Scoop Letters to the Editor, 21/12/09
An Open Letter to Prime Minister John Key
Dear Mr. John Key,
Today I sit on my beach front home in Motueka saddened by your destructive, narrow minded and selfish approach to my future.
We as young people are going to see the brunt of catastrophic climate change you had the opportunity to end! Politicians talk- leaders act!
You have put money before people and sacrificed my future in the hands of your right wing extremist support in government. You're pathetic agreement will not save Tuvalu, it will not stop Indonesian villages being destroyed and replaced with Palm and it will not help our Pacific Islands survive the brunt of the biggest challenge mankind has ever faced.
Mr. Key today I feel let down by you as a leader and ashamed to be a New Zealander. It gives me no hope in our future to know the white collar businessman like you value your money more than my future- it's selfish, demoralising and destructive.
You have destroyed our reputation of a clean, green New Zealand and ended all chances of us becoming leaders. All chances of us stepping up to the challenge and leading this world are now gone- once the biggest opportunity in our time has been destroyed by the dangerous words that slip out of your mouth with no thought for my future. Mr Key you have let us all down!
How you sleep at night goes beyond human like behaviours. You should feel guilty that you threw all opportunities of a positive future down the drain because of politics.
Well over 180,000 people in New Zealand alone were right behind you to do more and you failed us all. But it's ok Mr. Key because your short sighted future means you can still drive your flash car, live in your flash house and put money before people while maintaining popularity- it may be ok for you but it's not ok for your children, your grandchildren and the future generations of NZ who will reap the disaster you have sown.
I can only hope that you will see the light and act now to do more. We are running out of time, Copenhagen gave us hope but it's not quite over yet Mr. Key.
Finally, Welcome home to Aotearoa! A land that granted women the right to vote, rose to the challenges of historic treaty breaches and a land that became world leaders when we told US Nuclear Ships to go somewhere else! What's your legacy Mr. Key? What will we remember PM John Key for?
Not so kind regards
Johny O'Donnell
year old
The Editor, Scoop
Dear Sir/Madam
NIWA have published misleading material on their web site and appear to have advised the Minister for Climate Change Issues Dr Nick Smith to give evasive answers to questions in Parliament.
NIWA keeps the raw data for the national NZ temperature record and makes it available on their web site.
The Climate Conversation Group and the NZ Climate Science Coalition have conducted a joint study of the temperature record, researched by a science team and published on 25 November 2009 under the title "Are we feeling warmer yet?."
Their study shows that the NIWA raw data and the published NIWA graph "do not match" the graph showing a recent warming trend.
The actual raw data when graphed shows no warming trend for NZ and the temperature has in fact been stable for 150 years.
Questions in Parliament by Rodney Hide as to why this data and the published graph differ have not been answered, and seem to have been evaded by minister Dr Nick Smith who has now delayed this crucial information being released until the new year.
Its time for NIWA, Dr Smith and former employee Dr Jim Salinger to explain what has been going on with the data.
Kevin Campbell.
The Editor, Scoop
Dear Sir/Madam
Kiwis who care for our country should be deeply concerned. News of people being beaten senseless while onlookers simply watch on is sickening. We are hammered with increases in booze and drug related violence. We are building more prisons to house a swelling population. Many of us have lost substantial amounts of money through corrupt business practices leading to the global recession. What is happening to our nation? Should we care? Christmas is an appropriate time to examine the issues. Are we content to sit back and flip the remote with a 'she’ll be right', or is this she’ll be right destroying our nation? Christmas is not about religion or even about presents. It’s the birth of a baby born 2000 years ago. The quality of his life and teaching has never been surpassed. He speaks into our society today, 'care for your neighbour,' and 'honour your parents,' and 'do what is right,' His book is constantly a global best seller. We urgently need to teach these principles to our children and to their children. It’s not about the baby. It’s about the man, Jesus Christ, and his message to us today.
Denis Shuker.
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