95bFM: The Monday Wire with Kim Choe
95bFM: The Monday Wire with Kim Choe
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12:00 bNews, Weather and Surf
12:15 Ironically boycotting
the UN - Keith Locke, Green Party MP
The Foreign Minister
has today announced New Zealand will boycott next week’s
UN conference on anti-racism, saying preparatory discussions
indicate it will become another platform for criticising
Israel, as the last summit did in 2001. Keith Locke says the
boycott is ironic, given that our former Prime Minister is
about to take up a top job at the UN.
Overstayers, Children, and Citizenship - Tuariki Delamere,
immigration consultant
An article appeared in the New
Zealand Herald this morning highlighting the problems that
children of Chinese overstayer parents have when they are
deported. The Chinese government is stripping them of their
New Zealand citizenship, and requiring them to apply for a
Chinese passport if they wish to travel again. Immigration
consultant Tuariki Delamere says the wider issue is New
Zealand’s obligations towards their citizens, and these
children’s parents shouldn’t be deported in the first
1:00 The Needies – Abigail Greenwood
(director), Isla Adamson (actress)
Thomas Sainsbury’s
comedy about the downfall of today’s consumerists returns
after a successful premiere season at the Auckland Fringe
1:20 Complaints Choir – Sean James
Donnelly (SJD)
You may have heard a bit about this
choir, which has spread worldwide with its unique ways of
turning people’s complaints into song. SJD is the musical
arranger for the Auckland event, coming up this weekend.
1:40 The Green Desk
Sustainable Simon talks to Sarah
Sheehan, New Zealand Women’s Health Magazine’s ‘Green
Expert’. Sarah is also the chairwoman of Green Drinks - a
monthly 'green' networking opportunity.