Perks: "Hide Super-City Overseas Trip Exposed"
Newly released documents detailing Local Government Minister Rodney Hide’s fact finding trip to the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States reveals that over twelve days away he undertook only 10 hours of meetings on Auckland governance, North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams said today. More>>
- Ministers_Report.pdf
- Ministers_Itinerary.pdf
- Labour - Hide hits new low
- Labour - PM should sort Hide out over super city mess
- Public Service Association - Rodney Hide gets it wrong
- David Thornton - Representation Will Be Halved In Super City
- Auckland Regional Council - Super City ward boundaries must be reviewed
- Auckland City Council - Voters’ rights compromised under new boundaries
- Labour - Maori Party votes to remove Maori representation
- Labour - Ports of Ak to be stripped of anti-privatisation
- City Vision - Councillors Vote for Super City Wards Gerrymander
- Auckland Regional Transport Authority - Super Ticket for Super City Signed
Super City: Minister Announces Decisions On Third Auckland Bill
The third bill will
• transfer Auckland’s assets and liabilities to the new Council
• protect the interests of staff who move from the old councils to the new Council
• give the new Council the powers it needs to be up and running on 1 November 2010, while ensuring that change can occur smoothly. More>>
- NZ Govt - Ethnic Advisory Panel to have mandate in Auckland
- NZ Govt - Auckland to reap benefits of Pacific input
- NZ Govt - Maori board will have influence - Sharples
- Labour - Government leaves Auckland in dark on local boards
- Labour - Huo welcomes change of heart on Asian voice
- Public Service Association - Encouraging signs on Akld’s local govt workers
- City Vision-Labour Councillors - Super City Mayor - Millionaires Only Need Apply
- Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua - Statutory Board for Maori a Waste of Time
- TV3 Video - Iwi may boycott super council advisory board
- Scoop Full Coverage - Report Calls For Auckld Super City
Super-Wards: Commission Proposes New Boundaries For Auckland
The Local Government Commission has presented its proposals on the boundaries and representation arrangements for the new Auckland Council. More>>
- Local Govt Commission - New southern boundary proposed for Auckland
- Labour - Auckland ward boundaries a gerrymander
- Manukau City Council - Commission proposal reflection of local concerns
- Manukau City Council - Transport agency needs to deliver locally
- Rodney District Council - Mayor urges Rodney residents to speak up
- North Shore City - Boundary proposals a good start says Mayor
- NZ Govt - Hide: Speech to the Passing Go Conference
- NZ Govt - Bennett: Passing Go Conference
- Labour - Speech: Twyford - Promoting social wellbeing in Ak
- Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern - Super city boundaries a difficult task done well
- Mayor Bob Harvey - Mayor Welomes Announcement
- No More Rates - Loss of elected reps in Ak could cost ratepayers
- Massey Community Board - Local Government Commission Dog breakfast
- North Shore City - “Passing Go” conference a huge success
- David Thornton - Proposed Structure World's Most Undemocratic
Auckland: "Super City Corporatisation A Shocker"
Labour has been leaked the details of the new structure which reveal the Auckland Transition Agency is planning to place control of Auckland’s assets in the hands of up to eight commercially run organisations. More>>
- Greens - Supercity turns out to be a corporate con
- Public Service Association - Power cut shows risks of corporatising Super City
- Scoop Full Coverage - Report Calls For Auckland Super City
Super City: Auckland Council Bill Passes, Still No Maori Seats
Te Ururoa Flavell: We know, obviously, that the Māori seats, or mana whenua seats, are an issue for this Parliament, and I want to continue the theme around that and perhaps put some questions to the Minister in the chair, Rodney Hide, as I thought that his kōrero earlier this morning at least gave an overview as to where he is at. More>>
- EMA - Passage of super city law historic
- Len Brown - New legislation fails to protect Auckland’s assets
- North Shore City - 'Frankenstein' super city let loose on Aucklanders
- Labour - Govt cannot assure funding for Auckland arts
- NZ Govt - Auckland Governance
- City Vision-Labour Councillors - Excessive Powers Granted to AK Transition Agency
- Labour - Super City Fails Diverse Communies
- Grassroots Action Group - Government Gets Its Way
- Out-Link - Hard News: Rodney on the Road
Super City: Parliament Debates Second Auckland Bill Under Urgency
Rodney Hide’s super city time bomb set to explode grassroots democracy in New Zealand’s largest city started ticking on Tuesday, North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams said. More>>
- Television NZ - Revelations From Back Benches Super City Panel
- Auckland Regional Council - Local Government Minister dancing around the truth
- Auckland Regional Council - Auckland’s southern boundary not sorted yet
- Maori Party - Speech: Turia - Local Govt (Auckland Council) Bill
- Labour - Huo to back Asian advisory board for Super City
- TV3 Video - Long night ahead for MPs as Parliament sits under urgency
- TV3 Video - Franklin dragged kicking and screaming into super city
PM's Presser Audio: Key Rescues Rodney. Again.
