April 1 2009
April Tweets: Key Spoofed By Phantom Twitterer?
Hon JOHN KEY: I seek leave to table David Cunliffe’s Twitter statement where he says that he should be given more chances to answer questions in the House, that he would “kick their proverbials” if he was given more of a chance, and that if he is not given the chance— More >>
- Twitter links - dcunliffemp - ccosgrovemp - philgoffmp - shanejonesmp
- Out-Link - Keeping Stock: Twitter - Twitter II
- Tom Frewen - Today In Parliament: 01.04.09
April Idiots: Observer Report Of Severed Arm In Trawl Net A Hoax
In an attempted April Fools Day joke a Ministry of Fisheries observer on a deepwater fishing vessel operating at sea made a report of a severed human arm being found in a trawl net. More >>
April 1: Green Party Pulls Plug For Planet’s
In a bold move to combat global warming and
the Government’s indifference to New Zealand’s Kyoto
commitments, the Green Party is leading from the front and
will immediately stop using most electrical appliances in
its Parliamentary offices as of today. More
- Out-Link: - Frogblog: Ban the Bunny - Update Easter - Green Party off road “Off-site” - Greens want Winston on Board
- Out-Link - Kiwiblog: National to appoint Cullen as Reserve Bank Governor
April 1: Flight Centre Individual Jet-Pack
Flight Centre Announces New Zealand’s
First Individual Jet-Pack Flights
• First of its kind
in New Zealand
• Will greatly reduce travel time,
take-off from anywhere
• Fares starting from just $50
per flight
- Newmarket Business Association - Auckland area pushes to become a republic
April 1: World First Pinot
Just in time for Easter, New Zealand has
become the first country in the world to successfully
combine chocolate and wine – a decadent marriage of
quality and taste. More
- Out-Link - Link to virtual tasting
Crime Stats: Judith Collins Parodies Mid-2008 Annette King
Police Minister Judith Collins today welcomed the release by police of crime statistics for the 2008 calendar year, saying they showed the police were going the extra mile to solve crime. "I think it’s a testament to our police that an extra 6654 offences were resolved in 2008..." More >>
Keith Rankin: Government Claim Tax-Cuts Are
Today, the first round of the
National Government's personal tax cuts became effective,
along with the raised employee ACC employee levies. There
are three main areas of controversy. First, taxpayers with
children will need to be earning at least $41,025 annually
before they see any increase in their after-tax earnings. More