Full Coverage: 2025 Taskforce Report

Published: Tue 1 Dec 2009 09:25 AM
2025 Taskforce: 35 Recommendations To Bridge Income Gap With La-La Land

The 2025 Taskforce has made a total of 35 recommendations to the Government which it says would bridge the income gap with Australia by 2025 – an income gap currently sitting at around $64,000 a year for a family of four.
As well as the recommendations to sharpen regulations and reduce government spending and tax, the Taskforce has made recommendations on everything from early childhood education to mining. More>>
ALSO:2025 Taskforce - First Report (PDF)2025 Taskforce - Report Designed to Spark National Conversation2025 Taskforce - Govt Choices Make It Hard to Close the Income Gap2025 Taskforce - Bold Tax Reform Would Spur Enterprise, Excitement2025 Taskforce - World’s Best Practice Needed for Govt Regulations
Scoop Business - Slash spending for 20% tax rate – Brash taskforcePublic Address Out-Link - OnPoint - Taskforce 2025: A Space OdysseyNZ Govt - Taskforce report requires practical decisionsNZ Govt - 2025 Taskforce Report welcomedLabour - Goff: Brash report a sham and waste of timeUnited Future - Dunne: 2025 Report a mix of good and badProgressive Party - Brash calls for return to failed policiesACT - 2025 Taskforce: A Good Starting PointGreens - Inequality won’t lead to economic prosperityMaori Party - Maori Party to look carefully at 2025 report
Scoop Business - COMMENT: Key bolts door on most big Brash ideasKeith Rankin - Tax Reform - What Not To DoACT - Where’s Your Backbone Mr Key?NZ Alliance Party - 2025 taskforce report a waste of spaceTertiary Education Union - Taskforce opts for ignorance over educationEmployers and Manufacturers Association - 2025 Productivity Taskforce report on the moneyEPMU - Taskforce rehashes dangerous, discredited policiesLindsay Mitchell - Productivity Report Makes Crucial RecommendationsFederated Farmers - Farmers keen to start Dr Brash’s conversationEarlier - Gordon Campbell: Treasury and the Don Brash revival
Scoop Full Coverage
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