Precious Metals Market Report
Precious Metals Market Report
This is the second week of the month. That means I am headed over to Westpoint, Tennessee on Thursday, October 8, with a fine bottle of wine to join Franklin Sanders, his wife Susan, and their family for dinner at the Sanders homestead down the road from their Top of the World Farm.
Gold prices are holding around or above the $1,000 floor, spiking above $1,040 this morning. This is a significant development. However, on a constant dollar basis we are nowhere near the high.
Nick Laird’s charts at show a constant dollar high of $2,000. When he forwarded the link yesterday, he pointed out: “The prices reflected are not intraday & only daily closes so the charts do not reflect the absolute high of 1980 when gold hit $860. If I was to use the Intraday high then gold would have hit $2200. And if I was to use John Williams ShadowStats CPI data then the 1980 high would equal $5000.”
Gold and silver charts in constant dollars are sobering to contemplate.

After a lively dinner on Thursday evening, Franklin and I will join you for The Solari Report. We will cover:
- Money & Markets;
- Great questions from subscribers;
- New developments in the precious metals market;
- Geopolitical influences on the US dollar;
- Outlook for the fourth quarter; and
- The importance of holding physical metals.
If you have not yet had the opportunity to learn about precious metals, now is the time to do so. The shift to global currencies such as gold and silver is underway. Just as our grandparents and great grandparents came to learn to use the phone or drive a car, so we are learning to manage a shift in our currency systems.
In our Let’s Go to the Movies Segment, we will review Spike Lee’s documentary When the Levees Broke about New Orleans after Katrina and what it can teach us about navigating the days ahead, particularly if the “levees” that hold up the dollar break.
If you are a subscriber to The Solari
Report, you can post your questions at your private
panel. If you have key events and trends you would like us
to address in our discussion, please do post them at the
private panel.
Subscribers can access our full archive,
including our precious metals reports. Here are key topics
that The Solari Report has covered so far this
- Top 10 FAQ’s of Buying Silver and Gold Coins
- Ten Commandments of Gold and Silver Buying
- Top FAQ’s about Precious Metals Markets
- Options for an IRA or Tax-managed Account to Own Physical Precious Metals
- Trading the Gold-Silver Ratio
- Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) - Is the Gold and Silver Really in Inventory?
- Traveling with Gold Coins
The Real Deal is a column on Scoop supervised by
Catherine Austin Fitts. Ms Fitts is the President of
Solari, Inc. Ms. Fitts is the former
Assistant Secretary of Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner
during the first Bush Administration, a former managing
director and member of the board of directors of Dillon Read
“ Co. Inc. and President of The Hamilton Securities Group,