'Daily Voting News' For May 28, 2009
Friday, 29 May 2009, 2:59 pm
Column: www.votersunite.org
'Daily Voting News' For May 28,
Guest blogged by Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and
WashburnMore New York counties join the
resistance to switching from lever machines to optically
scanned ballots. Smartmatic brought the wrong cable to its
all-important demo in the Philippines and caused a short
circuit in the optical scanner. Voter ID and Internet voting
continue to be in the news. And an error was discovered in
TrueBallot’s counting of the votes in Aspen’s IRV
election – but it didn’t affect the outcome....
Supreme Court nomination sets up battle over voting rights
Congress Must Help Military Vote LINKNational: The
Court's NAMUDNO Decision: Judging the Costs and Efficiency
of Preclearance LINKNational: Lower
the Voting Age LINKNational: JAMES
P. PINKERTON: Will Democrats Become a Permanent Majority
Thanks to Internet Voting? LINK
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Colorado: [Aspen]
Mayoral Vote Tally Corrected; Outcome Stays the Same LINKHawaii: Poor
turnout in Hawaii election clouds use of digital voting
technology LINKKansas: Beware of
claims of voter fraud LINKMinnesota:
Despite Coleman-Franken fallout, Pawlenty scotched all
election reform LINKMinnesota: Minn.
group sues over voter registration records LINKMississippi:
Hosemann hopeful for voter ID effort LINKNew York: City
Resists State on Voting-Machine Program LINKNew York: County
protests voting machine rule LINKNew York: Long
live the voting lever LINKNew York: More
counties urge state to keep lever voting LINKTexas:
Controversial Voter ID Bill stalled with split vote; Strauss
may decide issue LINKEstonia: Estonia
opens way to digital voting LINKPhilippines:
Smoke comes out of a poll machine: But poll exec satisfied
with demo LINKPhilippines:
Accuracy of poll machines to be tested again LINKENtertainment:
American Idol results: Adam Lambert was robbed! LINK Published by VotersUnite.Org
Ellen Theisen,
Director and Managing Editor
Dave Klein,
Washburn, Editor
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**Articles and commentary included in "Daily
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