Pike River: Two-Minute Silence As Remembrance Service Begins
Prime Minister John Key has asked that all of New Zealand observes two minutes’ silence at 2pm as the Pike River Official Remembrance Service begins.
The service, to remember the 29 men who lost their lives in the Pike River Mine, will be held at the Omoto Racecourse in Greymouth.
Mr Key says, “I hope all of New Zealand will join with those of us at the service and observe two minutes’ silence at 2pm. This tragedy has affected all of us and tomorrow is an opportunity to join together in grief.” More>>
- NZ Govt - Key: Pike River Official Remembrance Service
- Labour - Phil Goff - Tribute to the Pike River Coal Miners
- Auckland City Council - Auckland service for Pike River
- Dunedin City Council - Memorial Service for the Miners lost in the Pike River Mine
- Rail And Maritime Transport Union - Special train will run tomorrow to Pike River memorial
- TVNZ - Pike River Official Remembrance Service - NZ On Air supporting Greymouth remembrance
- Volunteering NZ - Poignant TV images a message for International Volunteer Day
- Domino's Pizza - Domino’s Raising Dough for Miners’ Trust
- Word of Mouth Media - Leading NZ artist pays tribute to Pike River 29
- NZ Police - GAG working to extinguish fire in Pike River mine. - Work continues to install GAG at mine portal - Fire at Pike River Coal mine portal stalls gag deployment
- Pike River Coal - Update from Pike River Coal Ltd
- TV3 Video - Pike River - full remembrance service - Miners farewelled at ceremony - West Coasters return home on miner train - Greymouth shuts down for memorial - 'None of us will ever forget' - Laying of ferns ends Remembrance Service - 'You'll Never Walk Alone' brings the crowd to tears - Prime Minister John Key at remembrance service - full video - John Key speaks at the Pike River service - 'How Great Thou Art' sung by the crowd - Greymouth Mayor speaks to the crowd - The nation falls silent - full video - Pike River CEO speaks at the remembrance service - Amazing Grace sung by St Patrick's Catholic Choir - Final preparations ahead of Pike River memoral
- TV3 Video - Final preparations ahead of Pike River memoral - Piper played for Queen, tomorrow for Pike River - Otomo Racecourse prepared for Pike River memorial - Greymouth booked out for Pike River remembrance service - Pike River: GAG engine starts up overnight - Peter Whittall on the future for Pike River Coal mine - Will mining continue on the West Coast? - Andrew Little speaks about mining safety - Sickie may have saved young Pike River miner's life
Released: Footage Of The Third And Fourth Explosions
Attached is a link to a series of still images from the third and fourth explosions at the Pike River Coal Mine on Friday 26 November 2010 and Sunday 28 November 2010. More>>
- NZ Police - Work continues to install GAG at mine portal - Fire at Pike River Coal mine portal stalls gag deployment
- TV3 Video - Pike River - video of flames after fourth explosion - Pike River mine explosion video released - Pike River coal seam likely location of fire

Image: TV3 - Flames seen from above the Pike River mine
Gordon Campbell: On The Pike River Inquiry
The Royal Commission of inquiry into Pike River disaster has an open slate to identify the cause of the tragedy at this one mine, and the safety conditions in general for underground mining in New Zealand. In practice, the core questions will be as simple as they were with the Erebus inquiry.
There, the reasons why the plane hit the mountain came down to whether the cause was (a) pilot error or (b) the faulty flight co-ordinates supplied by Air New Zealand. For good reason, Royal Commissioner Justice Peter Mahon went with (b). More>>
- TV3 Video - Panckhurst to head Pike River inquiry - Families' compensation as high as $20M - Lawyer on Pike River inquiry - Flames seen from above mine - Fifth explosion in mine - Pike River's futue and West Coast economy's uncertain - Victim's families divided over Pike River's future - Families divided - Natricia Herk - Wait gets longer for families
29/11/10: PM Announces Royal Commission
Prime Minister John Key announced today that Cabinet has agreed to establish a Royal Commission on the Pike River mine tragedy.
The inquiry will have broad terms of reference enabling it to examine and report on the causes of the explosions at the mine and subsequent loss of life, as well as all aspects of the safety regulatory regime and rescue operations that applied at the mine.
