95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady
95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady
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1220 - Firearms training cut - Police Association President Greg O'Connor
Kicking off the show today with an interview with the ever-reliable (above). I spoke to him this morning about plans to restrict the number of Police Officers who receive fire-arms training. Police management are looking at the idea as a way to cut costs - if all officers were trained it'd cost around $8million a year. But Greg reckons it's part of a broader culture change, and his union saysfrontline Police are not happy about the move. It was a pretty lively discussion, as one would expect, so stay tuned for that at 1220.
1240 - Iodine Deficency
At 1240, we'll play another interview from earlier today with Dr Sheila Skeaff, the principal investigator at Otago University's department of human nutrition. She was the head of a study that looked at links between iodine and thinking capacity. She told me pretty much ALL kiwis were iodine deficient, and while this does NOT mean a generation of us have been dumbed down, it does indicate the need for more of the stuff in our diet. It's pretty fascinating stuff, listen in at 1240.
1300 - Amnesty report on Fiji Human Rights violations
At one, I'll be speaking with Apolosi Bose, who's written an alarming report for Amnesty International about systematic human rights abuses in Fiji, following the military coup there in 2006. The report "Fiji: Paradise Lost" is based on huge amounts of research and interviews conducted within the country in the wake of the coup, and calls for a big step-up in international pressure on the illegal regime.
1320 - Counterclockwise
Selwyn Manning joins us today for a special edition of counterclockwise, thanks to the folks at scoop.co.nz. You may recall yesterday the case of the dropped notebook, which leaked details about a possible merger between our biggest intelligence agencies. Very cloak and dagger! Selwyn will give us the low-down on the agencies and the background to their merger...
1340 - Ant Timpson, Headstrong films
And finally at 1340, (above) will be on the line to discuss a radical - in every sense of the word - proposal for the NZ film industry. Ant's runs the production company "Headstrong" and is the brains behind the 48 hour film competition, but most of all, he's a film lover. A NEW ZEALAND film lover at that. And he's sick of the way films made here disappear into the ether, instead of playing to packed cinemas. So he wants to take a leaf from NZ music's book, and get a NZ FILM MONTH up and running. Brilliant, simple idea. Hear more at 1340.