Daily Voting News For November 5: Evening Edition
Thursday, 6 November 2008, 3:02 pm
Column: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For November 5: Evening
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org
As we suspected tabulation of ballots has revealed
problems with voting systems from all of the vendors.
Hillsborough Co Florida is rethinking their contract with
Premier/Diebold for $6M after having big problems counting
votes. Manatee Co Florida also had a problem with Premier.
Palm Beach Co had bad memory cartridges from Sequoia.
Counties in Pennsylvania and South Carolina had problems
with their ES&S system. We also have a run-off for senator
from Georgia and a recount for senator from Minnesota. This
election will last for another month at least....
National: Malfunctioning Machines, Ballot
Glitches, Election-Law Litigation -- and a Busy Day for
Lawyers LINK National: Voting
Rights Watch: Relatively few e-voting problems, but GOP
still readies for possible action LINK Arizona: Pima
County: 10 precincts and number of early, provisional
ballots still uncounted LINK California:
Santa Cruz County - Vandals hit Santa Cruz County polling
places, campaign offices LINK
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Hillsborough County – Count Resumes With Hillsborough
Elections Chief Race In Limbo
[Johnson said Premier,
which he hired for $6 million this year, was dishonest with
him and at fault for much of Tuesday's problems with voting
machines.] LINK Florida:
Hillsborough results tied up by software glitch LINK Florida:
Hillsborough vote count likely to continue until Thursday LINK Florida: Count
Resumes With Hillsborough Elections Chief Race In Limbo
[Diebold/Premier admits the system was bogged down and
stalled due to overload] LINK Florida: Manatee
County - Manatee solves vote-counting problem
[Premier/Diebold] LINK Florida: Manatee
County - Small glitch causes big problems in Manatee LINK Florida: Palm
Beach County vote results still incomplete
[Bad Sequoia
memory cartridges] LINK Georgia: The
OTHER Election Night Story in Georgia: No Early Votes
Included in Reported Results LINK Georgia:
Chambliss and Martin prepare for another four weeks LINK Georgia:
Gwinnett County - Gwinnett Officials Still Counting Ballots
Day After Election LINK Kentucky: Kenton
Co. Judge Rules For Vote Recount LINK Kentucky:
Madison County - Local turnout heavy as computer glitch
delays count LINK Minnesota:
Ritchie: Senate recount will involve hundreds, cost $90K LINK Minnesota:
E-Voting Machines Used in Franken, Coleman Race Failed Tests
LINK North Carolina:
Onslow County - Padgett wants recount LINK New Hampshire:
Long night of ballot snafus marks voting in Kennebunk LINK Ohio: Montgomery
County election results delayed until late this evening LINK Pennsylvania:
Centre County Recounts Ballots After Discrepancy
M-100 precinct based op-scan] LINK Pennsylvania:
Northumberland County - PA County's Voting Machines
Impounded Following Complaints LINK South Carolina:
Charleston County suffers voting problems on Election Day
[ES&S problem. The county had to hand input the results
from 17,000 ballots] LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive
listing of reports each day concerning issues related to
election and voting news around the country regardless of
quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in
"Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon
Co-Executive Director
"To encourage
citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration March 22,
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