Scoop Images: Sevens Costumes Part 1 - Around Town

Published: Sat 7 Feb 2009 01:06 PM
Sevens Costumes Photos Part One: Around Wellington
(Plus Waitangi Day)Photos by Lyndon Hood

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Wellington celebrated Waitangi day – or more accurately, the first day of the Rugby Sevens – by dressing up in various cultural costumes and engaging in revelry, much which was could be described as 'drunken'.
Bars encouraged patronage by various means – some did not charge a holiday surcharge, other encouraged passers-by to jump into the harbour.
Scoop was there as the costumed madness hit the streets, braving angels, belly dancers and cross-dressers for as long as the batteries in its camera held out.
Also, many Wellingtonians attended actual Waitangi Day celebrations.
Scoop Images: Sevens Costumes Part 2
[Still more costume pictures to come]

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The Waitangi Day celebration at Waitangi Park was notable for it's lack of spectators in silly costumes.
Throughout the day cultural groups performed for the crowd. After that, they started showing the Sevens on the big screen.

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