Anti TPP Demonstration: Death of Democracy?
The Trans Pacific Partnership: Death to Democracy
Photos by Nick Brown for Scoop
16 December 2010
The TPP Action Group held a visual protest today outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Lambton Quay in Wellington. At just after midday around 30 activists showed up in opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement currently under negotiation. The group, who met at Midland Park demanded that the Government reconsider its policy concerning free trade.
“We’re seeing the death of democracy,” says Richard Slade, spokesperson for the TPP Action Group. “There is no transparency and no consultation with the public concerning the TPP.
Unite Union held a strong presence at the visual displaying banners and leading chants.

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“The TPP gives foreign companies more power than NZ citizens and it must not go ahead! We are a group of union members terrified by what TPP could mean for the future, and determined to oppose it.
It’s been claimed that “The TPP [will] be enforceable in secret in international courts and tribunals. Foreign corporations will be able to sue the New Zealand government over legislation or court decisions they didn’t like, such as an order to clean up a toxic site. It also has implications for protection of intellectual property in digital media.
Essentially the TPP is placing an effective limit on the freedom and sovereignty of the New Zealand public.
“We are also here today in solidarity with people in the other eight countries who also stand to lose out economically, socially and environmentally. The TPP is not what we want for the future.”
A number of the participants of the demonstration had their mouths taped closed to symbolise the control that the TPP will hold over people.

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Nick Brown is an editor for, he can be contacted at nick [at]