Climate Change: Here Come The Scientists
PM's Science Advisory Committee: The risk is that the consequences of a changing global climate will become another tragedy of the commons – if collective action is not taken then everyone will suffer. The conundrum for the politician is real – how to achieve collective action. That is not easy, because it means spending resources now to protect the world for future generations and it is inevitable that every player is looking to protect their own short-term position. More >>
- Science Media Centre - Lines drawn on emissions targets
- Science Media Centre - NZ sets emissions target
- SOLO - Sense of Life Objectivists - PM's Chief Science Adviser Is Bonkers
- Business Council for Sustainable Development - Minister hopes for broad political sign up to ETS
ETS: Cap-And-Ban Could Kill Carbon Market, Warns Broker
An artificial cap on carbon prices and a ban on international sales of New Zealand credits will effectively kill the development of the carbon market, says trader Nigel Brunel. More >>
- TV3 Video - Australia carbon trade plan rejected
- TV3 Video - Media panel discuss the week in business
International Trade: Australia Senate Knocks Back Carbon Reduction Plan
The Australian parliament today rejected plans to implement a carbon trading scheme aimed at lowering greenhouse gas emissions. The Rudd Government's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) was defeated by 42 votes to 30. It can be re-introduced after a three month period. More >>
- Awake - Expat returns home to caution against green apathy
- The Kyoto Forestry Association - New Forests Can Halve Net Emissions By 2020
Scoop Satire: Things The Emissions Target Is Like
The New Zealand Government has announced it's plan for 2020 carbon emissions. Ministers will have trouble explaining why it isn't either inconsistent, selfish or openly hypocritical. To help them out, here is a list of handy analogies to help the public understand New Zealand's target... More >>
Symbolism: Synchronised Action For Strong Emissions Target
Wellington, 12 August: At 1pm today hundreds of New Zealanders took synchronised action to send a strong message to the Government: they have their eyes firmly fixed on the huge benefits of strong action on climate change. More >>
- 350 Aotearoa - Human sculpture to send environmental message
- GE Free NZ - Farmers Already Have Better Options than GE Fodder
- Environmental Defence Society - Major Climate Change Gathering
- United Nations - Ban Calls For Urgent Action To Minimize Disaster
The H Word: NZ Demands 30-40% Worldwide Carbon Cuts
Overnight, New Zealand told delegates from 190 countries in Bonn that the Government’s emissions reduction target of 10-20% below 1990 levels is dependent on developed countries as a whole cutting their emissions to 30-40% below 1990 levels. More >>
- Greens - NZ to spend on emissions target when it could save
- Anglican Church in Aotearoa - Archbishops press Govt for maximum greenhouse cuts
- AUSA - NZ's biggest student union backs 40% target
- Hot Topic - Emissions Target: No vision, no guts, no future
Fossil Of The Day: NZ's Target Gains International Recognition
First Place: New Zealand, for announcing the adoption of a completely inadequate and highly conditional 2020 target range of 10% to 20% below 1990 levels at the Plenary session of the Kyoto Protocol negotiations today. More >>
- Labour - Inflated ‘costs” of target cynical and misleading
- NZ Govt - Labour wrong on 2020 costs
- Federated Farmers - Speech slams ‘misguided’ emissions target
- Science Media Centre - Scientists on the Govt's 2020 emissions target
- Employers And Manufacturers Association - Emissions target biggest challenge yet for NZ Inc
- Oxfam NZ - Oxfam To Government: This Is Not A Fair Target
- NZ Wind Energy Association - Reducing electricity emissions vital for achievin
- Scoop Audio - Gov Announces 10-20% Emissions Target
Targets: 10-20% Pure NZ
Audio and Images: Climate Change Ministers
Nick Smith and Tim Groser announced an emissions reduction
“target range” of between 10 and 20 percent below 1990
Smith said this was based on a “realistic
assessment of the economic costs”. The government projects
a reduction of 15 percent will cost each New Zealander $30 a
week by 2020. More
- NZ Govt - 2020 target balances economy & environment
- Out-Link - Questions and Answers on New Zealand’s 2020 emissions reduction target
- Business.Scoop - Cautious 10-20% emissions cut target
- Greens - Weak target weakens New Zealand’s prospects
- Labour - Labour disappointed by timid pollution target
- Wellington Chamber of Commerce - Govt Congratulated for a Bold Emissions Target
- NZBCSD - Business leaders: emissions target will have to rise later
- Federated Farmers - Studious obedient and naïve on emission reductions
- Greenhouse Policy Coalition - 2020 Emission Reduction Target Challenging
- Business NZ - Balanced approach appropriate
- Greenpeace NZ - Emissions Target Will Not Go Down Well
- 350 Aotearoa - 350 Aotearoa challenges Govt to meet the science
- Environment and Conservation Organisations of NZ - The Real Cost Of Greenhouse Target
- - Video: PM's Post Cabinet Presser 10/08/09
- TV3 Video - Government's emissions target 'not enough'
- TV3 Video - NZ SAS to be deployed in Afghanistan
- Out-Link - Pundit - Fast followers: the government’s lead free pencil