95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady
95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady
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The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady 27/05/09
1220 - Leigh
Sturgiss - Obeseity Action Coallition
We're constantly being told that obesity in children and adults has become one of the major health concerns of the past decade. An epidemic even! During Labour's time in Government a number of steps were created to combat this problem, including the creation of the Obesity Action Coalition. But National have decided to cut another "bureaucratic" limb from the previous government, and end state funding for the coalition in favour of funding for school sports. At 1220 we'll hear from Leigh Sturgiss, executive director of the O.A.C, and chew the fat, so to speak.
1240 - Housing Insulation Fund: Philippa Howden-Chapman, programme director of Otago University's Housing and Health Research Programme
Then at
one I'll play an interview from this morning with (above),
an expert in the field, and thus fairly well-placed to
comment on the only real smiley face expected from
tomorrow's budget - the billion-dollar home insulation
Of the 1.4 million homes built before the year
2000, most have little or no insulation and statistics have
shown that 1600 people die each year through insufficient
heating in the homes. The government is set to subsidise the
installation insulation in a number of homes, with
two-thirds of the costs looking to be taken care of. Anyone
who ownstheir home will be eligible, but as Phillippa
explained to me, does this literally leave renters out, or
rather in, in the cold?
1300 - Boy Racing - Grey Lynskey NZ Performance Car contacted
At one I'm hoping to speak with (above) about Judith "Crusher" Collin's legislation skidding and drifting its way through Parliament this afternoon. The new law would see local authorities given the power to ban 'street cruising', and see Police able to confiscate and CRUSH the cars of boy racers who've had their 3 strikes. So what does the "car enthusiast" community make of all this?
1320 - Counterclockwise
At one twenty the magnificent Mr Manning will be on the line for counterclockwise. Today he'll be giving us a preview of tomorrow's Budget - which some are saying is the most significant budget this country's seen since the end of the second world war. Finance minister Bill English has been at pains to dampen hopes for the budget saying "people won't be finding a lot of money in their bank accounts after this one". Shit, is he going to rob us? Stay tuned...
1340 - Book She Read
And Sally's back for another installment of counterclockwise at one forty. Today, she'll be reviewing Kate DeGoldi's excellent "The 10PM Question", running through the winners at last week's NZ Post awards, and perhaps sharing some of her thoughts on the Auckland Writer's and Readers Festival just been...
And in other book-related news, this Friday I'm speaking to visiting author Philip Meyer, author of hot new novel "American Rust". And I believe Jose is giving a copy of the book away... It's a fantastic read, and Philip himself will be speaking at Unity Books at 6pm on tomorrow, Thursday 28 May.