The Royal Commission will be chaired by Justice Graham Panckhurst, a sitting High Court judge. Two other Commissioners with relevant expertise in mining and safety regulation will also be appointed. More>>
- NZ Govt - Royal Commission on Pike River - Terms of Reference - Q and A: Royal Commission into the Pike River
- Scoop Business - Pike River could reopen before royal commission reports
- Scoop Audio - Radio Adelaide: Manning & Godfrey – Mine Update + La Nina
- Greens - Call for independent worker representative
- EPMU - EPMU welcomes Royal Commission of Inquiry - EPMU Pike River Miners Family Support Trust
- Pike River Coal - Update From Pike River Coal
- NZ Police - Fourth explosion impacts recovery plans - Fourth explosion at Piker River Mine
- Q+A Transcripts - Espiner interviews Pike River Coal CEO - Holmes interviews former head of mine safety USA - Guyon Espiner interviews Prime Minister, John Key - Q+A’s panel discussions
- TV3 Video - Justice Panckhurst to lead Pike River inquiry - Inquiry into Pike River tragedy expected - Pike River Royal Commission announced - Fears Pike River coal seam could be burning
Christchurch Memorial Service For Pike River Miners
A memorial service to honour the lives of the 29 miners who died in the Pike River mining tragedy will be held at 1pm Monday 6 December 2010 at the Christchurch Cathedral. More>>
- Christchurch City Council - Christchurch Memorial Service for Pike River miners
- TVNZ - Pike River Official Remembrance Service Coverage
- Wellington City Council - Council opens Pike River condolence book
- Hastings District Council - Hastings to send Condolences to Pike River
- ANZ Bank - ANZ and National collect $220,000 for miner's families
- The Kiwi Party - Pike River Disaster Shows Kiwi Solidarity - The Kiwi Party
- Word of Mouth Media - Coasters approach Cave Creek lawyer - Memories, eerie reminder for Kiwi in London
- Massey University - Supporting loved ones of the lost coal miners
- TV3 Video - Fourth mine explosion sparks coal fire - Fourth explosion at Pike River mine - Mother calls for Pike River mine to be sealed - Miner's brother says Pike River is safe - Pike River tragedy - When a minute's rugby silence is deafening - Families make sombre journey to mine site - Donations flow in for Pike River miners
Scoop Editorial: Pike River,
After The Second Explosion
What is important now is that all the questions are answered.
But almost equally important is that they be seen to be answered well.
The experience of the past week in Pike River and Greymouth has traumatised all of New Zealand - and possibly more than usually, the media and the police.
The relationship between the two has - to be blunt - reached a new low point.
For some in the media - and no doubt the public also - it felt as if the Police grossly mishandled the quantity and quality of the information they released.
For some in the police - and no doubt the public also - it felt as if the media preyed on the event looking for controversy and ratings. More>>
- NZ Police - Third blast at Pike River mine
- Pike River Coal - Third Explosion Confirmed
- NZ Govt - ACC systems in place to help Pike River Mine families
- NZ Police - Good progress on Pike River mine recovery planning - Broad - Blog: Sad outcome at Pike River - No Police news conference in Greymouth today [Fri 26] - Operation Pike Update
- Mapp Report - Pike River Disaster
- Department Of Labour - OSH: Investigation into explosion at Pike River coal mine
- Scoop Business - NZOG releases $12 million for Pike River - ’50 mln-odd tonnes of coal’ still in Pike mine: Whittall
- NZ Oil And Gas - NZOG provides funding
- Rail And Maritime Transport Union - Rail and maritime workers mourn lost miners
- Development West Coast - DWC committed to supporting West Coast communities
- Hurunui District Council - Hurunui Opens Its Hearts to West Coasters
- Thames Coromandel District Council - Coromandel: Condolence Books for Families of Pike Tragedy
- Hindu Council of NZ - Pike River mine tragedy
- Tom Frewen - The Week In Parliament Nov 26 2010
- Scoop Link - Video Diary: The Pike River Press Conferences (TVNZ)
- TV3 Video - Pike River: Special service at cathedral - Families question what went wrong at Pike River - U2 dedicate songs to 29 lost miners - Miracle survivor - Full interview with Colin Tandy - Prime Minister John Key speaks about mine disaster - Truckie's remarkable story of survival - Tony Kokshoorn feels impact of mine tragedy - Reality sinks in for miners' families - Bakers try to bring hope to Greymouth - Gary Knowles settles in Greymouth - Mine tragedy puts strain on Greymouth local economy - Pike River tragedy: Signs of loss everywhere - Recovery plans at Pike mine remain uncertain - Greymouth children coping with Pike River losses - West Coast's darkest hour - Mayor - Prayers continue for Greymouth residents - Support for Pike River floods in from around the globe - Donate to those affected by the Pike River tragedy - Gary McCormick's poem for the Pike River miners
Science Media Centre: Experts On Potential Techniques To Stabilise Pike River
A number of "inertisation" technologies, such as liquid nitrogen vapourisation are being considered to stabilise the situation in the mine and eliminate possible ignition sources such as smouldering fires.