The entire Rodney District will become part of the Auckland Super City, the Prime Minister announced today. However Franklin District in the south will be split in two, as recommended by the select committee. More>>
- Scoop Audio - Nick Smith on The Govt ETS Waterdown
- Labour - Half-baked boundary decision by Government
- Auckland Regional Council - Don’t count me out, says Mike Lee
- Federated Farmers - Take AK boundary to Local Govt Commission: Farmers
- TV3 Video - Nat MP critical of supercity boundary back-down
Candidates: Don’t Count Me Out, Says Mike Lee
Do I believe that the ‘centre left’ will unite and field only one candidate Super City mayoral candidate as the New Zealand Herald reported today? Yes I do. But do I necessarily think it must be Len Brown? No I do not. I believe Auckland needs strong, ... More>>
Auckland Boundaries: Regional Councils Tell Govt To Keep Out
The Government is putting Auckland – New Zealand’s economic power house – at risk by needlessly fiddling with the region’s boundaries, ARC Chairman Mike Lee said today. More>>
- Northland Regional Council - Super City Boundary Change ‘Workable’ For NRC
- Ngati Whatua - Boundary Changes an Ill-Considered Carve-Up
- Forum for Auckland Sustainable Transport - Splitting Rodney bad for good transport, planning
- Right To Water Lobby - User-Pays For Water A Failure
- John Riddell - Local Boards will be good for Communities
- Back Benches - Panel Confirmed For Back Benches Super City Special
Super City: Auckland Gets The Bill
The Bill setting up the super city remains undemocratic and still delivers our largest city a flawed governance model, says Labour Leader Phil Goff... “But much-needed progress has sadly been compromised by bad decisions, poor process - including a sham consultation process - and a lack of vision.” More>>
- Auckland Governance Select Committee Report (PDF)
- Greens - Serious concerns remain over Auckland SuperCity
- Labour - Super city Bill flawed and undemocratic
- Labour - Maori Not The Only People Rejected In Super City
- Manukau City Council - Manukau reacts to Select Committee decision
- Environment Waikato - EW welcomes decisions on Auckland Super Council
- Waitakere City - Government delivers Auckland lite
- Waitakere City - Government delivers Auckland lite
- Rodney District Council - Mayor gob smacked with new Auckland boundary
- Auckland Regional Council - Rodney’s disaster
- Auckland Regional Council - ‘Super City’ land grab a distraction
- Auckland Regional Council - Rodney’s rates to rise
- North Shore City - So much for democracy, says North Shore Mayor
- Franklin District Council - Super-city decision splits Franklin
- EMA - Auckland supercity on track
- David Thornton - Auckland report should be good for local democracy
- David Thornton - Comment on the Auckland Council Bill
- Holy Trinity Cathedral - Maori representation a must for Auckland governce
- Hauraki Maori Trustboard - Govt misses opportunity for bicultural partnership
- Federated Farmers - Auckland’s proposed boundaries: A concrete curtain
- PSA - Transition Agency must act on super city report
New Candidate: Len Brown's Inclusive Message
Hundreds Pack Out Sorrentos At Auckland Mayoralty Launch - Manukau Mayor Len Brown on Sunday announced his candidacy for the mayoralty of the new Auckland council at next year’s local body elections, saying the new Auckland council needs a unifying mayor to bring the region together. (File Image courtesy of Pacific Media Centre's Del Abcede.) More >>
- Len Brown - Len Brown's Auckland Mayoralty Candidacy Launch (Speech)
- TVNZ - Q+A Interviews Manukau Mayor Len Brown
- TVNZ - Q+A IVs Local Govt Minister Rodney Hide
- Mike Lee - No decision yet on standing for mayor of Auckland
- 3News Video - Len Brown confident about supercity race
- 3News Video - Manukau's Len Brown set to run for supercity mayor
- Scoop Audio - Radio Adelaide: Len Brown's Mayor For All Campaign
- Scoop Full Coverage - Report Calls For Auckld Super City
Legislation: Labour Tables Amendment To Guarantee Maori Seats
Labour’s Maori caucus today tabled an amendment guaranteeing Maori seats on the new Auckland council, says Labour’s Maori Affairs spokesperson Parekura Horomia. More >>
- 95bFM Audio - Spike & Paul On Politics, Spats & Maori Seats
- Labour - Te Heuheu disagrees with Key on Maori seats
- Labour - Rejection of Maori Seats At Odds With Submissions
