Scoop Images: Climate Heats Up Outside Parliament
Global climate change activist group 350 Aotearoa and members of the 10-20% Pure New Zealand collective led marchers from Victoria University to the Parliament steps today, calling for Prime Minister John Key to address New Zealand's current policy on carbon dioxide emissions. More>>
- Business.Scoop - ETS select committee to sit again next Tuesday
- Business Council for Sustainable Development - Business calls for transparent subsidy numbers
- Federated Farmers - Farmers already cutting emissions without ETS
- Parliamentary Commissioner For The Environment - New bill ‘weakens ETS’
Peculiar Procedure: Nat ETS Insta-Submission Plan Fails
Earlier: A move will be made 1pm to have the select committee considering major ETS changes hear all oral submissions today. More>>
- Update: No Right Turn Out-Link - Climate change: National loses
- Scoop Business - ETS select committee to sit again next Tuesday
- Scoop Business - Angry Opposition MPs slam ETS hearings process
- Parliamentary Commissioner For The Environment - New bill ‘weakens ETS’
- Business Council for Sustainable Development - Business calls for transparent subsidy numbers
- Carbon News Out-Link - More reports on ETS hearings
Bangkok Climate Negotiation Blog: We’ll Only Break Their Heart...
One of the negotiator trackers – people who follow negotiators around to ‘keep them honest’ – came up with this wonderful gem that explains why developing countries don’t trust developed countries like New Zealand. More>>
- Geoff Keey - Norway adopts 40% target
- Labour - Another chapter written in National’s dodgy ETS
- Carbon News - Did Govt sidestep officials to cut Maori deal?
- No Right Turn Out-Link - Nick Smith vs the OIA
- NZ Climate and Health group - Why NZ must rapidly halve greenhouse emissions
- Public Health Association - PHA Backs Call For Action On Climate Change
- Industrial Research Ltd - Possible industrial use of carbon capture tech
- Out-Link - A few quotes from John Key – pre election | frogblog
Carbon Tradeoffs: National's ETS Bill Passes First Reading
National's muddled approach to climate change has hampered progress towards an effective and durable ETS for nine months, and its inferior version of the scheme will cost the Kiwi taxpayer dearly, Labour's climate change spokesperson Charles Chauvel says.... More>>
- Finance And Expenditure Select Committee - Climate Change Response Bill - submissions
- Labour - National bid to cover up massive ETS costs exposed
- NZ Govt - Improved ETS will better protect jobs, environment
- NZ Govt - Smith: Climate Change Response Amendment Bill
- Greens - ETS to increase New Zealand's emissions 5%
- Greens - Government needs to say who pays for emissions
- Maori Party - Te Ururoa Flavell: Climate Change Response Bill
- Science Media Centre - New 'flavour' of El Nino under global warming
Scoop Business: SMELLIE SNIFFS THE BREEZE: A Stinky Climate Deal
No matter whether you’re up or downwind of it, this week’s political bargain on the Emissions Trading Scheme looks, sounds and smells like a dog. More>>
ETS: Benefit Rise On/Off Table In Maori-Nat Negotiations
Paula Bennett has given the public two different answers as to whether she supports increases to benefits and she should get her story straight, says Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Annette King. More>>
- The Scoop Team - Labour Releases ETS Correspondence
- NZ Govt - Government’s ETS strikes a balance to protect jobs
- Labour - Maori Party ETS ‘wins’ as clear as mud
- Scoop Business - No ETS deal with Maori on Treaty forests
- Libertarianz - PM’s Clumsy Bribe Insults Dignity Of Maori
- Carbon News - World listening to NZ on climate deal changes
- 95bfm - 95bFM: Deady & Sharples - Benefits of the ETS
- 95bfm - 95bFM Audio: Deady & Hood – Maori Party & ETSs
- TV3 Video - Free insulation for some, but no benefit increase
Changes: Govt, Maori Party Deal On Softened
The Government, with Maori Party support, will revise the Emissions Trading Scheme to reduce the costs to households and the impact on jobs while ensuring New Zealand takes a responsible approach to the global problem of greenhouse gas pollution and climate change. More>>
- Scoop Audio - Smith and Key On The ETS Rewrite
- Summary_of_ETS_Changes.pdf
- ETS_Questions__Answers.pdf
- Scoop Business - National does deal with Maori Party on ETS
- Scoop Business - SMELLIE SNIFFS THE BREEZE: Downwind of the cowshed
- Labour’s Proposed Climate Policy MOU
- Labour - Kiwi families will foot bill for Nat’s revised ETS
- Labour - Double Talk from National on Emissions Trading
- United Future - UnitedFuture will support revised ETS legislation
- Greens - Weak ETS gives taxes to polluters
- Carbon News - Ag could have milked extra millions under Labour
- Greenpeace NZ - Revised ETS an insult to New Zealanders
- Business NZ - Revised ETS ‘more measured’
- Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce - Revised Emissions Trading Scheme is an Improvement
- Federated Farmers - ETS announcement a mixed bag for agriculture
- NZ Forest Owners' Association - ETS changes a start, but greater buy-in is needed
- Dairy NZ - ETS Amendments A Step In Right Direction
- Greenhouse Policy Coalition - Emission Trading Scheme Changes Welcome
- NZBCSD - Proposed ETS deal disappointing, costly, uncertain
- Climate Science Coalition - Carbon dioxide: “world’s best friend”
- Environment and Conservation Orgs - Emissions Trading System changes major reversal
- No Right Turn Out-Links - Climate change: Compare and contrast - Shafted - "Consistent" - Subsidised pollution - "A bottom line"
- Hot Topic Out-Links - National snubs Labour, buys Maori support for watered-down ETS - Part 2 – the fallout
- TV3 Video - Emissions scheme announced with support of Maori Party
- TV3 Video - Key defends revised ETS scheme
- TV3 Video - Labour quits climate change talks
- TV3 Video - Labour unhappy about National's ETS deal with Maori Party
- Scoop Full Coverage - Emissions Trading Review
- Scoop Full Coverage - NZ Announces 2020 Emissions Target
- Maori Party - Maori Party seeks stronger controls on emissions
- Maori Party - Vote for the Maori Party is a Vote for Papatuanuku
- Maori Party - Maori Party on ETS
- Maori Party - Maori Party fights to protect Treaty settlements
- Maori Party - ETS rips off taxpayers, poor families hardest hit