It is understood a GAG jet engine unit from New South Wales is most likely to be used to force jet exhaust into the mine and create an inert atmosphere, eliminating any means of possible further ignition. More>>
- TV3 Video - Coal mine fires can burn for decades - expert - Pike River: Gag unit on its way from Aus
Parliament Today: Notice Of Motion On Pike River
Deputy Prime Minister Bill English moved on behalf of the Prime Minister that; This House mark the tragic loss of life that has occurred at the Pike River Mine, express its deepest sympathy to the family and friends of the men that died, thank the rescue teams and support teams who were so willingly prepared to help and acknowledge the profound impact on the communities this disaster has affected. More>>
- Parliament Today - Parliament To Be Adjourned To Mark Pike River Tragedy
- NZ Govt - Speech notes for Pike River Mine motion
- Progressive Party - Anderton: Pike River Tragedy Speech
- Maori Party - Pike River Mine Disaster
- Tom Frewen - The Day In Parliament Nov 25 2010
- TV3 Video - Image from Parliament sings for the Pike River miners - Bill English speaks about Pike River in Parliament
24.11.10: Second Explosion – No Survivors Expected
Police Commissioner Howard Broad said this afternoon's news that a second explosion has ended all hope of finding the 29 Pike River miners alive is devastating for the miners' families and the West Coast community.
"This is extremely distressing and we, like the rest of New Zealand, are deeply saddened at this news and for the anguish the families and the community will be feeling." [Image via Earlier TV3 Video - First video of mine explosion emerges]
Mr Broad said this is an event which will stay with the Coast forever and now was the time to show leadership to help the community through this tragedy. More>>
Audio: PM's Press Conference - Pike River Tragedy
Audio on Demand of NZ Prime Minister John Key's press conference this evening held to respond to the second explosion in the Pike River Coal Mine on Wednesday afternoon. More>>
- Parliament Today - Parliament To Be Suspended To Mark Pike River Tragedy - Pike River Mine Tragedy notice of motion
- Scoop Audio - Radio Adelaide: Scoop's Mine Tragedy News & Info Update
- Scoop Audio + Images - Audio: PM's Press Conference - Pike River Tragedy
- NewsWire.co.nz link - GREYMOUTH: Thursday, November 25 - Whitireia journalism students join Coast paper
- Scoop Business - Second blast at Pike River extinguishes hope for survivors - Pike River creditors grant 90-day reprieve
- The Scoop Team - Second Explosion – No Survivors Expected
- Prime Minister John Key - Speech Notes on Pike River Mine tragedy
- Governor General - Pike River: Statement from the Governor-General
- Labour Party - Deep sympathy for the families of West Coast miners
- ACT - Pike River Coal Tragedy
- Progressive Party - Jim Anderton: Pike River Tragedy Statement
- Greens - Green Party mourns mine workers
- Police Assn - Police Association Backs Operation Pike Commander
- EPMU - EPMU mourns the 29 men reportedly killed in the Mine
- Solid Energy NZ - Solid Energy suspends underground operations - Statement from Solid Energy on Pike River Mine
- NZ Oil And Gas - Statement on Pike River
- CTU - CTU reaction to Pike River Mine disaster - Unions resolve to support mine inquiries
- Dunedin City Council - Remembering The Pike River Miners
- Hutt City Council - Hutt Residents encouraged to sign condolence book
- Auckland City Council - Mayor's sympathies to those who have lost loved ones
- Christchurch City Council - City extends condolences to Pike River families