- Maori Party - Hone Harawira Speech: Appropriation Bill
- Maori Party - Hone Harawira: Education Amendment Bill
- ACT - Time to get positive about Maori representation
- City Vision-Labour Councillors - Auckland Councillors for Maori Seats on Super City
- Pacific Islands Board Auckland City - Key Will be remembered as PM who succumbed
- North Shore City - Secret plan for super city nation-wide roll-out
- Rodney District Council - Mayor unimpressed by posturing on boundaries
- Franklin District Council - Franklin residents ignored?
- Auckland Regional Council - Aucklands parks threatened by Super City carve up
- NZ Society of Authors - Society of Authors calls for action on Local Govt
- Environment Bay of Plenty - Maori seats working well for regional council
- Iwi Have Influence - National & Act Out of Touch with Modern Auckland
- Ngarimu Blair - Chance For Vision And Leadership Missed
- TV3 Video - Rejection of Maori seats sparks protests
- TV3 Video - Iwi groups plan another hikoi over Maori supercity seats
Auckland: More Than One Rodney Under Attack?
Rumours that the Government has made a secret decision to carve off about a quarter of Auckland and put it in Kaipara and Northland have alarmed the Auckland Regional Council (ARC). More >>
Super City: Cabinet Sides With Hide On Maori Seats
The decision by Cabinet today to confirm its earlier April “fast 10 day post Royal Commission decision” against having Maori seats on the new Auckland Council means the new city will start life with a fight on its hands, undermining the unity so fundamental to its future success and setting it up to fail, North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams said today. More >>
- Greens - National listens to Hide, not the people
- NoMoreRates.Com - No Maori seats on Auckland Council
- Waitakere City Council - No vision in Maori seats decision
- North Shore City Council - Cabinet decision sets up ‘super city’ to fail
- Public Service Association - PSA disappointed govt rejected Maori seats in Ak
- Auckland Regional Council - Quarter of Auckland to go to Kaipara & Northland?
- Manukau City Council - Maori seats decision a backward step
- Ngati Whatua - Decision Against Maori Representation Demoralising
- Scoop Full Coverage - Report Calls For Auckland Super City
- Scoop Audio - Sharples On Auckland Maori Seats
- KiwiFM - Wallace & Manning - Nats Shut Gate On Maori
- Scoop Audio - PM’s Presser: No Maori Seats & Smacking 'Comfort'
- TV3 Video - Key - No Maori Seats On Auckland Super City Council
- Ngati Whatua weigh in on Maori Super-City seats
- Maori lose bid for seats, Hide keeps job
- No Maori seats on supercity - Key
- Hide says resignation threat was a matter of principle
- John Key on Rodney Hide and wearing socks to bed
Gordon Campbell: Rodney Hide's Super City Ultimatum To The Government
As Rodney Hide crawls out onto the ledge and threatens to resign all of his ministerial posts if the Auckland Supercity Council is allowed to include dedicated Maori seats, an anxious nation gathers in the street below with only one thought on its mind - jump, jump, jump. More >>
Also: Afghanistan - Lockerbie
Super City: Hide Threatens To Resign If Maori Seats Included; Turia Doesn't Threaten To If Not
Tariana Turia disputes the claim on 3 News tonight that a decision has already been made on Maori seats on the Auckland supercity... “Like National and Act we want the process to be fair, but we each have our own views on how that should be achieved.” More >>
- Greens - Hide’s Maori seat threat hides deeper failures
- United Future - UnitedFuture opposes separate Maori seats
- Progressive Party - Act irresponsible in walking out too quickly
- North Shore City - Renewed call to replace Hide with Carter
- TV3 Video - Leaked email: ACT holding Govt to ransom over Maori seats
- TV3 Video - Hide's ultimatum: give Maori supercity seats and I'll walk
- TV3 Video - Tariana Turia speaks out against Rodney Hide's resignation threat
Surveys: Support For "Big" Super-City
26% of Aucklanders want the new Super City council to be responsible only for core services... 67% prefer the alternate option of the Super City council also providing services such as pensioner housing, cultural festivals and initiatives to protect the environment. More >>
- Labour - Strong opposition to privatisation of Ak's assets
- North Shore City Council - Time to bring the ‘other Carter’ off the bench?
