networks overloaded in wake of quake - Christchurch quake: Power companies race to repair networks - The quake through the other side of the camera - Christchurch quake: Hamish Clark surveys the damage - Christchurch quake: John Key interview - Christchurch earthquake: Damage assessment and updates - Quake weaker, but deadlier than last year's - Christchurch quake: Jendy Harper talks to Hilary Barry - Christchurch quake: Timelapse map shows progression of quakes - Christchurch quake: Mayor Bob Parker speaks - Panic on the streets of Christchurch - Christchurch quake: Dan Parker reports from Christ's College - VIDEO: Helicopter footage of Christchurch after quake - VIDEO: Major Christchurch buildings damaged - Christchurch quake - Govt press conference - VIDEO: Inside quake-damaged Christchurch Cathedral - Christchurch quake: people run for lives as verandah collapses - video - Christchurch quake - Civil Defence Minister John Carter - Christchurch quake - witness statements - Christchurch quake: Pyne Gould building flattened - Christchurch Quake - Key Calls Emergency Cabinet Meeting - Christchurch quake updates: Deaths confirmed - VIDEO: The moment the Christchurch quake struck - Christchurch Cathedral destroyed after massive quake
Quake Info:
- GNS Science - Earthquake Report: Mag 6.3, 22/02/11. 12:51
- Science Media Centre - Timing of quake, weakened buildings: resulted in more deaths
- Science Media Centre - Experts on Christchurch earthquake
Christchurch Organisations and More Infrastructure Info:
- Christchurch International Airport - Christchurch Airport Update
- Jetstar - Earthquake in Christchurch and Jetstar Services
- Telecom NZ - Canterbury earthquake - Telecom update 7.50pm - Canterbury earthquake - update 9pm, 22 February - Telecom Statement: Canterbury earthquake – update 4.50pm - Canterbury Earthquake – update 3.20pm - Media Statement: Canterbury earthquake
- KiwiRail - KiwiRail Christchurch earthquake update
- Jetstar - Earthquake in Christchurch and Jetstar Services
- Canterbury University - Canterbury University Earthquake Update
- University of Otago - Christchurch Campus: Earthquake Information
- Ministry of Education - Christchurch Schools, Early Childhood Services 8.05 22/2/11 - Christchurch Earthquake - MOE Update, 22 February 2011
- Federated Farmers - Canterbury Earthquake Wednesday Update - Canterbury earthquake Tuesday evening update - New Canterbury earthquake [from Federated Farmers]
- Paymark EFTPOS - EFTPOS services affected nationwide
- Progressive Enterprises - Countdown Supermarkets - Christchurch Earthquake Update #2 - Countdown Supermarkets - Christchurch Earthquake Update #1
- Ministry of Justice - Ministry of Justice Media Update - Christchurch Earthquake
- BP NZ - BP Stations Closed Following Earthquake
- Farmers Trading Company - Chch Earthquake: Farmers staff and customers safe
NZ Response:
- Governor General - Message from the Governor-General on earthquake
- Maori Party - Message to the people of Otautahi from the Maori Party
- Greens - Green Party - Condolences for Christchurch
- NZ Police - BOP Police to send staff to Christchurch - Additional police staff heading to Christchurch
- NZ Fire Service - Fire service update - Still no one available for interview
- Wellington Region Emergency Management group - Wellington Region Emergency Management Group
- Wellington City Council - CHCH Quake - Wellington ready to help out
- Porirua City Council - Porirua Ready to Send Help to Christchurch After Quake
- Hutt City Council - Mayor Ray Wallace offers solidarity and support
- Environment Bay of Plenty - BOP offers support to Canterbury emergency management
- Auckland Council - Message of Support to Christchurch
- Auckland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group - Auckland responds to Christchurch earthquake
- Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management - Waikato responds to Canterbury earthquake
- Salvation Army - Salvation Army appeals for funds for renewed earthquake resp
- Mediaworks - 3 News Live Quake Coverage Continues - 3 News Live Special Coverage from the CHCH Quake Scene
- TVNZ - One News Coverage Times - Christchurch Earthquake - One News - uninterrupted coverage.
- Anglican Church in Aotearoa - Message of support for CHCH from Anglican Church
- NZ Christian Network - Christian leaders express sympathy for earthquake victims
International Response:
- British High Commission - Christchurch Earthquake
- Delegation of the European Union to NZ - EU's Civil Protection Mechanism available for Christchurch
See also September 2010 Christchurch Earthquake Coverage