- Hamilton City Council - Pike River Disaster - Hamilton Memorial Service
- Pike River Coal - Pike River Relief Fund Established
- ANZ Bank - ANZ Opens Fund To Support Pike River Miners
- ASB Bank - ASB launches Pike River Support Fund
- Parents Centre - Support Sought a Trust Fund for Pike River Mine Families
- Commonwealth Secretary General - Pike River: Letter to John Key
- British High Commission - Pike River: Statement From he UK Foreign Secretary
- U.S. Embassy - David Huebner Blog - In Remembrance And Solidarity
- Delegation of the European Union - Europe sends condolences for Pike River Mine Disaster
- US State Department - Statement by Secretary Clinton on Pike River Mine Explosion
- Image via - Earlier TV3 Video - First video of mine explosion emerges
- TV3 Video - Pike River disaster - 3 News tribute - Pike River Coal Mine set up miners' fund - Greymouth coming to grips with tragedy - Pike River tragedy draws worldwide attention - Pike River rescue head says right decisions were made - John Key and Tony Kokshoorn hold Pike River press conference - Pike River: Parliament to look into inquiry - Candles lit around the world for Pike River miners - Pike River: Time line of last six days - Pike River: Second explosion 'devastating' - Broad - Brownlee talks about hearing the 'dreadful' news - Prayer vigils and special services for lost miners - Pike River: 'We thought there was hope' - Mayor - Whittall describes events after second Pike River explosion - Questions raised over release of mine information - Recovery of miners' bodies paramount - Key - Pike River mine tragedy: Knowles' full speech - Pike River: NZers grieve for those men - Key - Miner's helmet offered brief hope - Pike River: PM talks of 'agonizing blow' - Miners are a special people - EPMU - Rescuers to do everything possible to recover bodies - Brownlee: Pike River inquiry to begin 'immediately' - Robot captured 1st images inside Pike River mine - Miner's father hoping for a miracle at Pike River - More setbacks in entering the mine - 29 lives claimed by Pike River disaster - Pike River emergency presser - Peter Whittall - Pike River: second explosion, no survivors
Pike River: Situation "Bleak" For Miners
Police continue to plan for the rescue of the Pike River miners but say the likelihood is diminishing. More>>
- Image - pikeriverscheme.pdf
- NZ Police - Blog - Broad: Pike River a gut-wrenching operation
- Scoop Business - MARKET CLOSE: NZ stocks fall as NZOG shares plummet - NZ Oil & Gas shares slump by a third on Pike explosion
- Science Media Centre - Mine CCTV footage - what it may tell us
- Mike Moore - NZ Ambassador to the US - New Zealand Pike River Coal Mine Emergency
- NZ Psychological Society - NZ Psychological Society on the Pike River Mine Explosion
- NZ Christian Network - Call to pray for trapped Pike River miners
- TV3 Video - Day 6 full morning press conference - Number of developments made on Pike River Day 6 - Robot arrival gives Pike River families hope - Carbon monoxide, methane; little oxygen in air tests - Miner's helmet found with lamp on - Foreign reporter makes 9/11 comparison to Pike River - Pike River disaster - massive impact to All Black travelling party
Tuesday video

Science Media Centre: Defence Robot Stalls In Mine
A military robot sent into the Pike River mine to survey conditions has broken down, mine officials confirmed at a press conference this morning.
The multi-purpose robot carried four cameras, which it was hoped would return images to engineers of the mine's interior. Officials said the robot had stalled a short distance into the mine...
