Daily Voting News For October 23, 2008
Friday, 24 October 2008, 12:23 pm
Column: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For October 23, 2008 –
Morning Edition
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
12 days until Election Day.
There is just too much
news to fit into one email today so there will be one
edition this morning (Pac time) and one at the normal time.
We will be doing that through the election as the amount of
news grows.
So far today a federal lawsuit has been
filed in Pennsylvania seeking an earlier use of emergency
paper ballots than is presently the dictate of the Secretary
of State. The SoS has dictated that emergency ballots can
only be used when all of the machines at a poll site are
shut-down for some reason. The lawsuit hopes to loosen up
that dictate to when 50% of the machines are shut-down for
some reason.
While the West Virginia SoS has dictated
that all of the states ES&S iVotronic touch-screen machines
must be recalibrated we are still getting reports of vote
switching. ...
National: Editorial
- Sorry, I Can’t Find Your Name LINK National:
Election officials try to ease long voting lines LINK National:
Errors, mischief could lead to long election night LINK
Advertisement - scroll to continue reading
National: Mickey
Mouse Operation
Making sense of the confusing,
contentious "problem" of voter fraud. LINK National:
Chocolate News on the proper care of our voting machines LINK National: Here's
an outstanding article on massive voter purges going on LINK National:
POLITICS-US: E-Voting Worries Focus on Swing States LINK National: Enough
Voting Machine Problems, Let's Return to Traditional Ballot
Box LINK National: Stop,
Drop, and Poll - What to Do if You Have Problems Voting LINK Arizona: Pima
County - Count the Votes
What's a voter to do in Pima
County--wear a foil hat and pray Attorney General Terry
Goddard puts an end to the RTA election distrust? LINK California: Los
Angeles County - Voting Registrations Break Records, Early
Voting Continues LINK Colorado:
Arapahoe County - Perlmutter waits for response after
requesting monitors LINK Florida: No
Confidence Vote LINK Florida:
Internet Voting in Florida Raises Security Concerns: Geek
the Vote LINK Florida: More
Florida Counties Give Unverified Voters Leeway LINK Florida: Lawyer:
Voter matching can be done at polls LINK Florida:
Students at FAMU, FSU and TCC playing larger role in
presidential politics LINK Florida: Early
voting wait times in Miami-Dade, Broward posted online LINK Florida: Palm
Beach County - Vote tabulating machines pass test as
absentee ballot count awaits LINK Florida: Volusia
County - Central Florida Foreclosures Could Lead To
Challenges At The Polls LINK Georgia: Fulton
County - Glitch Keeps Fulton Voters Waiting For Hours
Computers Lose Connection To State's Database LINK Illinois: Cook
County - The Machine Vote
Despite millions of dollars
spent on new electronic election equipment in Illinois, many
still wonder, "Will my vote count?" LINK Kansas: Sedgwick
County - First day of advance voting sees big crowd LINK Maryland: Poll
location vital for vote to count LINK Minnesota:
Election Day hash LINK New Jersey: NJ
Elections Board Says This Election Is Too Important To Allow
Outside Observers LINK New Mexico: ACLU
Calls for Criminal Investigation of Bernalillo County
Clerk's Office, GOP LINK Nevada: Nevada
Secretary of State Rebuffs Latest GOP Effort To Suppress
Vote LINK New York:
Thousands dropped from local voter rolls LINK New York: Monroe
County - Homeless Face Challenges in Voting LINK Ohio: Brunner
disallows mismatch challenges
Directive to counties'
elections officials comes after victories in court LINK Ohio: Ashland
County - Ashland professor challenges voting rights / Filing
claims juvenile inmates at Mohican facility shouldn't be
allowed to vote in Ashland County LINK Ohio: Ross
County - Official to board of elections: Focus on local
Secretary of state visits office in Ross County
LINK Pennsylvania:
Press Release - Coalition of Voters and Civil Rights Groups
File Federal Lawsuit in Pennsylvania Seeking Emergency Paper
Ballots LINK Pennsylvania:
Lawsuit: Paper ballots should be on hand in Pa. LINK Pennsylvania:
Lawsuit: Paper ballots should be on hand in Pa. LINK Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania Department of State Debunks Myths Associated
With Election, Voting LINK South Carolina:
Beaufort County - County election officials assert that
votes have been correctly tabulated LINK South Carolina:
Beaufort County - Election officials: Voting machine, paper
ballot problems resolved LINK Texas: Travis
County fights misleading voting advice LINK Texas: Travis
County - Ignore straight-ticket voting rumors, clerk says
Voting straight party and also for individual candidate,
will cancel vote on electronic ballot, DeBeauvoir says. LINK Texas: Lubbock
County - Disabled Lubbock Citizens Have More Voting Options
Than Ever LINK Wisconsin: Voter
fraud, suppression battle to intensify as election
approaches LINK West Virginia:
Subject: Take Action to Stop Vote Flipping in West Virginia
LINK West Virginia:
W.Va. official stands by touch-screen voting LINK West Virginia:
Ireland says WV voting machines O.K. LINK West Virginia:
West Virginia reassures voters about e-voting machines LINK West Virginia:
Berkeley County - More voting problems reported
Martinsburg man says machine switched Democratic vote to
Republican 5 times LINK West Virginia:
Wyoming County - Voting errors
Perhaps Wyoming
County’s antiquated’ ballots aren’t so bad LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive
listing of reports each day concerning issues related to
election and voting news around the country regardless of
quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in
"Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon
Co-Executive Director
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