Scoop Coverage: The Job Summit

Published: Mon 2 Mar 2009 10:56 AM
Scoop Coverage: The Job Summit

Job Summit: Key's Opening Remarks
You are all here, in this room, taking time out of your everyday lives to do something for your fellow New Zealanders.
You are here at this Job Summit because you know how important jobs are to the country, and to every person and every family who loses one.
You know we face some big economic challenges and that unemployment is rising, but you’re not just standing by and saying nothing can be done. More >>
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Gordon Campbell: Friday’s Job Summit & The Recession
How bad is bad likely to be ? At this point, Friday’s job summit will begin under the shadow of a great unknown... More >>
ALSO:BUSINESS.scoop - Patrick Smellie on the Jobs Summit: The Politics of GestureGreens - Jobs belong here not in China say GreensGreens - Where are the Women?NZ Govt - Women’s voices to be heard at job summitLabour - Women’s affairs need leadership not defeatismGreens - Greens release input to Job SummitBusiness.Scoop - ASB offers fund to create & protect employmentASB Bank - Help our Businesses Create or Save JobsNZ Govt - 90 Day Trial Period Starts SundayBusiness NZ - Finance insights from Jobs Summit surveyEMA - Jobs Summit must focus on retention and growthEMA - Extraordinary times call for extraordinary actionNational Distribution Union - Clothing Workers Looking for Action from SummitTourism Industry Association - Tourism investment will help safeguard jobsNZ Council of Christian Social Services - "Grassroots Voices" Report on jobsFederated Farmers - Farmers’ prescription for the jobs summitTV3 Video - Survey reveals a third of businesses feel they're overstaffedASB Bank - Help our Businesses Create or Save Jobs
Scoop Full Coverage
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