- Scoop Full Coverage - Report Calls For Auckld Super City
- TV3 Video - Is the super city a cover for privatisation?
Auckland: Human Rights Commission Calls For 12 Week Bill Consultation
The Human Rights Commission has called for a doubling to 12 weeks of the public submission period on further elements of the Super City legislation. More >>
- City Vision-Labour Councillors - Banks Supercity Submission Opposed to Ak Views
- Scoop Full Coverage - Report Calls For Auckland Super City
Super City: Labour Accuses Government Of Listening
The National Government’s super city plan is slowly unravelling, with the Government now being forced to accept the new super city's local councils must have full powers and resources instead of the talk shops they said was all that was needed to deliver local democracy, Labour's Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford says. More >>
- Progressive Party - Complaints over secret agreements
- Labour - Overwhelming support for keeping Ak assets public
- Waitakere City - Latest Poll Supports Waitakere City Submission
- North Shore City Mayor - "Battle of the Bridge" at Select Committee Hearing
- North Shore City Council - NSCC oral submission presented to select committee
- Labour - Banks out of step with Aucklanders
- Labour - Super City assets not yours to sell Rodney
- Grassroots Action Group - All Welcome At The People’s Hearing
- TV3 Video - Mayors giving submissions to select committee for supercity plan
Auckland: Councils Prepare Submissions
The North Shore City Council, at its June Council meeting, has tonight signed off its submission to the Select Committee on Auckland Governance in response to the Local Government (Auckland Council) Bill. More >>
- Labour - Labour welcomes signals of Government backdown
- NZ Govt - Mayors share vision for Auckland
- North Shore City Council - Think Regionally, Act Locally
- Rodney District Council - Rodney Residents say No to Super City
- Rodney District Council - Council Submission to Committee on Auck Governance
- Manukau City Council - Manukau submission for Auckland Governance finalis
- Waitakere City - Waitakere Submission Off To Select Committee
- Iwi Have Influence West - Council Votes For Maori Representation
- The Community Coalition for Auckland - Order your Local Government before it's too late
- United Future - Auckland supercity makes it inevitable for Wgtn
- Greens - Forced Amalgamation not what Wellington Needs
Scoop Audio: PM Downplays Toxicity Of Auckland
PM's Presser 25/05/09: Prime Minister John Key said Maori representation in a future Auckland Super City had not become a “toxic issue”, in spite of the large Hikoi criticising his decision to block a proposal for Maori seats on the council. More >>

Francis Martin - Photo Essay: Hikoi Over Maori Representation In Ak
See also:
Out-Link - Public Address: The Happy Hikoi
Hikoi: "It’s Not About Race, It’s About Rights"
The slogan for today’s Hikoi “It’s not about race, it’s about rights” sums up much of what the super city debate is all about says North Shore City Mayor Andrew Williams. Mayor Williams and five of his North Shore councillors attended the huge turnout in Queen Street ... (image: TV3 News) More >>
- Francis Martin - Hikoi Photo Essay
- Out-Link - Public Address: The Happy Hikoi
- PSA - PSA joins hikoi against govt’s ‘super city’ plan
- Labour - Govt. must change its mind on Auckland Maori seats
- The Community Coalition for Auckland - The Hikoi - When a city walks together
- Grassroots Action Group - Grassroots Aucklandturns Out
- PSA - PSA joins hikoi against govt’s ‘super city’ plan
- Labour - Govt. must change its mind on Auckland Maori seats
- The Community Coalition for Auckland - The Hikoi - When a city walks together
- Grassroots Action Group - Grassroots Aucklandturns Out
- Greens - Greens to march in Hikoi on Maori representation
- Maori Hauraki Trust Board - Maori Voice Critical for New Supercity Success
- TVNZ - Q+A’s Guyon Espiner interviews Hone Harawira
- Newmarket Business Association - Hikoi potentially costing CBD businesses millions
