Stateside: That’s Entertainment!
That’s Entertainment!
::All the nines::
What’s a girl to do? Nine Old Home folks have been nominated for Oscars; and nine golden nods have come to New Home folks as well—some of them for the same category and film on account of collaboration on Avatar. I guess I’ll just have to lay in some local zinfandel from Nervo Station Vineyard to be followed by a Golden Boy chaser for the first weekend in March!
::Getting bleaty::
Ah, the wonders of Californian politics! Tom Campbell, who recently dropped out of the Governor’s race and into the race for Barbara Boxer’s US Senate seat, is savaged in the video clip below as being a FCINO. That’s Fiscal Conservative In Name Only. Apparently Fiscal Conservatives are easily identified by their tendency to fleece. Can you blame me for thinking that this video was made by the NZ Tourism Board under a National Government?
::That’s politics!::
My, oh my! You gotta read this! It’s a letter that Republican gubernatorial hopeful Steve Poizner sent to the FBI after one of his campaign staff received an email from one of Meg Whitman’s campaign staff suggesting she will savage him in the upcoming primary election, and wouldn’t he rather drop out and instead get the GOP nod when Feinstein’s US Senate seat comes up for election in 2012.
The email, Poizner said—at a news conference complete with PowerPoints of the evil missive—amounts to “intimidation and strong-arm tactics” and is a violation of several different sections of the California Election Code. Including the one that “prohibits inducing (by way of money or other valuable consideration) a person to withdraw as, or not become, a candidate for public office.”
To which I can only say, You go, Steve! And add this totally unrelated photo I took of his campaign manager, Jim Brulte, at a recent conference about What Ails California:
Click for big version