Bradley Manning and the Rule of Law
Bradley Manning and the Rule of Law
The case of Private Bradley Manning raises legal issues about his pre-trial detention, freedom of speech and the press, as well as proving his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Putting aside Manning’s guilt or innocence, if Bradley Manning saw the Afghan and Iraq war diaries as well as the diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks what should he have done? And, what should be the proper response of government to their publication?
A high point in the application of the rule of law to war came in the Nuremberg trials where leaders in Germany were held accountable for World War II atrocities. Justice Robert Jackson, who served as the chief prosecutor in the Nuremberg trials while on leave from the U.S. Supreme Court, said “If certain acts of violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.”
One of
the key outcomes of the Nuremberg trials was that people who
commit war crimes or crimes against humanity will be held
accountable even if they were following orders. This is
known as Nuremberg Principle IV
How do the Nuremberg Principles and other laws of war apply to Bradley Manning?
What is a person who does not want to
participate in war crimes or hiding war crimes supposed to
do when he sees evidence of them? If Manning hid the
evidence would he not be complicit in the crimes he was
covering up and potentially liable as a co-conspirator?
These were questions that Bradley Manning allegedly wrestled
with. According to unverified chat logs Manning, talking
with Adrian Lamo on email, asks
In Iraq, Manning was ordered
He wrestled with the question of
what to do. According to the unverified chat logs with Lamo
Manning told Lamo
In the chat logs, Lamo asked Manning why he did not sell the documents to a foreign power. Manning realized he could have made a lot of money doing so, but he did not take that path. He explained: “it belongs in the public domain - information should be free - it belongs in the public domain - because another state would just take advantage of the information… try and get some edge - if its out in the open… it should be a public good.” These are not the words of a traitor, of someone out to hurt the United States, these are the words of someone trying to improve the United States, trying to get the country to live up to its highest ideals.
Manning is charged so far with three
counts of unlawfully transferring confidential material to a
non-secure computer, i.e. leaking state secrets. Manning
faces up to 52 years if convicted of these crimes and it is
likely that he will be charged with additional offenses. The
charges against Manning end stating
Well, what exactly did the materials Manning allegedly leak show?
video that is the focus of these initial charges is known as
the Collateral Murder video
Marjorie Cohn
The Collateral Murder video documents war crimes according to this legal expert on human rights law. When Manning saw these war crimes, what should he have done? Should he have covered up the evidence of potential war crimes? Should he try to go up the chain of command – a strategy that he had already unsuccessfully tried? If Manning did what he is accused of, he did the only thing that could stop these crimes from continuing.
Other documents Manning allegedly provided to
WikiLeaks showed the 2009 Granai airstrike
Allegedly, Manning released hundreds of
thousands of documents to WikiLeaks who, working with
traditional media outlets has released a small percentage of
them. He left it to journalists to decide what was
appropriate for release. The small percentage of documents
released show widespread and systemic abuses in U.S. foreign
policy and in the conduct of wars. WikiLeaks documents
including the Iraq
- That U.S. troops kill civilians
- The CIA is fighting an undeclared and unauthorized war in
- The President of Afghanistan
- The Pakistan military and intelligence agencies aid Al
- The U.S. looks the other way when
governments it puts in power torture
- The diplomatic cables also show that beyond the war fronts
that Hillary Clinton has turned State Department Foreign
Service officers into a nest of spies
- That Israel, with U.S. knowledge is preparing for a
widespread war
These are a few examples among
many. The documents published by WikiLeaks, allegedly
provided to them by Manning, are of critical importance to
understanding that U.S. foreign and military policy is not
what Americans are told. No doubt historians, human rights
lawyers, academics and others will be reviewing these
documents and reporting in greater detail the systemic
nature of the unethical and often illegal behavior of U.S.
foreign policy. This already has the world looking at the
United States with new eyes
Experience inside the U.S. military turned a young man from Oklahoma who believed in America into someone who doubted it. Manning believed in American freedom, especially economic freedom and believed the United States played a positive role in the world. He wanted to serve his country. In doing so he became someone who questioned the leadership of the nation, its foreign policy and its conduct of wars. He saw war crimes, violations of law and constant deception. After much soul searching he decided that the quest for a more perfect union required him to share this information.
Justice Robert Jackson, during his Opening Address at the Nuremberg Trials, said: “If we can cultivate in the world the idea that aggressive war-making is the way to the prisoner's dock rather than the way to honors, we will have accomplished something toward making the peace more secure.” Bradley Manning joins in this enlightened viewpoint and is working to make peace more secure and the United States a better nation.
A mature American leadership, rather than prosecuting Manning, would encourage an honest debate about U.S. foreign policy. Thomas Jefferson warned that “oppressions are many” and that for the people to govern we should “leave open . . . all the avenues to truth.” Manning has provided an avenue to truth where we can look honestly at our government and dramatically change direction. Enlightened leadership would renounce blackmail, threats and spying of foreign officials, as well as torture and war.
Instead Manning is suffering a fate Thomas Jefferson warned about: “Most codes extend their definitions of treason to acts not really against one's country. They do not distinguish between acts against the government and acts against the oppressions of the government.” Manning has been sitting in solitary confinement for seven months awaiting trial. He is suffering this fate for the betterment of the nation. People who care about the United States and our impact on the world should stand with Bradley and work to transform American foreign policy away from militarism and toward one where we work cooperatively with nations for the advancement of all.
stand with Bradley visit: Stand With Brad
prevent prosecution of WikiLeaks vist:
/Kevin Zeese is executive director of Voters
for Peace