Oxfam Debates: Politicians Tackle The Big Issues

Published: Thu 16 Oct 2008 03:14 PM
Oxfam Debate (1&2): Politicians Tackle The Big Issues
95bFM Audio: Oxfam New Zealand has held two political debates, placing questions on climate change, fair trade and human rights to the spokespeople from each of the major parties. How do they plan to tackle the big global challenges: climate change, New Zealand's foreign policy and international trade?
Oxfam Debate (1) Climate Change
This first debate (video above & audio below) considered how parties would tackle climate poverty and was held on Monday October 13th in Auckland. KiwiFM and TVNZ7 host of BackBenchers, Wallace Chapman, moderated the debate between panelists: Nick Smith (National), Jeanette Fitzsimmons (Green Party), David Parker (Labour), Matt Robson (Progressives), and Kath McCabe (ACT).
Oxfam Debate (2) Fair Trade
This second debate: was held on Tuesday October 14th in Wellington and considered how the parties would make trade fair. Oxfam's executive director Barry Coates moderated the panellists: Minister Phil Goff (Labour), Tim Groser (National), Ken Graham (Greens), and Josie Pagani (Progressives).
Oxfam plans to hold its third debate on October 21st 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Auckland. The theme will be: "Ending Global Poverty and Building a Safer World". The panellists will be: Phil Goff, Keith Locke, National and Act have confirmed participation, but yet to specify representative. The moderator will be well-known broadcaster and writer Bill Ralston.
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