A fighting chance ‘The Hobbit’ will stay in NZ

Published: Thu 21 Oct 2010 09:33 AM
A fighting chance ‘The Hobbit’ will stay in New Zealand?
News is fast and globally furious on “The Hobbit” front with many places reporting that the deal for the films to leave New Zealand is already done. But a spokesman from Wingnut films says there may yet be a possibility of keeping things on the island nation.
The spokesman from Wingnut films says:
New Zealand is Middle Earth and we’re still fighting to keep it that way, but it seems we’re fighting a losing battle!
Warner’s are doing what they can to keep the film here too, but with hundreds of millions of dollars at stake, they need to take steps to protect their investment. They’ve been nothing but supportive.
Unfortunately, the actions of Equity/MEAA have made it hard for NZ to be viewed as the safe and settled one of these films.
Stay tuned and keep the information flowing to
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