- Maori Television Service - Auckland Supercity Hikoi On Maori Television
- Radio Adelaide - Selwyn Manning & Peter Godfrey Discuss The Hikoi! + Budget Woes
- TV3 Video - Hikoi protesters gather before march
- TV3 Video - Supercity hikoi - extended coverage
- TV3 Video - Hikoi marches on downtown Auckland in protest to the supercity
- TV3 Video - Hikoi marches defiantly against the supercity plans
- TV3 Video - Hikoi stirs up controversy with Maori living overseas
Auckland: Hide Announces Auckland Transition Agency
Local Government Minister Rodney Hide today announced that Mark Ford would chair the Auckland Transition Agency (ATA). The Agency will manage the transition from the existing seven territorial authorities and one regional council, to a single unitary authority for Auckland and 20 to 30 Local Boards. More >>
- Labour - National MP flip flops on Super City
- Labour - Super City steamroller cranks up a gear
- Greens - Hide readies bulldozers for Auckland democracy
- Waitakere City - Mayor Harvey congratulates transition leaders
- Manukau City Council - Manukau Mayor ‘cautious’ on transition agency
- Rodney District Council - Former Rodney Mayor on Auckland Transition Agency
- Local Govt NZ - Auckland Agency must honour democratic processes
- Public Service Association - PSA seeks meeting with Akld transition agency
- NZ Council for Infrastructure Development - Continuity of Business Key for Auckland Transition
- North Shore Council - Possible traffic disruption on Monday 25 for Hikoi
- Auckland Regional Council - ARC Applauds Appointment Of Mark Ford
- Scoop Business - Ford, infrastructure man, to lead Auckland rebuild
Dissent: Rodney Plans To Hide From Amalgamation
At today’s Council meeting, Rodney District Council resolved to investigate the option to become a unitary authority and for the outcome of these investigations to form a basis for the Council’s submission to the Select Committee considering the Local Government (Auckland) Bill. More >>
Auckland: Brownlee Names National Members Of Select Committee
“I am pleased to say National will be supporting the Hon John Carter to become the committee chairman,” said Leader of the House Gerry Brownlee. “Other National MPs to sit on the committee are: Hon Tau Henare, Dr Jackie Blue, Nikki Kaye, and Simon Bridges,” said Mr Brownlee. More >>
- Labour - National’s abuse of process continues
- Labour - Local Govt: more than just business units for sale
- Labour - Government sidelines Rodney Hide on Super City
- Greens - Hide undermines Local Government Commission
- Maori Party - Flavell supports Rotorua carkoi to Auckland
- Maori Party - No need for Aucklanders to fear Maori seats
Transition Board Delay: "Government Running Scared On Super City"
The Cabinet appears to have blocked Rodney Hide’s proposed appointments to the Auckland Council transition agency as it suffers an attack of nerves over its plans, says Labour’s Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford. More >>
- Labour - Government creates Super City chaos
- Progressive Party - Auckland should have elected not appointed leaders
- Spike Mountjoy - PM’s Presser: Brash’s emails and Ms Rankin
Rosalea Barker: Will Greater Auckland stop Auckland being the greatest?
Take that, Aussies! This week, Mercer, a company specializing in staff relocation HR issues, released its report on the top cities in the world for Quality of Living. Auckland is number 4, tied with Vancouver. Sydney comes in at 10, Wellington is 12, ... More >>
Auckland Bills Pass: Brownlee Decries Expense Of Having Opposition
Leader of the House, Gerry Brownlee, says the dwindling numbers on the Labour benches today [Saturday] only makes their time-wasting tactics more absurd... “It has meant a huge cost to the taxpayer, and when it suited them the Labour MP’s started to cut and run,” said Leader of the House, Gerry Brownlee. More >>
- Maori Party - Turia slams Labour’s silly attempts
- Labour - Government’s ‘Have Your Say’ advert insulting The Community Coalition for Auckland - Local Government down the Toilet?
