VA: 'Massive' Machine Malfunctions 'Plague' Voters
VA: 'Massive' Machine Malfunctions,
Illegal Provisionals, Last Minute Pollsite Moves 'Plague'
Groups Calls For Extended Voting Hours Due to Voters Turned Away from Polls...
Serious problems "continue to plague Virginia". The following info comes from the 866-OUR-VOTE website (via the Institute for Southern Studies)...
Dozens of polling places are experiencing varying degrees of machine malfunction. Some polling places are either completely closed or have been closed for hours. Thousands of voters may have been turned away illegally by polling workers.
Voters have illegally been issued with provisional ballets where machines have been broken.
Students at Virginia Tech, previously the victims of misinformation, have seen their polling place suddenly and unexpectedly moved six miles to a location with little parking.
UPDATE: RAW STORY has more on "massive voting machine failures and voters being turned away from polls," and a call to extend polling hours in VA. VA uses 100% unverifiable DRE (usually touch-screen) systems across virtually the entire state. When machines of that sort break down, voters can't vote, unless there are emergency paper ballots on hand, and officials bother to give them out to voters.
UPDATE II: More on the dirty tricks at Virginia Tech, including a map to the remote pollsite students are being sent to. Note: This is the same county in VA (Richmond) where the registrar had purposely distributed incorrect information to students, as we reported back in early September, to warn them they might lose scholarships and ability to be declared dependents on their parents tax forms if they registered to vote there.
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