"It is always a long shot to use any robot for a situation or environment that it's not designed for-- and we are still learning about what is needed for underground mine rescue," said rescue robot expert Professor Robin Murphy of Texas A&M University. More>>
- NZ Police - Thank You for Messages of Goodwill
- TV3 Video - Pike River - full news conference 10am day 5 - Pike River news conference - Q and A - Rescue teams eager to get underground - Pike progress being made, but slow - Whittall - Frustration increasing at rescue delays
- Scoop Audio - Radio Adelaide: Scoop's Pike River Mine Rescue Update
- TV3 Video - Pike River - Key's focus is on rescue - Pike River news conference day 4 - Gary Knowles - Trapped miner's wife criticises Pike River rescue bid - Pike River news conference Day 4 - Peter Whittall - Progress slow in Pike River mine rescue bid - 5 Runanga locals among those trapped at Pike River - Key questioned over mine safety standards - Hard questions asked over Pike River explosion - Promising athletes among miners trapped - Who are the missing Pike River miners? - Robots, cameras and fibre optics aid mine rescue - Pike River full news conference Day 4 - Young miner's mum holding onto hope - Mining expert: Rescuers doing right thing - Pike River Coal CEO on the mine rescue efforts - Greymouth Mayor: Community on 'tenterhooks' - No rescue attempt overnight
Audio & Images: PM Press On Pike River Explosion (And More)
Audio on Demand of NZ Prime Minister John Key's press conference today. The PM answered questions about the response to the explosion at the Pike River coal mine on Friday, the decision by Standard and Poors to put NZ sovereign debt on negative watch, Pansy Wong and Electoral finance reform. More>>
Mine Efforts: "Thank You For Messages Of
Emergency services and welfare agencies working to rescue the miners from the Pike River Coal Mine have been overwhelmed with messages of goodwill from New Zealand and around the world.
"We have been inundated with messages of support from throughout the country and other parts of the world including Australia, South Africa, the United Kingdom and United States," said commander of Operation Pike, Superintendent Gary Knowles. More>>
- Image TV3 Video - Rescue officials trying to remain positive
- Alastair Thompson - Audio: PM Press Conference - Pike River Explosion
- Science Media Centre - Experts on explosion, conditions in the mine, rescue efforts
- NZ Defence Force - Images: Army Robot to be Used at Pike River Mine
- Scoop Business - Pike River answers clearer by tonight? - Disaster at Pike River Coal: 35-plus miners unaccounted for
- Scoop Audio - KiwiFM: Wallace & Selwyn On Mine Rescue Delays
- Scoop Audio - Radio Adelaide: Mine Rescue Challenges + Mana Results
- Pike River Coal - Update on rescue at Pike River mine 22/11/10 - Drill Hole Aims To Give More Information To Rescuers - Families visit Pike River mine portal area
- NZ Police - Photos of trapped miners will be available - Air test results not yet received for West Coast coal mine - Safety paramount in mine rescue operation - Police release nationalities of trapped miners - Rescuers determined to bring trapped coal miners home - Welfare centre set up for miners' families - Explosion at West Coast Coal Mine - Emergency Services respond to explosion at West Coast mine - Two miners out of West Coast coal mine - Ventilation concerns at West Coast coal mine site - Pike River Coal Mine - Explosion
- Red Cross - Red Cross continues support in Greymouth
- Telecom - Telecom update on Pike River mine explosion
- NZ Govt - Govt ready to offer assistance after mine incident
- Labour - Vigil on the West Coast continues for trapped miners - Phil Goff expresses concern for trapped West Coast miners
- TVNZ - Q+A Interviews Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee - Q+A Interviews West Coast Based MPs
- TVNZ - Special 5.30 bulletin 22/11/10
- Beyond Resistance - Solidarity with the Pike River Miners and their families - Fundraiser for the Pike River Mine families
- US State Department - Statement By Secretary Clinton On Mine Explosion
- TV3 Video - Rescue officials trying to remain positive - Key makes second trip to Greymouth - Survivors hope for 'brothers' safety - Miner's wife just wants husband home - 29 miners' names released - Pike River press conference Q&A - Pike River CEO outlines rescue plan - 'Difficult and testing times' - John Key at Pike River - Miners' names released - DoC, Defence Force help with Pike River rescue - The engineering of the rescue - Mine safety expert talks Pike River rescue - Reefton staying strong after explosion - Rescue crews prepared to enter mine when needed - Hour late for work saved miner's life - Miners' families taken to Pike River - Growing pressure to get miners out - Pike River full news conference - First pictures sent back from Mine - "One vision" for miner's return - Kokshoorn - Progress agonisingly slow - Greymouth Mayor: Police must name the trapped miners - Supt Gary Knowles: 'No half-arse rescue' - Pike River morning presser: Peter Whittall - Pike River: Support staff assigned to families - Explosion affects small community - Greymouth community anxiously await news - 30-year mining veteran thrust into spotlight - The wait continues - Piker River news conference - David Yates - Pike River presser: Supt Gary Knowles - Coal Mine CEO - Kate Wilkinson interview - Auchinvole describes friend Osborne - Greymouth Mayor: 'We're praying for them' - Pike River mine explosion - two miners out