City Gallery Video Is Too Hot

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The blot was receding by the time Scoop thought to take a photo.
Stations, the video installation by Murray Hewitt playing outside the front doors of Wellington's City Gallery until December 12, appears to have been receiving some enhancement care of the sun.
At about 6.45 last night, being at a loose end in Civic Square, Scoop checked out the video – a series of shot of abandoned service stations to the tune of AC/DC's Hell's Bells. Eventually Scoop noticed that one of the screens in the "Square² Gallery" space had a dark, shadowed blot over the much of the image, drooping down from the top of the screen not unlike spilling oil.
This did not seem intended to be part of the work, but it struck Scoop as rather apt.
The effect related to where a patch of strong late afternoon sun had been falling on the case and – judging by very high temperature of the glass in those areas – overheating the screen.
As a found work dependent on weather, season and technology, Scoop commends the result to the public while it lasts.