- NoMoreRates.Com - Mayors should stop scaremongering on Auckland
- TV3 Video - Labour's tactics delay Auckland legislation
A Political Map Of Present-Day Auckland: Faster than an ELECTORAL FINANCE ACT! able to leap DUE PROCESS in a single bound with his THREADBARE cloak of JUSTIFICATION (the torn REMAINS of the ROYAL COMMISSION recommendations)! More >>
Legislation: One-Auckland Train On Track
It’s a sad day for New Zealand’s communities when the Prime Minister John Key fails to honour a pre-election promise to consult with Aucklanders once the Royal Commission’s report was out... “Instead, the Local Government (Auckland Reorganisation) Bill has been passed under urgency without the voice of the people,” says Su’a William Sio. More >>
- Labour - Last line of defence for Auckland democracy
- Labour - Labour: Guarantee Maori seats on Super City
- Labour - Huo saddened by silence of National’s Asian MPs
- Labour - Labour: time to talk about the true costs
Greater Auckland: Government Bill A "Coup D'État"
A Bill being passed under urgency today establishes an Auckland Transition Agency with draconian powers over the people of Auckland, accountable only to Rodney Hide. "The intrusion is excessive, with control extending to what Councillors, Board Members and employees are allowed to discuss at meetings," Dr Russel Norman, Green Party Co-Leader said. More >>
- Labour - Guts ripped out of local democracy by week’s end
- Labour - Pacific communities to support hikoi on Super City
- Progressive Party - Anderton: Auckland Reorganisation Bill
- Progressive Party - Auckland reorganisation: Removal of Democracy bill
Supra City: "Government Must Release Auckland Bills Now"
Labour is calling on the Government to release today the two Auckland governance bills it plans to ram through under urgency this week, says its Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford. More >>
Auckland: Legislative Programme Announced
Local Government Minister Rodney Hide is calling for New Zealanders to contribute their views on the future of Auckland governance through select committee hearings to be held in Auckland over the next few months. More >>
- Scoop Audio - PM's Press Conference - The Super City
- NZ Govt - Hide: Local Government Authority
- NZ Govt - Auckland Maori seats still under action
- Labour - Will Bill remove Aucklanders right to decide?
- Labour - Support for Maori seats on Super City heartening
- Massey University - Super City Mayor must have backing at ballot box
- Public Service Association - Government puts vital Auckland services at risk
- Rob Thomas - Communities wake up to Super City
- North Shore City - Local voice ignored by Cabinet says Mayor
- The Community Coalition for Auckland - Bennett Lets Down Waitakere Voices
- TV3 Video - Post Cabinet conference: 04 May, 2009
- TV3 Video - Auckland supercity officially given green light
- TV3 Video - Concerns raised over supercity plans
- Earlier Scoop Coverage - Report Calls For Auckld Super City
Super City: Auckland Divided Over Unity
John Banks is the clear front runner for the Mayoralty of the Auckland Super City. In a crowded field of media identified possibilities he emerges as top choice with 17% support, followed by Bob Harvey on 10% and Stephen Tindall on 9%... Aucklanders are fairly evenly divided on the Super City concept with 45% in favour and 43% against. More >>
- Labour - MP Calls on Minister of Local Govt to Slow Down
- Labour - Key all over the place on the Maori seats
- Labour - Proposed talkfest a sham consultation
- Labour - National and Act must listen over Auckland
- Spike Mountjoy - Auckland Papers Launch Campaign Against Supercity
- Manukau City Council - Manukau residents to have say on Super City
- Waitakere City - Community and council combine to oppose Proposals
- City Vision-Labour Councillors - C&R Stifle Public Debate on Supercouncil
- No More Rates - Future Governance Of Auckland And Rates
- No More Rates - Details of new Auckland a ‘work in progress'
- Waitakere City - What’s wrong with Auckland?
