Scoop Coverage: Report Calls For Auckld Super City

Published: Mon 30 Mar 2009 09:38 AM
Gordon Campbell: The Rush To Impose The ‘Super City’ Proposal On Auckland
So Cabinet will have reached a decision by April 6th about the Royal Commission’s Auckland “Super City” proposal... Now hold your horses. Set up a Royal Commission. Get its key proposal. Put it to the public in a referendum to let them decide. Isn’t that the way it should be done? More >>
Local Government: Royal Commission Report Calls For 'Super City'

Local Government Minister Rodney Hide today [Friday 27/3/09] released the Report of the Royal Commission into Auckland Governance. "This is an important matter for Auckland. And it is vital for New Zealand." He said the Government wants to make Auckland the most exciting, vibrant metropolitan centre in Australasia... More >>
ALSO:Out-Link - Royal Commission - Summary, Recommendations And ReportNZ Govt - PM thanks Auckland Royal CommissionersUnited Future - Dunne: time for a Wellington ‘super city’Labour Party - Focus must be on improving AucklandBusiness.Scoop - Auckland commission advocates unified councilProperty Council Of New Zealand - Now is the time for a single Auckland councilWellington Regional Chamber of Commerce - Auckland Proposals Should be Replicated in WgtnNewmarket Business Association - Super City could help Auckland businesses expandLocal Government Forum - ‘No’ To Bigger Social Role For ‘Super City'Auckland Heart of the City - Auckland Governance - Gather the best, reject the badCity Vision-Labour Councillors - Regional Governance Model Raises ConcernsManukau City Council - Manukau mayor disappointed with Ak recommendationsNorth Shore City - North Shore Welcomes release of Commission reportWaitakere City - Waitakere Cautious After Commission AnnouncementAuckland Regional Council - ARC looks forward to the Government’s responseEmployers And Manufacturers Association - Royal Commission Report Great for Auckland RegionNew Zealand Business Roundtable - Royal Commission Report Only a Starting PointNZ Council for Infrastructure Development - Royal Commission gets it right for Auckland and NZPublic Service Association - PSA supports retaining Auckland local govt staffNo More Rates - Representation, Rates and Roles: ReportFederated Farmers - Auckland ‘Super City' must super size the farmersRadio Adelaide - Manning - Clark To UN+Auck Reform
Wellington.Scoop: The Argument Against “Supercity Wellington”
Some of our local civic leaders have, not surprisingly, jumped on the ‘Supercity Auckland’ bandwagon. If Auckland, they say, why not Wellington? Anyone with a concern for democracy in local government should be afraid, very afraid. More >>
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