- North Shore City - Rodney Hide has misled the PM and Aucklanders
- Community Waitakere Charity Trust - Community calls for Hide’s presence in Waitakere
- Rodney District Council - Rodney ignored in super city debate
- Employers and Manufacturers - New Community Boards must have teeth
Auckland: Paintings Arbitrarily Put Together To Form Super Painting
A visual narrative of Auckland, covering the time of the early European settlers until recently, is captured in a landmark art exhibition at Jonathan Grant Galleries in Parnell. More >>
Collective Responsibility: Maori Affairs Minister Opposes Government Decision
The Minister of Maori Affairs has dissociated himself from Cabinet decisions on local government reorganisation in Auckland, saying it is not good enough that tangata whenua, plus the largest Maori population in the world, will have no guaranteed voice. More >>
- Maori Party - Turia reacts to Government’s decisions on Auckland
- Maori Party - Hone Harawira - No to advisory status
- Ngati Whatua - Runanga Backs Talks on Better Akld Representation
- Out-Link - Dean Knight: Dissenting views of the Minister of Māori Affairs on greater Auckland Council Māori seats - a breach of Cabinet collective responsibility?
- TV3 Video - Govt at odds with Maori Party over Auckland supercity decision
- TV3 Video - Maori Affairs Minister slams supercity announcement
- TV3 Video - Lack of supercity Maori seats is "institutionalised racism" - Sharples
- TV3 Video - Full interview with Dr Pita Sharples regarding Auckland's supercity
- TVNZ - Q+A’s Paul Holmes interviews Dr Pita Sharples
Auckland Announcement: "Representation Guaranteed", Referendum Not So Much
Local Government Minister Hon Rodney Hide said today the Government’s decisions on the governance of Auckland would provide effective representation for all Aucklanders. Speaking at the release of the Government’s high-level decisions on Auckland governance, Mr Hide highlighted the decision to establish 20 to 30 Community Boards across the region, each of which would be named after its local community. More >>
- Business.Scoop - Government backs single Auckland council
- NZ Govt - Auckland Governance: Making a great place greater
- NZ Govt - Watercare To Be Regional Water Provider
- The Government’s decisions on Auckland Governance [PDF]
- Out-Link - - Making Auckland Greater
- Labour - Govt denies democracy ramming through Ak decisions
- Labour - Pacific Island peoples views will get lost
- Greens - Aucklanders ought to be heard on governance
- Local Govt NZ - Implementation now crucial task for Government
- Manukau City Council - Mayor greets government decision with caution
- Waitakere City - Governance changes concentrate power at the top
- Auckland Heart of the City - Heart of the City applauds Government decision
- City Vision-Labour Councillors - Govt’s Super Council Fails to Put People First
- Auckland Regional Council - ARC supports Government Royal Commision response
- Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce - Local Govt Amalgamation to Make Wgtn Greater
- Papakura District Council - Papakura "Deeply Disappointed" By Decision
- North Shore City - North Shore considers impact of Govenment decision
- Ryan Hicks - Auckland Plans Greeted With Cautious Optimism
- Waitakere City - Governance changes concentrate power at the top
- Environment Waikato - The Waikato River must stay in Waikato
- NoMoreRates.Com - Changes to Ak Plan Could Be Better For Ratepayers
- Automobile Association - Announcement Heralds A New Future For Transport
- Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern - Fast response to create One Auckland first class
- Property Council Of NZ - Super-city welcomed by commercial property sector
- Newmarket Business Association - Local boards good but boundaries should be aligned
- TV3 Video - Auckland supercity - the fans, the critics and the fightback
- TV3 Video - Auckland: Supercity or remodelled basket case?
Gordon Campbell: The Pre-ordained Demise Of Auckland
Barely five months into the Key administration, the centre right is plainly making far more effective use of its ideological bedmates than Labour ever did with the Alliance, or the Greens. Rodney Hide is not even in Cabinet. Fewer than four per cent of voters voted for Act’s agenda at the last election. Yet who is getting the bulk of his agenda enacted? The government’s ideological outrider, the man from Epsom. More >>
Government Announcement Due 7/4:
- Scoop Audio - PM's Post-Cabinet Presser 06/04/09
- Community Waitakere - Community says “we will not go away!"
- Papakura District Council - Papakura To Wgtn: Preserve Local Democracy
- Manukau City Council - Manukau residents feel part of a close community
- Councilor Graeme Easte - Government Should Not Rush Super City Decision
- NZ Institute of Architects - Royal Commission Report Welcomed By Auckland Group
- Better Democracy NZ - Auckland super city
- Scoop Full Coverage - Report Calls For Auckld Super City
- TV3 Video - Govt decision on Auckland 'super city' today
Democracy: Council's Joint Challenge To Govt Over Governance Report
Yesterday six Auckland councils, including their mayors, met to share their real concerns over the Royal Commission recommendations, and to provide some constructive feedback to Government prior to the Cabinet meeting this Monday. They were North ... More >>
- Labour - Local voices must not be lost "in the rush"
- No More Rates - NoMoreRates starts Royal Commission revolt
- Franklin District Council - Franklin residents: keep us out of Auckland
- Northland Regional Council - Neighbours Meet To Discuss Super Auckland Plans
- Manukau City Council - Letter to Manukau - Drug Summit, Super-city
- Hamish Stevens - High rises on the way for Howick
- North Shore City - Questions still surround Auckland governance
- Auckland Business forum - Moving Auckland Into The Fast Lane
- Northland Regional Council - Neighbours Meet To Discuss Super Auckland Plans
- Franklin District Council - Franklin residents: keep us out of Auckland
- Environment Bay of Plenty - Councils welcome Auckland governance report
April 1: Newmarket Pushes To Become A Republic
Auckland’s leading retailing district is petitioning the Government to be removed from any Super City structure. “Overall we are very supportive of a Super City for Auckland, but after surveying our businesses it’s overwhelmingly clear that they want Newmarket to be constitutionally independent,” says Cameron Brewer, head of the Newmarket Business Association. More >>
- Scoop Full Coverage - 2009 NZ April Fools Day Hoaxes
Gordon Campbell: The Rush To Impose The ‘Super City’ Proposal On Auckland
So Cabinet will have reached a decision by April 6th about the Royal Commission’s Auckland “Super City” proposal... Now hold your horses. Set up a Royal Commission. Get its key proposal. Put it to the public in a referendum to let them decide. Isn’t that the way it should be done? More >>
Government: Royal Commission Report Calls For 'Super
Local Government Minister Rodney Hide today [Friday 27/3/09] released
the Report of the Royal Commission into Auckland Governance.
"This is an important matter for Auckland. And it is vital
for New Zealand." He said the Government wants to make
Auckland the most exciting, vibrant metropolitan centre in
Australasia... More
- Out-Link - Royal Commission - Summary, Recommendations And Report
- NZ Govt - PM thanks Auckland Royal Commissioners
- United Future - Dunne: time for a Wellington ‘super city’
- Labour Party - Focus must be on improving Auckland
- Business.Scoop - Auckland commission advocates unified council
- Property Council Of New Zealand - Now is the time for a single Auckland council
- Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce - Auckland Proposals Should be Replicated in Wgtn
- Newmarket Business Association - Super City could help Auckland businesses expand
- Local Government Forum - ‘No’ To Bigger Social Role For ‘Super City'
- Auckland Heart of the City - Auckland Governance - Gather the best, reject the bad
- City Vision-Labour Councillors - Regional Governance Model Raises Concerns
- Manukau City Council - Manukau mayor disappointed with Ak recommendations
- North Shore City - North Shore Welcomes release of Commission report
- Waitakere City - Waitakere Cautious After Commission Announcement
- Auckland Regional Council - ARC looks forward to the Government’s response
- Employers And Manufacturers Association - Royal Commission Report Great for Auckland Region
- New Zealand Business Roundtable - Royal Commission Report Only a Starting Point
- NZ Council for Infrastructure Development - Royal Commission gets it right for Auckland and NZ
- Public Service Association - PSA supports retaining Auckland local govt staff
- No More Rates - Representation, Rates and Roles: Report
- Federated Farmers - Auckland ‘Super City' must super size the farmers
- Radio Adelaide - Manning - Clark To UN+Auck Reform
Wellington.Scoop: The Argument Against “Supercity Wellington”
Some of our local civic leaders have, not surprisingly, jumped on the ‘Supercity Auckland’ bandwagon. If Auckland, they say, why not Wellington? Anyone with a concern for democracy in local government should be afraid, very afraid. More >>